Thursday, February 16, 2012

Good Morning AMERICA!!!

Posted here WITH APOLOGIES to my MANY well-intentioned Republican friends. I think anyone who's followed my blog knows that I am THE VERY FIRST to criticize President Obama and Democrats (both as a group and individually), when I feel they deserve it. I've also made it clear that my most important supporters (in spirit) are what I call TRUE REPUBLICANS (grounded in the idea of promoting self-reliance as so well expressed by Mr. Emerson). My grandfather got his middle name from Mr. Emerson, and named his first born son after himself.

My uncle, Joseph Emerson Kenan, Jr. was NEVER called that that I am aware of. They always addressed him as "Emerson" -- and while he never produced issue, he was married to Carmen, whom my mother always told me had been a prostitute, and in more hushed tones, suggested that Carmen couldn't have children because fairly early in life something had happened that caused her to be evermore barren. Just this moment, it occurs to me it might have been a botched, coat-hanger abortion.

And although Carmen and Emerson ALSO lived in Cincinnati, where we lived until I was almost six -- the ONLY Kenan relatives living closer than a two-day drive in the days before Interstate highways (if you don't count "Uncle Jack" whom I'll get to in a minute), we NEVER ONCE visited with them there that I remember -- not even at Christmas or Thanksgiving.

My first memories of them are from after we had moved to Louisville, and went back to visit old friends in Cincinnati -- especially the former Mary Helen Humig, Mom's best friend from growing up in Brookville, IN, who had "had" to get married to the shoe-selling Jew, Schulman (momento, por favor!!! ).

Aunt Carmen, like my Aunt Doris, just OVERFLOWED with love and encouragement. And she and Emerson had a mid-sized long-haired dog named "Sissy", a true "waggle-butt" of a dog! They lived in nearly destitute conditions in Cincinnati, but this being before the drug take-over of impoverished neighborhoods, although their apartment was in a neighborhood just a step above squalor, I never felt unsafe there.

At one time when we lived in our second Louisville house on Greenwich Rd. (I managed second through 1st third of seventh grade there, and to be clear about something I've disclosed in previous posts, the Vice President of Pepsi Cola who had inexplicably-to-me -- since I never met or saw him and my father, a VERY lowly Sun Oil accounting clerk at that time wouldn't seem to have rich, powerful friends who had services deliver gifts to Mom and Dad -- sent my parents cases of Pepsi products at holidays.

OK, not the most GLAMOROUS of gifts, but DEFINITELY a token of SOMETHING -- and then we were transferred rather abruptly to the Philadelphia area (IMMEDIATELY BEFORE PRESIDENT KENNEDY WAS ASSASSINATED) where my father, who later claims all but complete computer illiteracy, was PUT IN CHARGE OF COMPUTERIZING SUNOCO's CREDIT CARD OPERATION on Lincoln Highway in Wayne, PA (which he got company kudos for accomplishing so well)!!!

May I also remind my long-time readers that I have several times written about how my parents absolutely HATED KENNEDY, whom my mother claimed the "ignorant Catholics" only voted for because of his religion, whenever meeting new people CONSTANTLY brought up how the only thing they really missed from Louisville was the LOUISVILLE COURIER JOURNAL -- the paper bought and developed into a media empire by Robert Worth Bingham, who in 1917 murdered his cocaine and laudanum addicted wife, Mary Lily Kenan Flagler Bingham (due to her trying to control the symptoms and pain of tertiary syphilis CAUGHT MUCH EARLIER FROM BINGHAM DURING A COLLEGE-AGE SEXUAL DALLIANCE), so that he could collect the $5,000,000.00 she left him in a codicil to her will that he had tricked her into signing while she was drug-addled.


1. Rather than continue to insult all the fine, GOD-LOVING among the Catholics (parishioners and clergy), I will NO LONGER refer to my mother as one of them. From now on, she's just a "Papist."

Not only that, but although I had PLANNED to assign the moniker "Crack Pimp Jesus" (see most previous post for the image: ) to Rev. James Pollard at Bethesda Christian Life Church -- and God knows he DESERVES it -- I think I'll give it to my mother, instead.

I have more fun in store for the snarling "Miss" Pollard, which I'll get to soon enough.

2. Carmen and Emerson fell on such hard times that they felt forced to give up Sissy, and drove to our house on Greenwich Rd. in Louisville to deliver her over to us, as my parents had assured them we could afford to feed their dog and us kids would enjoy her.

Two days later, Carmen -- who probably had lost five or ten pounds from her two-day sobbing jag -- arrived to take Sissy back to Cincinnati.

3. Regarding Phil and Mary Helen Schulman (and had I mentioned that the people we spent the MOST time visiting in Cincinnati were the Walgreens, whose family's drug store chain had just reached "regional" status???):

They had a WONDERFUL marriage and about five children -- and I HAVE to tell you, just like Dad had encouraged his little sister Doris to marry the man who knocked her up in high school and THAT went well, Mom had actually urged Mary Helen to Mary Phil Schulman, the pending father of her developing child.

But after the move to Pennsylvania, things took a turn for the worse when the Schulmans

And to tell ya the truth, she's RIGHT!!! Jews tend to be a little smarter and more forward thinking than the rest of us. This was simply a foreshadowing of TODAY, when pre-schoolers are all given SMART PHONES. HA!!!

4. As to "Uncle Jack," I never met him or heard much about him at all -- until the day in my Freshman year at Denison University (when my parents still lived across the street --Larwell Drive in Columbus, OH) from their FAVORITE duplicate-bridge partners, Lou and Beth Holtz. At the time, Lou was assistant football coach under Woody Hayes at Ohio State -- AND VERY AMBITIOUS!!! -- so ambitious that that my sister Jane who sometimes baby-sat their kids, reported several times to me that their kids already-in-grade-school were still crapping in their pants. Someone needs to look into THAT shit, if you ask me. LOL!!!

Anyway, Lou Holtz made a "DEAL WITH THE DEVIL (my mother)" and SHE DELIVERED!!! Before you could say "FIGHTING IRISH" she pulled her Papist strings, and Lou got his oft-expressed LIFE-LONG DREAM: Mom made him Head Coach at Notre Dame (and at about the same time got her brother, Robert J Meyer, DDS -- who already lived in South Bend -- the position of official dentist to Notre Dame's FOOTBALL TEAM -- until, of course, he let his daughter Janet (called Jan, now) to marry a Jew, Kim Opperman, and Mom put in place her long term plan to first impoverish Uncle Bob and then cause him to die painfully of diabetes, chemically induced by double-dose Lithium, which she bullied first the psychiatric community to invent a mental illness no longer recognized "MonoPolar" to justify it, and made frequent trips to the VA Hospital in Lower Alabama where he had been forced to go in his poverty, and made certain that they were doing their part to keep Bob's Lithium Level at or above 1.5 -- which also effectively gave him so much hand-tremor that he could not even THINK of going back to dentistry to try to make a few dollars.

5. Uncle Bob is now dead. His on-and-off wife, the former Patricia Hahn (an adoptee of "Coop" and his wife Cooper -- who had a highway bridge named after him in South Bend for his work benefiting the children of South Bend in his day camp) now lives unappreciated (generally) by her children. She is nearly crippled by Osteo-arthritis and lives in Dothan, AL or thereabouts.

6. Jan Meyer Opperman Something-or-other recently married a NON-JEW who looks like a sharky asshole in the photos I saw on her Facebook page -- before she unfreinded me and then blocked me.

7. Jan's brother George -- who had always been teased as a child for being "studious" and "effeminate" has butched it up!/profile.php?id=1473716578 and has a GREAT job in sales in Silicone Valley, AND, his girlfriend is the FIRST female to graduate the Air Force Academy (when I worked for Pentagon Publishing in Snellville, GA -- we represented their yearbook, which I sold many an ad space in), also the FIRST UNITED AIRLINES 777 FEMALE FULL PILOT (now flying round trips to Asia -- last I heard), and a BEST-SELLING, GENRE-CREATING (science-fiction Romance) AUTHOR!!!: .

Boy, what a BITCH Susan Grant was to me at the last Meyer family reunion held at Uncle Mart's son-in-law Greg Lernihan's posh lake house in Indiana. As readers might recall, when I LAST referred to Greg's now-national INTERNET SECURITY company (which he started from scratch), Norton 360 not only warned that their website had an expired security certificate -- BUT IT WAS STOLEN FROM A DIFFERENT COMPANY!!!

I am pleased to report that the certificate has since been updated -- AND GREG LERNIHAN'S BIO HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM THE SITE!!!

I DID find this picture of Greg there (on left), but as I gazed at it, after about ten seconds IT, just a moment ago, DISAPPEARED BEFORE MY EYES AND WAS REPLACED BY BLANK WHITE SPACE. . But I got it back by reloading the page.
 Don't EVER try to tell me that SOME internet security companies are not ACTUALLY spying on their customers!!! (Same is true for Jim Richardson, boyfriend of my long-term internet friend John Bolinger, whom I caught narco-trafficking in Hotel Mercurio in Puerto Vallarta, but Jim gave me $1,000.00 after the Drug Thugs tricked me out of all my money, so I've forgiven him UNCONDITIONALLY!!!

(I might do that for YOU too -- meaning SOME of my more "shady" readers -- if you send me a nice donation. Hint! HINT!!! )

8. Uncle Bob's daughter Karen and her husband (for their help in all of this) were financially BLESSED when their friends and near-neighbors MIRACULOUSLY won the Lottery BIG TIME, and paid off their enormous debts for them -- HOW CHRIST-LIKE!!! (Paul and Karen owed a TON of money to Jan Meyer Opperman at that time, but Jan told me they FAILED to pay her back A SINGLE RED CENT.)

9. Kristen -- Jan, George, and Karen's half-sister due to a dalliance of their mother, lives with her husband in Birmingham, AL, and recently had a huge cancerous growth removed. I trust she is doing well, but no one in my family tells me ANYTHING anymore, so I'm not sure. (even Andrea Opperman has been afraid to respond to my recent Facebook messages -- if she got them. Facebook is SAID to be a subsidiary of the REPUBLICAN PARTY BLACK OPS branch of the CIA -- which explains why SO MANY of my postings of links to this blog have been IMMEDIATELY DELETED by Facebook).

10. And Lou Holtz, whose football-coach career can at best be called "checkered" (reminiscent of Richard Nixon's little dog, don't you think???), is NOW a FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR!!! Recently, I've seen him giving a touch of sports commentary, followed by A WHOLE BOATLOAD OF REPUBLICAN PARTY RAH-RAH!!!

11. For the record: Jack Childers was the "love child" of Annie Childers, my grandfather's second wife -- before she married Joe.

12. My father's first cousin Nell Smith (about his age -- around 90) who was ALSO so close to Dad growing up after her Mom, Aunt Melba, had to move back home with her children, is now a widow and sings in the choir at FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH here in Wilmington. She's won't take my phone calls and when I caught her in the hallway there one Sunday and asked if she was at all in touch with Aunt Doris's descendants, she pretty much told me she doesn't associate with WHITE TRASH!!!

Which is EXACTLY what TOO many of First Prez's ministers and congregants ARE. HA!!!

>>> Time for lunch.



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