Frank Delia's Italian Market on Front Street, Wilmington, NC
>>> YET ANOTHER email exchange with DISTRICT ATTORNEY BEN DAVID'S "SPEED-DIAL" BUD (who didn't get the memo that Ben David actually ABANDONED him as a "street minion" some time ago . . .)
Well James, as I wrote in my last blogged-and-broadcast email to THE MASSES -- including you -- I DO understand how some well-meaning people have differing opinions on this matter. What separates God's people from those who hate God, is NOT the conclusion, but the SPIRIT in which it is given and one's life is lived. Those who are Godly, act through God's Graces. After all, we are ALL in the process of becoming, and it would not only be grossly unfair to think we all should think alike on everything at the same time (even president Obama admits to 'evolving" and the top Republican Pollster and Strategist for the GOP who was so instrumental in getting George W. Bush elected TWICE, actually, has warned the GOP they must evolve on gay issues OR BECOME IRRELEVANT, as reported earlier today in my blog) -- but sameness is TERMINALLY BORING as well.
This meanspiritedness of some that couches itself in clever and unclever lies, physical and psychological harm to others, denial of rights and respect due ALL people (we are ALL created in the Image of God -- if you actually believe the Bible, and are ALL capable of what Christians call Redemption -- no matter what we have done or are doing. EVEN YOU!!! Therefore, GOD ordained that humans have NO RIGHT TO JUDGE -- as Jesus reiterated), is what indicates to our fellow man/woman what kind of heart we have.
I am not entirely convinced that a person with your track record and even now trying to foster the SAME lies about me that Ben David and the Wilmington Police got Anna Berry (who lives at 110 Nun Street in the William R. Kenan SENIOR house -- a rather notorious crack and/or meth house in recent months) to spread personally as rumor, as well as friends of the narco-trafficking Frank Delia of the Italian Gourmet Market and Coffee Shoppe on Front Street, spouted in front of quite a few customers in Frank's shop while I was drinking coffee there some months ago. Frank, angry at me since he makes his REAL money off drugs, encouraged them and then disallowed me from his shop.
>>> ADMISSION: A month ago, his employees let me sneak into the shop side and I spent about $50.00 on good olive oil and an Italian plate, which I gave my cousin Judy.
Ask Frank if he'd like me to return them for refund -- or if he'll charge me belatedly with CRIMINAL TRESPASS.
When I confronted those lying customers -- clearly friends of Frank's -- asking them DIRECTLY to their faces why if that was true that I had actually sexually molested their boy child, they did NOT file charges against me as in MY opinion, sex of ANY KIND with children is the WORST crime against God and neighbor one can commit -- AND ANYONE COMMITTING THAT CRIME (like Judge Sandra Ray Criner's husband certainly DID commit with a girl a few years ago -- as reported many places in the press and in my blog as well -- forcing him to drop out of a political race, but arrangements were made BY THE WILMINGTON POLICE DEPARTMENT with the child's parents NOT to press the charges -- pity!!!) I SHOULD HAVE BEEN LOCKED UP TO PROTECT WILMINGTON'S CHILDREN!!!
They replied with a smirk and laughter and said they had "private reasons" not to. I knew I could charge them with Slander, Libel, or similar, but with only narco-trafficker Frank and Wilmington's scared to say anything against corruption residents in attendance, I knew there was no point. I ESPECIALLY felt sorry for any child growing up with parents THAT despicable. no doubt, they call themselves Christian -- probably members of First Presbyterian!!!
Thus is the REALITY drug corruption (with ALL in town complicit of sins of commitment or silence) has rendered in Wilmington. The local Press, LOVES getting my informative emails, but couldn't even THINK of publishing a THING against the criminal element that has the town seized up in fear. So I leave you ALL to the hell you have created -- and it sure is a pretty, historic, and cultured one!!!
ALL PRAISE BEELZEBUB -- the god of Wilmingtonians!!!
I'll be back some day, but not tomorrow. Y'all have some problems to work out on your own.
At least you have your STERLING CHRISTIAN FAITH which you are so proud of to lead you. I just hope no one has to meet Jesus or his Dad when they die -- or earlier, should one of them deign to actually return to earth.
But this is your business and I know you do not think it is a problem. So be it -- just don't ever let anyone let me hear them claim I DIDN 'T WARN YOU!!!
I did -- and have kept a legal and spiritual record of it.
It is done and I have left you all IN PEACE.
I wish each of you in Wilmington the very best as you face what is to come next (which does NOT involve me, and you'd best THANK GOD AND YOUR OWN SWEET ASS FOR THAT!!!)
On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 1:32 PM, James Lester wrote:
I personally voted against Fag Shacking (Gay Marriage) and All fags must understand that even if it gets legalized here (Which it won't) God does not ordain Fag Marriage so it does not matter. You are so pathetic to claim that I Bisexual or Gay, You are a Child raping fag that will get his own. I regret the day we met and my whole life will be about helping the Laws lock your bitch ass up.

Sincerely Yours,
James R. Lester
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