>>> Dear President Biden -- and EVERYONE!!!:
LOOK what I did to the BIGGEST REPUBLICAN A-HOLE in Wilmington, NC's Municipal Election !!!
He is JUST LIKE Mike Johnson , New Speaker of the House : to the RIGHT of ATTILA the HUN , makes Trump seem like AOC (I love her, TOTALLY !!!), BUT with the ADDED ADVANTAGE of a name one EASILY REMEMBERS !!!
John Lennon -- LOL!!!
GREAT JOB of interrupting your Halloween by Christopher Walken on SNL, tonight. I INCLUDE all the DISH on Natalie Wood, Robert Wagner, & Christopher Walken -- in SPADES !!!:
I could NOT believe my TV -- when I saw this live,
I sent HUGE LOVE to Christopher Walken
through the Metaphysical Ethernet (the original
one on which the electronic one is modelled).
Just before Christmas 1981, Gavin Lambert visited
Tennessee Williams and me in Key West, and said
he'd been with Natalie Wood just weeks before, and
she told him in a PANIC that she'd walked in on
her husband Robert Wagner and Christopher Walken
naked in bed in passionate sex. She backed out quietly and did NOT think they saw her, but told
Gavin that if they DID, they would KILL HER.
A week later, she was found dead.
This made little sense, since NEITHER Wagner nor
Walken have EVER shown interest in Gay sex. I
worked with Natalie's family's lawyers and
the Los Angeles County Detective in
charge of the case -- and several "regular"
Press outlets. Later, I realized it might have been a
"GRUDGE FUCK", which GAY people
do, and I learned STRAIGHT GUYS
(not sure about gals), do, TOO!!! There were
REAL REASONS for the two of them
to take it out on each other like that, that if you dig
deep into Internet News Reports, you can learn much
more about.
Walken ALWAYS cooperated with Authorities
investigating the death. Wagner NEVER
COOPERATED -- and still won't. There is NOT
ENOUGH evidence to PROVE the case,
but Wagner's Life and Career have gone to HELL,
while Christopher Walken's career is THRIVING
-- and he is FAR MORE HANDSOME at this age,
than in his youth (to me)!!!
Also, I would like to say that Natalie Wood was one of
Tennessee Williams's FAVORITE ACTRESSES
-- and MORE SO, Favorite PEOPLE. He had
several others in his TOP TALENT CATEGORY,
including both Redgrave sisters, Elizabeth Taylor, Vivian
Leigh, Ava Gardner, Anna Magnani, Joanne Woodward,
Geraldine Paige, Madeleine Sherwood -- and of course
Meryl Streep, who was first discovered in one of
his plays.
If anyone connected to Christopher Walken SEES THIS,
I hope they will pass it on to him for me -- THANKS!!!
MORE INFO in Comments, beneath the story:
Early voting has begun for Wilmington City Council, and your opportunity to shape our city's future is now. Until November 7th, your vote can make a difference. Choose me, John Lennon, for a Wilmington that prioritizes affordable housing, stands by our essential first responders and public employees, and addresses the pressing infrastructure challenges facing our residents. Let's create a transparent local government that truly works for you.
John Lennon, Republican
Devin PhilippsThe real John Lennon would be a better candidate than you.
Scott KenanDevin Philipps -- I live in Wilmington and the SAME CIA LAWYER who murdered my former employer Tennessee Williams, also murdered John Lennon, three years earlier. THIS John Lennon is the BIGGEST DRUG-TRAFFICKING WHITE SUPREMACIST in town -- along with Mayor "Bill" Saffo, Sheriff Ed McMahon, and D.A.s Benjamin R. and Jon David. There is only ONE PARTY in Wilmington -- the CHRISTIAN/NAZI PARTY, and only Elect Rob Zapple is NOT part of it. I wrote in Zapple for Mayor and voted for Andrews, Joyner, and Foster!!! Scott KenanDevin Philipps -- Little "Pussy Boy", who just started his first job after high school as a deckhand on Cape Fear Riverboats. That is Willie Nelson in half of your FB Profile Photos. Jimmie Carter admitted that his son and Willie used to smoke POT on the White House roof, and I BET Barack Obama did too!!! Joe Biden could USE a good joint or two -- wouldn't you AGREE??? You have four pathetic, DISTORTED and FAKE videos of Joe Biden. Take them down and put up THIS KILLER ONE:

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