Sunday, February 19, 2012

Abolutely REFUSING To Be Held In The North Carolina Mental Health Gulag ONE MORE DAY!!!


1. Dr. Menke's is overqualified to evaluate me for this. I believe only a training course is necessary -- not even a Masters Degree, but I'm not sure. Neither of the two who evaluated me before had doctorates.

2.The criteria for this is a VERY LOW BAR, described by my Public Defender as basically "the ability to carry on a simple conversation." I asked Dr. Menke if this was a fairly accurate description of the standard and she laughed and said "Yes." -- this BEFORE we began.

That said, you need to know some simple things like 1. The role of the judge (referee and make sure proper standards of court proceedings are adhered to, etc. -- NOT the decider if there is a jury) 2. How many jurors (12) 3. How many jurors must agree to convict (12), etc.

3. Tomorrow is just an administrative court appearance, and I'm not sure that I actually HAVE to be there, but always like to show up -- as Jen says, "Everyone always likes to see me." (Compare my appearance to how I sound in my blog which ALL of them love to read. LOL!!!)

This appearance has NOTHING to do with Dr. Menke's determination.

4. Dr. Menke has however much time she needs to decide, but must do so within a "reasonable" period of time -- not likely QUITE as soon as tomorrow. DEFINITELY by the end of the week, though -- I'm guessing.


On Sun, Feb 19, 2012 at 10:22 PM, A READER wrote:

What are Dr. Menke's credentials to support her as an expert in evaluating a defendant's competence to understand court proceedings, and to communicate with his lawyer?

What are her criteria for deciding a defendant's competence or incompetence?


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