Angela Hill-Harmon (no larger photos of her turn up in my google-images search). See more about Angela's excellent professional work here: .
Hi Angela,
This must be about your fifth attempt to get me to remove you from my email list -- and I am betting it was prompted by my recent use of a VERY vulgar writing voice that offends most levels of ME, as well as many other people. I am sorry it seemed necessary to use it, but I DID have that one remaining person (Christopher Wright Rogers), whom I felt compelled to state my case about, since I HAD constrained myself in respect for Judge Jeffery Noecker's unconstitutional gag order he had placed on my blog. Vulgarity seemed (and still does seem) appropriate to DRIVE HOME MY POINTS IN THAT.
That done, I doubt I will need to use it again -- at least in such a strong way.
That said, I still will NOT delete anyone from the list until the criminals elected to or placed in positions of power -- where they CORRUPT IT -- are removed, one way or another. The option to BLOCK my emails at YOUR end always remains. The info I get via gmail is that approximately 6% of the recipients DO block them, and I have no idea how many manually trash them.
As I have stated many times, I continue to email ALL those people so I have a legal record of whom I've told, should that eventually be helpful in a Court of Law. I will be able to PROVE I warned people -- what they do about it, they will then have to explain to a jury.
I think it is ALSO important that I remind readers that my blog is BOTH journalistic and creative writing (including my deliberate choosing of different voices for different effects or targeted audiences) -- THEY CANNOT BE DIVORCED (pretending the observer can be separated from what he observes is ALWAYS self-delusion). Physics has PROVEN that the very act of observing a phenomenon -- even at the sub-atomic-particle level -- CHANGES THE RESULTS.
So, even science has proven that there is NO SUCH THING as true objectivity. To claim such is to deny Science -- the systematic study of The Physical Universe, AKA: THE PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION OF THE BODY OF GOD (of course IN MIND aka SPIRIT, "God" remains the aggregate of ALL possibilities) -- in the Physical World, which MUST include Time since no two physical things can occupy the same space at once, we can only know the tiny portion of any thing that can be PHYSICAL at ONE OBSERVED POINT IN TIME -- although OVER TIME, we can observe how it CHANGES, revealing MORE of God's Truth.
Well, I hadn't intended to DO that, but I guess I just made the logical case for changing one's mind as more of God (REALITY) is understood. To think for one to hold stubbornly to a SINGLE point of view (for instance a LITERAL interpretation -- not that EVERYONE accepts the same one -- LOL!!! -- of the Bible) is CORRECT and UNCHANGEABLE is to DENY THE QUALITIES OF GOD -- never a good idea if you want to enjoy God's life. HA!!!
But the best news about the Bible (as well as my book and blog -- and any truly decent writing -- which MUCH is), is that it is MULTIDIMENSIONAL and therefore means different things to different people -- even different things to the SAME people, depending on State of Consciousness in which it is read or considered.
The best info on Levels of Consciousness and How to Use Them Creatively that I have found is the Abraham-Hicks material.: . There (and many other places as well -- A-H material is just SO VERY ACCESSIBLE to people of ALL levels), you find that once the Seeker is able to tap into the highest-for-humans consciousness, he/she realizes that ALL levels are equally valuable and have appropriate uses. NO LONGER does one think it is a proper goal to ALWAYS be at the "highest" level one can attain -- HOWEVER, that striving for higher and higher consciousness is the URGE that propels one to finally get to the place of OVERVIEW of the worthiness of ALL CONSCIOUSNESS (why even "Republicans" MUST ALSO SOMEHOW be saved or NONE of can be -- WE ARE ALL ONE -- although individualized), and ALL levels of consciousness.
Well, THAT'S today's wad (first one anyway), and THIS SENTENCE is as vulgar as I hope I have to get going forward!!!
All best to you and all the others at the Spiritual Living Center in Atlanta!!
In about 1988, I took a prosperity seminar from Joyce when Dr. J. Kennedy Schultz still ran the SLCA which he had founded as the Church of Religious Science, Atlanta. Joyce is ALWAYS great, but I could NOT believe one thing she claimed: That if you divide the total money in the world by its population, each person would have $3,000,000.00.
IMPOSSIBLE, I thought, as she demanded of us all, "So WHERE IS YOURS?!?!?"
In later years, I have come across estimates of these same figures by United-Nations-associated sources that have GOOD reputations. BOTH times, the estimate (later than Joyce's claim by at least 15 years), I read was in the vicinity of $4,300,000.00 per person -- I only wish I had saved where I had chanced across that info.
Of course as students of the Science of Mind KNOW, wealth is created, possessed, and used by RIGHT OF CONSCIOUSNESS, so the ANSWER to income inequality is REALLY to raise everyone's levels of consciousness. Even a SLIGHT overall rise would POSITIVELY BENEFIT ALL.
And THAT is why I salute you, Joyce, and all the others at the Spiritual Living Center of Atlanta as THIS IS YOUR PRIMARY GOAL!!!
Thank you,
On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 12:13 AM, Angela Harmon wrote:
Please delete my email address.
Carpe Diem/Have a Wow day!
"When the end is held firmly enough in consciousness, the means to bring it about has already been set in motion." Thomas Troward
From: Scott Kenan <>
Date: 05/21/2012 12:39 AM
Subject: Since the Restraining Order does NOT Affect me in Mexico: MY SIDE OF WHAT HAPPENED WITH CHRISTOPHER WRIGHT ROGERS!!!
My FIRST KISS of my boyfriend Mickey -- at age two. I'm the short one standing.
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