Friday, September 13, 2013

The Great Kenan Organ of Atlanta SPEAKS!!!

 The James G. Kenan Memorial Organ (2003) in All Saints Episcopal on Peachtree Street in Atlanta is the hottest organ in town!!!
It's ALL STEAMED UP over the Angel Moroni (who FLED the Mormon Church), and then alighted atop it -- right there in actual CHRISTENDOM, which the Mormon Church decidedly is NOT!!!
1. First I must thank ALL for the hits!!! This morning, I awoke to find OVER 500 had already hit this blog since the day began -- TWICE as many "early hits" -- and before I post for the day -- as ever before. These two postings were TOPS in the last 24 hours, this one was hit more than THREE TIMES MORE than any other posting: , and this one was second: .
"Geraldine Flynn Pentagon" was the TOP search key word yesterday -- Gerry being one of my co-workers at , who first TOLD me that Patrick Stansbury and his allies FULLY INTENDED TO MURDER ME. Gerry AGREED to eventually GIVE STATE'S EVIDENCE when Pentagon Publishing eventually is HAULED INTO COURT.
2. I had not mentioned that the REASON I was calling Brenda Caradine yesterday (see: ), was TWO FOLD: to see why SHE wants to be dropped from my email list -- and to give her organization a lot of Tennessee Williams memorabilia I have -- invites to White House, Kennedy Center Honors, notes in Mr. Williams hand and some sheets of manuscripts, etc.
But it had NOT gone well yesterday, so when I called her cell this morning, I immediately said that it was Scott from Mexico, I take FULL RESPONSIBILITY for causing the "blow up", and did she have MORE TIME TODAY to talk. Brenda's response was a calm-voiced "You scare me -- don't ever call me again," and then she hung up.
HOW a broke person in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico can be a "scary threat" to someone in Mississippi is a complete mystery -- especially since Brenda and I have spoken at length and in person before-- and she KNOWS I have NEVER IN MY LIFE BEEN VIOLENT (and when I was getting my "drug mafia beatings" -- whether in Wilmington, NC or Mexico -- I ALWAYS clasped my hands together behind my back. I found this caused them to fairly quickly feel guilty about punching, kicking, slapping, etc. a person who REFUSES TO DEFEND HIMSELF.
And regarding Brenda's "female hysteria, calmly-delivered", it PERFECTLY illustrates WHY the Bible so often claims WOMEN ARE INFERIOR TO MEN!!! But don't get me WRONG -- Brenda is an animalistic, fear-motivated/motivating MANIPULATION MACHINE woman -- not a REAL HUMAN ONE, like TODAY's WOMEN!!!
But NOW, I've remembered that I am well known in Puerto Vallarta and City Leaders have encouraged me to organize a Tennessee Williams/John Huston/NIGHT OF THE IGUANA Festival here. I can use this memorabilia when I give my OWN talk -- and if the city eventually builds a permanent memorial to the filming of that movie, I will give THEM my stuff.
And then I remembered what I have now known since 2010 -- when a narco-trafficker was browsing THE KENAN FAMILY (a book), and said "The rich ones ALL gave TONS to the Episcopal Church and Sewanee!!!", and further research suggests that the Kenans have been the LARGEST contributors to these organizations -- at least in the South.
And of course I am of DIVIDED MIND about the Episcopal, Catholic, and Presbyterian Churches -- the Christian churches I have worshipped in during my adult life. I have decided to write more about that in a letter to a simple Episcopal priest -- in Columbus, Mississippi, of all places.
Sorry, if you didn't realize it takes a "warm-up posting" before an organ can SPEAK RIGHT!!! It's coming next and soon.
Actually, the MIND is the BIGGEST SEX ORGAN!!!
It ALL happens there (the personal experience of it).
I agree about the liver.
MORE on what sort of person this Charlotte-of-the-Unmemorable was:
Charlotte Perkins Gilman (July 3, 1860 – August 17, 1935) was a prominent American feminist, sociologist, novelist, writer of short stories, poetry, and nonfiction, and a lecturer for social reform. She was a utopian feminist during a time when her accomplishments were exceptional for women, and she served as a role model for future generations of feminists because of her unorthodox concepts and lifestyle. Her best remembered work today is her semi-autobiographical short story "The Yellow Wallpaper" which she wrote after a severe bout of postpartum psychosis.
(Please pardon me if I PASS -- and seek out something less "psychotic" .)
Top result of image-googling "Christian Orgies"

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