Monday, February 13, 2012

When Shame Don't Work Anymore . . .


Oh yes, ever since I identified David/David as a character who previously lived in the shelter who harassed/propositioned me continually, James Lester with monikers "Whitehead" and "Licker", he's shut up -- I think especially since I told him Ben David had played him for a chump and since he'd gone uber-ridiculous, Ben and Co. had abandoned him -- as had his previous best friend, James Flowers aka Gargantua (who still is bad mouthing Lester for refusing to take his advice to basically GROW UP).

I have court at 9:00 this morning. THE PERSON WHOSE NAME JUDGE NOECKER UNCONSTITUTIONALLY GAG-ORDERED ME NOT TO MENTION IN THIS BLOG -- NOT EVEN IN THIS, CLEARLY A JOURNALISTIC PUBLISHING OF THE PLAINTIFF'S NAME IN A CASE THAT ANYONE CAN FIND THIS SAME INFO ON THE PUBLICLY-PUBLISHED DOCKET, "new" charge of Cyber-stalking which he filed AFTER nailing me on violation of the false restraining order AND FOR THE EXACT SAME ALLEGED BEHAVIORS. If he's fool enough to show up, as I told my lawyer, it's probably DOUBLE JEOPARDY and if not the charges are false anyway. He won't be able to prove what I wrote I KNEW was false (and to my current knowledge it is all actually true), or that I posted simply to harass him when I was ONLY posting to let people know what REALLY happened since I was getting NO JUSTICE in District Courts and by EXPOSING these things hoping to eventually find justice.

Although lawyer Jennifer hasn't yet been assigned, she's hoping to be able to be there so that we can deal with it right away, although I bet the D.A. will ask for a continuance -- and it's complicated time-wise by my having 2:00 PM appearance in Superior Court on two other counts (administrative only, today. So we'll see.

I'm not completely clear on all you wrote about the board and discussions, but it motivated me to check recent royalties, going back about 6 weeks -- the length of time since I lowered the price. The royalties accrued are $something -- or $2/3 of something-- just about exactly what they'd been at nearly twice the retail price. That has raised the rank only slightly, which can be seen in Amazon Best Sellers Rank under PRODUCT DETAIL by all in the listing. I guess twice as many people reading for the SAME compensation is a good thing -- at least it's not less.

Because I published the fairly DAMNING circumstantial evidence not only for my mother's insistence I was possessed of a DIRE mental illness when the (first, anyway) shrink said she was over-worried -- and then FINALLY found a doctor MANY miles away who would cooperate and put me on Lithium in 1978 -- as well as the circumstantial evidence that she in fact MURDERED her brother, and it is likely NOT going to cause a single thing to change (except the hundreds of readers will know something more exact and precise). I haven't called my siblings Mike or Julie (and they nearly NEVER call me), but I DID learn from locked-in-mind-control Jane that the other two HAVE gotten therapy to get over Mom's constant screamings at us and beatings and have tried to insist Jane get some too, but she has REFUSED that as well.

This is how she became an asexual, dried up old woman psychologically -- she still LOOKS terrific (if you don't count that she's too cheap to have more than one color applied to her hair when it's colored. She looks TONS better when a couple of colors are used).

NO ONE of the local Pols, distant Pols, or my own family has responded to my campaign to get the truth out -- which I think is basically completed now. I have decided that although they stand back when I'm on the aggressive, but ALWAYS regroup and find some new more subtle attack as soon as I pause, that the ONLY was I can go forward its to persist in going to REAL Law Enforcement, so this week, THAT will be my focus. This needs to be put to bed -- or at least majorly handed over to professionals dedicated to apprehending criminals -- so I can get on with my life.

Since the FBI in Wilmington office is CLEARLY corrupted, I'm heading out to some higher authorities, but maybe not today. I've got three matters in court. Then a psychological testing to see if I can handle a courtroom (LOL!!! I've handled it so many times already!!!) tomorrow morning.

Yes, they already have the records from ALL shrinks going back as early as 1978, although they probably couldn't contact the earliest ones. There is ONE other two-hour eval that I got on my own by a local service which decided I MIGHT have been bipolar in the past, but SEEM to have at least been in remission since the mid-90s. They should have that as well. Additionally, Jane showed me a one-inch think stack of printouts of my emails to her (blog posts almost exclusively" that she was submitting as "lay evidence."

There's a good chance since the old records have already been gathered, that I could have a first decision within a couple of weeks. That is almost ALWAYS a turn-down, and I've been advised to then go to some kind of decision judge who has more flexibility, but I don't want to get too far ahead now.

>>>MOST IMPORTANT POINT: I'm next going to press my case to the Legal Authorities (although one, the DEA, is ALREADY taking me quite seriously).

Off to get ready for court.



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