I'm testing to see if you get this. I've sent you or copied you on approximately 10 emails so far and to my knowledge you received only one.
All is well in Puerto Vallarta and I got my BoA debit card working again today. It was shut down because I forgot to tell them I'd be in Mexico, but at least they first PAID the NEW $400.00 deposit one must pay Mexico (My "backer" had PayPal-led me some extra money, thank God, or I'd have been stuck in Nuevo Laredo waiting for your check to clear)
The travel expenses -- not including that -- worked out about exactly to the $900.00 estimate (it helped that I did not have time to update the GPS to the most current maps, so I was NOT directed to a couple of newly open toll roads, saving money -- if not time. The tolls really are very high, but I think Mexico figures that long-distance private car travel is a luxury and the roads should be paid by the users. Makes sense to me!!! Local roads are all free of course -- and decent but not limited access, less well-engineered long-distance roads are free too, but many clunkers crawl on them.
I stayed three nights in hotel, so if you added the $100 to my original $800 without that, the extra DID cover it. If not, please add. I see I have a "pending deposit" of $1,100+ that should clear tomorrow, which would be that plus my weekly, plus something I gave you to reimburse, probably the COMPLETE reloading of my operating system, which I didn't have time to tell Joseph happened -- as well as Joey "Spaghetti" going completely cuckoo the night before I left and pulling a knife on me several times after having a couple of beers. This had NOTHING to do with my political adversaries, but EVERYTHING to do with the fact that people like him who are probably "criminally insane" get OUT of jail and mental hospitals in NC, but people like ME are put into them -- hence North Carolina's Court and Mental Health Care System are REALLY called "The American Mental Health Gulag" in the alternative press.
Of course as usual, I can and DID handle it -- and in fact Joey broke down crying about it -- and how he doesn't know how to touch people without hurting them -- despite HIS NOT WANTING TO. My heart broke for him, but my patience with the US -- especially NC -- BROKE, my resolve kicked in, as soon as I knew the car plate was in, I arraigned for a mutually-agreeable change in the speakers for the home audio system, packed and HIGH-TAILED IT PAST GEORGIA since I do NOT trust GA either, and then relaxed.
I have more things to organize and accomplish before doing anything NEW than anyone could imagine. Because friends showed up at U-Haul and I quickly realized all would not fit (they helped pack the car, thank God -- efficiently, but without my organizational supervision so I could not change clothes for four days -- RIPE!!! LOL!!!. I still haven't loaded all my software back onto the computer, upgraded GPS -- and all my papers and goods are so disorganized I would never know I had ever been associated with ANY of it. And I'm exhausted as well, and need to relax and take my time.
But I'm fine, and what is truly important made it here with me.
1. I love the apartment and its location in a neighborhood with the sound of HAPPY children laughing and playing (the BEST music). also there are roosters crowing all hours and bells from the Catholic Cathedral that blessedly do not GONG!!! after dark. It was a wonderful flow-through breeze. I only met one neighbor so far. He, like all the American Ex-Pats I've met so far HATE what has happened to the US and even more that Americans have a DIFFERENT internet (largely) than the rest of the world, so they have NO IDEA how mind and news controlled it is in the US.
Easiest simple example: How many Americans do YOU know who know that for over a year George W. Bush and Dick Cheney are under virtual house arrest??? By that I mean that over a year ago both cancelled trips abroad because they know that if their plane were to land in nearly EVERY OTHER COUNTRY they would IMMEDIATELY be arrested by Interpol, imprisoned, and tried in the Hague for War Crimes. The press also reported that MOST countries will NOT give them permission to FLY OVER THEIR COUNTRY WITHOUT STOPPING!!! (A few countries are allied to the TOTALITARIAN WORLD-WIDE STATE that the Republican Party came so close to making real, and they would both be safe in those few nations if they could simply land there without flying over any other).
When have you seen THAT story on CNN, NBC, NEW YORK TIMES -- let alone Fox News???
Well, the good news is that I do believe my exposures in my blog (and I am ALWAYS AMAZED when i see the hundreds of hits it gets -- especially that very important OLD posts are getting hit a lot too -- not just new ones), have been a help -- especially my exposure of my parents' crimes regarding not only ME, but complicity in President Kennedy's murder, alliance with the Binghams of Louisville (the ones who murdered Mary Lily Kenan Flagler Bingham actually before my parents were on the scene), PEPSICO, connections to the Pope and Notre Dame -- and murder of Mom's brother Bob -- but ESPECIALLY connections to Fox News and my former employer and his GIGANTIC narco-trafficking operation not only with key Republican Party officials FROM THE TOP TO THE BOTTOM -- including a few Democrats like District Attorney Ben David -- but with corrupted elements in the US Military.
I am PLEASED when I see the very recent news. Rupert Murdock was just declared by Great Britain to be UNFIT TO RUN A BUSINESS THERE!!! That made HuffPost -- but did you see it on CNN? I doubt it. (Still has to pass Parliament to kick him out, since it was NOT unanimous in Commission Report) Maybe after I post this on my blog it will break in the US mainstream press. Maybe.
Even Barack Obama, the PERFECT Trojan Horse Republican -- or as my friend Sandra first called him "The Anti-Negro" is having to play a more clever game. If the Clintons and other Democrats keep his feet to the fire, the US might come out alright. Might. I don't trust him in the least, and now find it hard to believe I supported him over Hillary Clinton. I wish the Dems would drop that Traitor and put her up for President come Charlotte -- and their Victory Party in -- sorry, I have to plug MY FAMILY -- The Kenan Charitable Trusts' owned Bank of America-logo-ed stadium!!! HA!!!
KENANS ALWAYS WIN (us REAL ones, not my immediate relatives).
I HAVE gotten distracted (again).
2. My cell will NOT work in Mexico without $1.50/minute roaming charges so I will get a Mexican cell tomorrow (probably), NOT Tel-Cel owned by Carlos Salim (called Slim). Thank God the new York Times bought the bastard out and (semi-) freed their paper!!! I'll scan and email the receipt for reimbursement (as well as the $400.00 receipt for car deposit -- if I can locate the tiny thing).
3. The TV here is 19" HDTV -- I would need a spy-glass to view it across the room (images on widescreen that diameter are equivalent to image size on 12" old box TV). This computer has HDMI video out, so I'll use that TV for second computer display. I've been using TWO displays for my computer since 1990, as I have so many windows open doing research, writing, and keeping IMMEDIATELY IN TOUCH with news and email communications. Then I'll buy a decent sized TV, which I HOPE can be reimbursed. They are more expensive here with VAT and import Duties, but not TOO much higher. I'm GUESSING in the range of $1000 - $1600 USD, probably the lower end. I'll buy smaller than the 55" I prefer, but not much smaller or I'll want to upgrade at my earliest convenience and I do NOT need two TVs!!!
4. I've paid off three small debts ($10) each and believe I still need to pay off two $50 debts. I DID leave Mexico in debt 14 months ago (as well as at 205 pounds with ribs showing like an Auschwitz escapee. Everyone is THRILLED at how healthy and calm I now seem. I'm 260 pounds now.
I'm still UBER-SHOCKED that my parents and siblings so SELF-RIGHTEOUSLY REFUSED to help me when I was in GREATEST need, and the bastards STILL believe they were right to have done so. THEY ARE JUST A BUNCH OF FUCKING NAZIS -- literally.
I appreciate all those who DID help -- especially the two I am sending this email too!!! !!! !!!
Enough for now. I need some sleep, although I DID get two naps today and a nice swim not only at Mismaloya Beach, but in the pool here.
I tried to google for an image for "too small TV" and Google gave me THIS instead (not me personally -- I mean Goo . . . oh never mind!!!).

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