Friday, October 5, 2012

I Actually Prefer "Kingfish" (what I've been told is my "uber-soul's" name, in English)

DISCLAIMER: According to Robbie Trahan (a top Ben David drug-trash minion who harassed the hell out of me), the CIA's codename for me is "Big Bird" . That said, don't bet on Romney's promise -- this one or any of his others, for that matter. Obama's not done too good either, as his record proves -- but he's ACTUALLY the PERFECT Stealth (or "Trojan Horse") Republican. How ELSE could the naive, inexperienced junior Senator from Illinois have BEATEN Hilary Clinton (a REAL Democrat) in the 2008 primaries???

>>> THAT CRIMINAL THING ABOUT AUTHOR KEVIN MAURER, who wrote the run-away best-seller NO EASY DAY (and had been interviewing me for his next book).:

I am only NOW about to read his book NO EASY DAY, so this is based on press reports about it. The biggest problem being that Kevin neglected to mention in the book (according to the reports I've seen), that Bin Laden had his hands hidden when the Seals entered his room and pumped bullits into his chest.

That is a HUGE FAIL for an experienced investigative writer, and I believe deliberate, if true. But it doesn't actually matter. The Seals knew they had to KILL Bin Laden (on Obama's orders -- since he PROTECTS the Bush Presidents and Dick Cheney, who planned 9/11 together with the Bush Family's old allies -- also the Kenan Family's top ENEMIES -- the Bin Laden and Saudi Royal Families). You see, none of these CROOKS could afford to have Osama Bin Laden brought in LIVE and to TRIAL where he could testify about this stuff and add PROOF!!!

And WHAT ON EARTH is an accomplished author like Kevin Maurer doing working as the City News Editor at po-dunk Wilmington's STAR NEWS??? Kevin Maurer is the CIA operative who filters all Wilmington's news so that Wilmington is kept in the DARK about the MASSIVE ILLEGAL DRUG CORRUPTION run by Democrat Ben David, but PRIMARILY profiting the National Repubpican Party (remember, I've told you TIME AND TIME again that my parent helped SET UP Wilmington as the TOP illegal drug importation port in the US when they lived on Villas Place East for MOST of the 1980s and 90s).

More on this:

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(although this doesn't start OFF about Wilmington)
  • QUESTION: How are Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuela, and the NRC the same?

  •  ANSWER: Both support the disenfranchisement of their own citizens. (Chavez recently closed the Venezuelan embassy in Miami, forcing citizens who want to vote in the new Presidential election to drive all the way to Miami!)
I just signed a petition to The Pennsylvania State House, The Pennsylvania State Senate, and Governor Tom Corbett: I urge you to repeal Pennsylvania's Voter Identification Law before the 2013 primary elections.

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  • Scott Kenan That said, Senor Sandom, Hugo Chavez DID accurately claim on the floor of the UN some years ago that George W. Bush is the Devil incarnate. however, having actually VISITED Venezuela in recent-ish years (2004), I found it STINKING in the streets from not only the FIVE CENT PER GALLON -- LEADED!!! -- gasoline, but also from human excrement.

  • J.G. Sandom I have not been, but a good friend of mine is from Venezuela. I fear you are right. Having spent some time in Brazil and Chile, as well as Central America and Mexico, India and various parts of Africa, I can attest to the interesting local aromas. Of course, parts of Philly, where I live, are no different. Wherever there are people and poverty, there is stench. Bush, on the other hand . . . well, that's another matter.

  • Scott Kenan I too have been priveleged to travel to many countries (but none in Asia yet). When I spent a week in Brazil, it was with the man whom I believe is the TOP practical thinker regarding "Bipolar Disorder" ACTUALLY as a wake-up call to higher consciousness -- in fact I bought and gave him this domain (which strangely he did NOT think was a good idea aback then in 2009). Sean's last couple of videos are NOT up to par because he's dodging having to deal with not only his REAL sexual orientation -- as well as either an infantile penis or accidental castration when he was young (he refuses to discuss it). Fortunately, his wife Ligia Splendora is the most loving, understanding woman I've ever met -- although her frequently calling him "my gay husband" doesn't always sit well well with Sean (poor baby). See: .

My YouTube video series and book, Am I Bipolar or Waking Up?, are dedicated to telling everyone about the spiritually healing potential of bipolar disorder. What may look like a break-down, may also be a break-though.***

  • J.G. Sandom Half the men I know in New Orleans are "gay husbands." I think NOLA is the capital of the gay married man; married to women, I mean. Hey, whatever pulls your trigger. I'm straight, but I went to all-male boarding schools in England as a boy. 40 boys going through puberty in one cramped bedroom space! You can imagine, I'm sure. Made for some interesting times!

  • Scott Kenan Well, gay as I am, I just ADORE women and THANK GOD for the REAL straight men who GIVE THEM THE SEXUAL ATTENTION THEY DESERVE!!! !!! !!!

  • J.G. Sandom Amen to that, brother.

  • Scott Kenan J.G.: I imagine you are bound by a commitment to wife or girlfriend, but I used to just LOVE to hear the stories of the straight guys in Wilmington, NC who were NOT so-bound, and went around "harvesting" all the frustrated women married to gay guys -- sometimes several per day. They always SWORE that only one in eight Wilmington men are actually straight -- and from my own experience in Wilmington I can vouch for them that their estimate is indeed FACT!!! I always wanted to give them a HUGE cash award for their service to WILMINGTON WOMANHOOD. HA!!!
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14 hours ago

  • 6 people like this.

  • Scott Kenan The Pets Shop Boys are the best band ever -- although BANNED in the US for FM air-play since they came out gay in the early 1990s. In EVERY OTHER COUNTRY -- including here in Mexico -- they HAVE REMAINED THE TOP-SELLING POP BAND that is NOT the Beatles or Rolling Stones.

  • Daniel J. Murtaugh Are they still being blackballed in the U.S.?

  • Patrick Dilley I used to cruise (unsuccessfully) Craig Poos from Edmond High School at Gusher's in Oklahoma City. This song always takes me back.

  • Scott Kenan Daniel: What a fine suggestive word that plays into one of my FAVE sex practices: getting "black-balled". In answer to your question, YES in mainstream radio play -- PERFECT evidence of the Nazi-controlled US Media. See my blog to find details of how I was made an Honorary Jew in 2010 by the Reiner Family of Hollywood after FIRST blogging the fact that my parents are the TOP US NAZIS -- and later discovering and revealing that my mother is Dick Cheney's boss and key liaison with the Pope in Rome:
    hope your successful scott -- for my own purposes ive preposed 10million in dama...
    ges for about 7 or so years of stalking i didnt get anysecret jobs out of it. Just harassment all the time. Im verydisappointed in cia nsa mossad. If americans knew how incompetent ciansa mossad was they wouldnt sleep at...
    See More

  • Karl J. Woelz Their lack of mainstream U.S. success (i.e., outside of gay bars) is kind of astounding... I'd say the same thing of Erasure, too, for that matter.

  • Daniel J. Murtaugh I'm with you on Erasure, as well, Karl. @Scott Kenan. Wow! Incredible, Scott. I'm sure family relationships were strained over this! Congrats, though, for blowing the whistle. Sometimes there are overriding interests which will not allow us to protect family against justified criticism and censure. I will send a friend request, pronto!

  • Scott Kenan Watch the video in "extras" on the PSB DVD: CUBISM IN CONCERT (2007), filmed in Mexico City for the AMAZING story of how loved they are here in Mexico where I now live in a 300-population beach town on the Pacific.

  • Scott Kenan Daniel: See also my blog in which I even EXPOSE Barack Obama for the perfect Trojan-Horse WALL-STREETER and BANKS-SHILL that he is -- although the Clintons and other REAL Dems are doing a good-getting-better job of forcing him to act like a REAL Democrat. HA!!!: . NEW post coming soon . . .
    hope your successful scott -- for my own purposes ive preposed 10million in dama...
    ges for about 7 or so years of stalking i didnt get anysecret jobs out of it. Just harassment all the time. Im verydisappointed in cia nsa mossad. If americans knew how incompetent ciansa mossad was they wouldnt sleep at...
    See More

  • Daniel J. Murtaugh Not sure I agree with all of this about Obama, but I will check it out! I think that there will be no holds barred on Wall Street prosecutions once the President is re-elected!

  • Scott Kenan The fact reported by HuffPost and ALL TOP international press is that Obama got TWICE as much from Wall Street and the Banks as john McCain in 2008 -- and went on to hire top bankers as his top advisers. This year, the SAME is true -- in fact he's gotten TWICE as much from the Bain Companies (and their employees as well) as Romney has. FACTS do not depend on your or my opinion. The Clintons and other REAL Democrats have Barry Bam-Bam by the balls now -- and some of his appointees are working for the Good of the People -- rather than for the Repubpicans, like Obama is -- so no real need to worry about it. EVERYTHING IS GONNA COME OUT JUST SWELL!!! (I am only a messenger.) Scott

  • Daniel J. Murtaugh No worries about "killing the messenger." I'm always open to facts, and these aren't too flattering. But as you say, Bill Clinton and company are pushing the accountability agenda...

  • Scott Kenan YES -- GOD ALWAYS WINS IN THE END, and Mr. Shakespeare said it best (although my old boss Mr. Tennessee Williams did as well): "All life is a stage." And when you finally come to internalize THAT, you get past the ACTUAL original sin refered to in the Bible: EATING THE FRUIT OF THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL. You see, humankind was never MEANT to get into the Judgement Game -- but now that we're graduating into Post-Human ARTISTS, our DISCERNMENT is SHARPENING. How cool is THAT!!! (my basic message to "humanity"). Kenan Scott

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