Saturday, May 26, 2012

Being for the Benefit of (Disability) Benefits Management . . .

While I agree with this sentiment, I want to make PERFECTLY CLEAR that I do NOT advocate setting ANYTHING on fire, except charcoal for a barbeque celebrating Memorial Day in honor of those who paid the ULTIMATE sacrifice for our Liberties -- which we must now ALL FIGHT NON-VIOLENTLY  to keep the Republicans (with so-called "Blue Democrats") from stripping from US ALL ("US" meaning US Citizens).

>>> EMAIL REPLY TO MY "BACKER" published here so I can broadcast-email this blogpost to my rep at Benefits Management in Wilmington, NC. It is ONLY my broadcast emails that Teri reports she ACTUALLY RECEIVES, so I am FORCED to do this.

Your points are all well made, but the one that gets to the GIST of the problem (as I currently see it), is the last sentence in your first paragraph. In fact, that keyed me to something Teri said in our last conversation -- as if it were an unimportant matter, or already understood by all: +/- : "If I need to reimburse all these things, I'm not sure you are actually broke and need reimbursement." Unfortunately, she did NOT say she was declining ANY of the WAY overdue reimbursements except for the 500 pesos to SPCA for the cats, or explain why it is taking weeks to pay the others -- a situation that had NOT been the case previously -- or regarding the TV.

And this reveals an IMPORTANT distinction that no one had explained to me (except that YOU have turned it up in your research which you have reported to me, but I had overlooked its importance, I relying on GENERAL RULES for people on Disability. EVERYTHING CHANGES for those deemed in need of a benefits-manager. Although the rules for Disability allow UNLIMITED income for the first 6 months and a fairly high income after that without reduction of benefits (as well as asset accumulation), those deemed "incompetent" to handle their finances MUST REMAIN NEAR DESTITUTE or lose Disability benefits (not allowed to have over $2,000 in liquid assets: TOTAL of on hand, in bank, and in possession of intermediary. Those without a "guardian" are allowed to make and possess a fair amount of money and are allowed to accumulate assets, including liquid ones.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

I can and WILL make practical adjustments to my behavior. As it stands I have only a few hundred dollars left, so in the future will NECESSARILY ask for AN ADVANCE. I notice in the guidelines that intermediary companies are advised to allow the disabled a WIDE assortment of discretionary spending -- and in fact, if the residual of the lump and continuing payments is NOT brought down below $2,000 after the prescribed number of months (I'm too lazy to look it up now, but 6 - 9, as I recall), HE OR SHE BECOMES INELIGIBLE FOR DISABILITY!!!

This is NOT true for those NOT deemed to need an intermediary, which seems ENTIRELY UNFAIR TO ME, but is FACT (if I read it correctly), so I MUST be practical about it.

And of course I am ANYTHING but a typical "disabled" person, which I KNOW complicates things for both Teri and me, tremendously. Having gotten to know her in person before I left Wilmington -- and ESPECIALLY after considering all these things -- I will strive to be more sensitive to HER position as well.

That said, I DO believe she can improve her specificity in communicating with me. Also, since the ONLY emails I have sent or copied her on that she says she got were copied to MANY people (including at least two mass-emailed blog posts). The ONE exception that I'm aware of was the TV receipt. She told me she had searched her trash and spam boxes for my emails and not found them there either. Her company rules preclude using Facebook messages.

I would suggest she have her company's IT people (in-house or not) look into this continuing problem with their email system. While I know my emails (months ago) did NOT reach many recipients, and John Blades, Executive Director of The Flagler Museum PROVED to me that emails between him and me nearly two years ago were IN FACT being altered IN TRANSIT, I have NO evidence of email interruptions or interference in the last several months with ANYONE -- except Benefits Management.

So this COULD be continuing email tampering by SOMEONE, or need of adjustment by BM's IT people. It is reasonable to expect BM to look into it further or find another route to communicate QUICKLY when such things are called for. Otherwise, mail can be used -- and if Teri continues to trust me, perhaps only verbal requests are necessary.

I think Teri, too, will understand that odd-case Scott needs some additional pocket funds to be able to properly socialize with influential people (such as the mayor and others who decide on these things), while proposing and planning a Williams/Huston/NIGHT OF THE IGUANA Festival, which the likely mayoral candidate has ALREADY indicated a STRONG interest in. Of course I am NOT experienced or qualified to plan this myself, but would be a very important UNPAID adviser, who because of my experience and contacts will be involved in PR and initial contacting of organizations, performers, and such.

As I have stated before, my goal is to advance this project and make income off my intellectual property so that I am disqualified (based on income) from Disability WELL before it converts to normal Social Security on my 65th birthday, four years from now. It seems to me that in the DIRE condition the US and State Treasuries are in, those of us who CAN get back on their own financial feet have a MORAL and PATRIOTIC DUTY to do so ASAP!!! Also, in these times, the MOST PATRIOTIC THING one can do is PAY HIS/HER TAXES (not try to get out of them or game the system to remain on the government dole).

I want to do this under the REGULAR easier rules that apply to ALL, except those WITH a "payee" intermediary. My application to manage my own account should soon receive an answer, and if I'm turned down now, can re-apply at any time. I think that although this would slightly diminish Teri's company's income, she would be relieved to be relieved of someone as troublesome as me. HA!!!

Because (at this time) Teri only receives my broadcast emails of blog posts, I feel FORCED to post this on my blog and mass email it -- including to her. I believe she will find that in this, I show evidence of GREATER understanding to the LEGAL situation and an improving ability to deal with it all PRACTICALLY.


Next week I will contact the Public Defender's office in Wilmington (and/or the Clerk of Courts) to see what my status is and if I DO IN FACT need to contact a Civil Rights Organization and/or lawyer to SUE various entities in North Carolina for GROSS VIOLATION OF MY CIVIL RIGHTS. There is still evidence of interference with my book's sale on Amazon, so I am NOT confident I can publish the revised edition without continuing suppression.

For several decades now, intuitive people have insisted to me that I would eventually make a TON of money -- but that it would be in a way I would never expect. Since, back then, I never thought I'd be a writer, I have for a decade now assumed writing would be the way.

HOWEVER, especially considering the fact that I have ALWAYS eschewed suing people as it keeps one stuck in the past and creates a "karma" problem as well, THAT ONLY APPLIES TO CASES BROUGHT FOR PERSONAL GAIN. Since my lawsuits will benefit residents of Wilmington (especially), North Carolina (which is getting ACCELERATING BAD PRESS for its CODDLING of Hate Groups and its newly-Republican Legislature codifying hate in both Law and State Constitution), I KNOW that PRESSING THESE CHARGES against Wilmington Police and North Carolina Courts, and possibly New Hanover Sheriff's Department.

Sheriff Ed McMahon is a good man, but evil people have used his naivety and CORRUPTED a lot of his force in the jail, on beat in downtown Wilmington, and those who protect/protected the illegal drug imports unloaded from mini-subs under Snow's Cut Bridge. i'm trusting (for the moment) that Ed is waking up and taking practical steps to put his force on the RIGHT side of the Law.

And I will use the GREAT BULK of my Court winnings to advance education, responsible capitalism, and the Arts (mostly here in Puerto Vallarta area, since Wilmingtonians are FAR wealthier already and don't DESERVE my interest or attention after the way they UNIVERSALLY treated me (inaction and silence are even MORE damaging than opposition).

All best,

On Sat, May 26, 2012 at 12:17 AM, My "BACKER" wrote to me.


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