Tuesday, February 14, 2012

After the MOST MASSIVE Cyber Attack I Have Ever Endured

Bethesda Christian Life Church in picture I took today. Brick structure in the background is the old St. Stephen's Presbyterian Church, now the Brooklyn Arts Center: http://brooklynartsnc.com/ . If you think THIS is nice, wait until FIRST Presbyterian (formerly a Kenan Family supported venue) becomes an Arts Center too -- COMPLIMENTS OF THE GREATER KENAN FAMILY!!! See: http://www.firstonthird.org/ .

>>> ADDED 10:38 PM: The BEST comment I've seen recently on www.huffingtonpost.com , a Kenan Family associated news source. The original story is here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/14/payroll-tax-cut-deal-tentative-pact_n_1277660.html .

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself
7 minutes ago (10:26 PM)
There's been a correction in the Mayan prediction that 2012 would be the end of the world

Upon further review of the ancient language it has been determined that they were predicting the end of the Republican Party in a country called the United States of America.

Real freedom begins when the GOP ends.

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>>>: BUT FIRST I MUST TELL YOU: I could NOT have gotten my computer straightened out or my anti-virus back had it NOT been for the FINE CUSTOMER SUPPORT OF NORTON 360!!! The young man in India who helped actually TOOK CONTROL of my computer (with my permission), and I was AMAZED as I watched him moving my cursor, checking information, and then performing tasks that made sense to me, although he worked so fast I couldn't remember exactly what he did.

He explained EVERYTHING as he went along -- and I explained a thing or two WHY someone and WHO would care about the little of consequence on this computer. It is the computer OPERATOR here who is SUSPECT HA!!!

(I dare say I found some Kenan Allies in India!!!)

* * *
>>> WITHOUT FRILLS OR BELABORING (I hope -- and MOST of the following is OLD HAT and largely common knowledge. I'm OVER the narco-traffickers in Wilmington, and I DON'T CARE WHOSE TOES I STEP ON ANYMORE):

1. Rev. James Pollard's toes will not be stepped on. He's the man who runs Mercy house and who's kept things at the shelter Merciful and Helpful to those in ACTUAL NEED. I salute him!!!

2. Rev. C.E. Shavers' name is on the front of the Bethesda Life Christian Church at 506 N. 4th Street, Wilmington, NC -- right around the corner from Mercy House Shelter, which it owns. At the shelter, everyone talks of a SECOND Rev. James, surnamed Shavers. I don't know if C.E. goes by "James", or if there was a change of ownership/head minister there -- and they cannot bring themselves to update the front of the building.

3. They ALSO do NOT list times of services ANYWHERE on or near the church. Their phone number only takes messages for both the church and the shelter -- BUT DOES NOT TELL TIMES OF SERVICES which every other church phone that goes to message I've ever called DOES. HUH???

4. The church has no website except that for the shelter http://www.mercyhouse.us/ , which claims they deal with 3,500 - 5,000 homeless men PER YEAR. In my experience, we average AT MOST two new people per day, so using 1,000 would be more than generous.

5. The website says the rent is $15.00/week (how long ago was it raised to $20.00???), but THAT's OK since it also says the shelter was founded in 1996 and has been open for nine years, meaning they have not bothered to update the website since 2005.

6. The "Newsletter" is one page and only has one entry.

7. NO WEBSITE that I could find lists any more information AT ALL.

8. Here is the church's Facebook Page (which shows no information how long it's been posted) http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Bethesda-Christian-Life-Church/114064925291553 . As of THIS MOMENT, only ONE person has "liked" it. I did NOT click the "LIKE" button, as I was putting together what you'll see below -- the older info that is mostly common knowledge in the shelter:

9. Only Jessie Jones, the typically drunk drug dealer who recently unsuccessfully asked all around at the shelter who could sell him some "pain pills", and who I ONCE AGAIN TODAY saw making his rounds of likely drug connections -- the SAME Jessie Jones who has been confronted recently by several Mercy House residents and told he was the FURTHEST THING FROM A CHRISTIAN THEY HAVE EVER SEEN -- has EVER claimed (to me, no less) that he has attended services at BCLC.

Since my last post about Jessie's drug activities, he has NOT returned once to the shelter that I know of. The day after the night about 10 days ago when night captain Lewis (Louis?) turned him away for being late and being behind in rent, Jessie (while he and I were talking in U-Haul storage) DID in fact tell me (as I previously reported) that he was FAR higher connected than Rev. James Pollard or Rev. James Shavers, and he would PULL HIS CONNECTIONS TO GET IN THE NEXT NIGHT and "teach them who's boss" (which he was able to do without waiting until it was certain there would be an open bed for him).

10. James Sharpe is largely in the same boat, also claiming he can pull "higher connections" -- and he SEEMS to have done that on numerous occasions!!! He ALSO claimed the other day he had spent his WHOLE DAY since before dawn until after 7:00 PM when he was allowed to enter late, installing OVER 100 flat-screen TVs somewhere in Hampstead.

Fact is, I SAW him that day drinking beer about 3:30 in the afternoon at the Laundro-Lounge on Front Street, which is about a trashy a place as you can find in Wilmington (and their employees tell me they have NOT repaired a single of their limited number of laundry machines in SEVERAL YEARS -- only half work). It does NOT look anywhere NEAR as nice as their photos on their website: http://www.soapboxlaundrolounge.com/2011/wordpress/?page_id=5 , and they are MOSTLY populated in their skimpy daytime hours (and later) by DRUG TRASH.

The exception to this is Nutt Street Comedy Room http://www.nuttstreet.com/Home.html in their basement (which appears to be an actual viable business, managed by "Tall Timmy" from FIRST PRESBYTERIAN who finds it hard to believe Ben David, THE DEACON, is involved in narco-trafficking. I've said enough.

11. Whether these two had anything to do with the guy who last night BLEW UP after he went into Mercy House Shelter's shower area and CLAIMS I told him I would NOT ever rape him (so this is a problem for exactly WHAT type of heterosexual??? -- if it were actually true).

12. And then I am the one who was kicked out???

13. I think I really WILL have to ask for COMPENSATION.

14. or since I am not only FIRST allied (with the press) with THE WILMINGTON JOURNAL, and more popular in the black community -- BY FAR -- than in the white, AND one of my best friends from college was once a Police Commissioner in Los Angeles, as well as Trustee of Denison University where I graduated in 1973 who actually CO-FOUNDED the FIRST GAY GROUP at the university and went on to become not only one of the most successful SOCIAL JUSTICE ATTORNEYS IN AMERICA, but a JIM-DANDY gay rights activist as well, and his law firm was QUITE SUCCESSFUL in suing the State of Arizona on behalf the Mexicans they were discriminating against PRO BONO . . .

Well, I've lost track of the original thought which is that I really HAVE been in direct contact with Dean Hansell in the last two months and he would be happy to at least advise me. See more by googling him like this: https://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&aq=0&oq=%22dean+hansell%22&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4TSNO_enUS467US467&q=dean+hansell+los+angeles&gs_upl=0l0l0l7089lllllllllll0&aqi=g4 . 

Or see his profile at his law rime here: http://www.deweyleboeuf.com/en/People/H/DeanHansell .

15??? I got 15 points and I still have more???

I'm tired of typing. Good night!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh GOOD GRIEF - who WROTE this??? Jeez . . .