Sunday, September 8, 2013

Some Items of Note

>>> MORE BREAKING!!!@11:40 AM, local:

JIM BUCHAN, , an Inspirational Evangelistic Christian minister whom I graduated high school and attended Denison University with (and ARGUED WITH RESPECTFULLY all the time back then), has NOT seen or read my Facebook Message from a few days ago.

As I have said/written MANY TIMES, CIA/NSA Facebook CONTROLS the site so that Jim CANNOT SEE or read my messages to him (total of two, so far). Facebook DOES let you see if someone OPENS YOUR MESSAGE!!!

Jim Buchan -- also -- and he's a GENUINE JESUS's TEACHINGS Evangelical Christian (for a change, no???) -- I recommend that ALL who think Evangelical Christians are THE WORST WHITE RACIST, GREEDY REPUBLICANS will find that Jim Buchan is NOT that.

I've had NO CONTACT with Jim since early 1970s, so I KNOW he'd get back to me if he knew about this.

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>>> BREAKING @ 11:13 AM: The CIA/NSA/Google/Gmail has SHUT DOWN both my email accounts since about 7:00 PM last night, meaning I am NOW not allowed email by the US GOVERNMENT (and this is AGAINST GMAIL's PUBLISHED RULES, by which I have NOT violated their terms which call for about 8 TIMES as many "bounce-backs" before SHUTTING THINGS DOWN AT ALL!!!)

So the US GOVERNMENT has been VIOLATING MY RIGHTS of free expression via email for OVER 16 hours now -- the LONGEST EVER.



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1. The graphic above is a little jarring for a Sunday morning, but the TOP item on Facebook this morning was from one of Tennessee Williams' MURDERERS' (Schuyler Wyatt), DAUGHTERS -- and they have returned from a whirlwind tour of Europe -- and are posting about the benefits of water pipes. LOL!!!

2. CNN TV remains out on MY Telecable connection -- but everyone else in Puerto Vallata gets it. So I turned to CNN en Espanol (FAR CLEARER picture, ALWAYS), and Christiane Amanpour was OUT OF HER ELEMENT (she relies HEAVILY on her accent and wearin' a burqua that's BLOWIN' IN THE WIND whilest standing on a ridge at night and bombs going off behind her, to sound INTELLIGENT).

This morning, she was rappin' with a WHITE, POOF-TOP-HAIRED SEATTLE RAPPER who is straight and made an anti-homophobia video that went viral. The STREETINESS of rap and rappers left Christiane looking like Laura Bush at a crack-pipe marketing convention!!!

3. WORSE, when THAT ended (it was subtitled in Spanish so I HEARD all the English), the NEXT PROGRAM wierded me OUTTT. First, I noticed older model cars and taillights, then the camera was under the SAME DANG CHATTAHOOCHIE BRIDGE in Atlanta where we always took our rafts out when it was still clean enough to river-raft RIGHT THROUGH ATLANTA in the 1980s.

No names were mentioned by the Spanish translator -- but I KNEW what it was about before a shot of Wayne Williams' drivers license was shown. This is the THIRD time in a month that that story everyone had forgotten has been in the news -- this time in eSpanol, so I have no idea what NEW is up, but I relived a bit about it while writing WALKING ON GLASS: A MEMOIR OF THE LATER DAYS OF TENNESSEE WILLIAMS, which you can READ ABOUT here, but not buy: .

If you'd like to BUY IT, use the "DONATE" button on top right of this blog and I'll send you a PDF copy of my book. If you WONDER how President Obama, Rahm Emanuel, and my mother's FORMER underling, Dick Cheney, got OWNERSHIP of my book, EVERY ONE of the nearly 2,000 essay-length blog posts on THIS BLOG AND INCLUDING THIS POSTING!!! -- as well as EVERY EMAIL I have or WILL WRITE concerning "any of these subjects", that story is ALL OVER this blog.

But IN that book, I recount Tennessee Williams' following the Wayne Williams Story more than ANY other story the whole time I worked for him (not counting tennis matches). And then the night in Manhattan when we went out in search of a bottle of Frascati --and Tom (without ANYTHING happening in this little liquor store to reference it except that the proprietor (only the three of us were in the store), was a tall "fierce" African American in FULL AFRO, and back THEN, you had to watch yer MOUTH in certain situations. Tom sat on a stool and began CRYING, shaking his head -- then looked at the clerk and said "It ISN'T his fault -- I just KNOW it!!!", and then continued on giving NO ONE any idea what he was so upset about with tears continuing to flow.

THANK GOD, my superb University Education (Denison, 1973), had included a DCA (Denison community service org), trip to the WORST ghetto in Philadelphia in fall of 1969, and we stayed in an actual SAFE HOUSE for the BLACK PANTHERS. TWICE, several gang members were brought in armed with Uzis or similar giant semi-automatic guns, hand guns, knives and razors -- brandishing them in the faces of about six NAIVE upper-middle-class WHITE PEOPLE, and screaming at us all their frustrations with WHITE RACISM.

In fairness, they were NOT trying to "terrorize" us -- but for them to have a CAPTIVE SYMPATHETIC AUDIENCE that needed to see deeper than "the evening news" had them talkin' so fast and furious (like me, now, sometimes), they LOOKED that way, but never harmed us and we helped them renovate an abandoned school that they hoped to actually use to give a BETTER EDUCATION to neighborhood kids.

So if you READ my Williams memoir, you can see how I handled that one with APLOMB!!!

4. And just a note about CRACK COCAINE: EVERY street-wise person in the USA knows that the Black Community has made HUGE STRIDES in getting past CRACK as a problem in the black community the last decade, and since about five or six years ago, the REAL CRACK problem is in WHITE SUBURBIA -- and I mean it is HUGE.

White folk (ESPECIALLY since in aggregate Black Americans LOST ABOUT TEN TIMES AS MUCH WEALTH -- to say noting of JOBS -- during the GREAT RECESSION that affects all but Banks and Wall Street), have the MONEY and CONNECTIONS to keep up appearances until they are MORE addicted and criminally involved with HEAVY CRIMINALS than black folk ever got away with. My whole STREET (the white people, I mean -- NONE of the black ones), 100 block of South Eighth Street in Wilmington, NC was LOADED with upwardly-mobile, college-degreed, GOOD-JOBS-OWNING WHITE TURDS, Jess and Peter Demaria in 112B, the other half of my "shotgun", had a CRACK or METH lab in their apartment (until I blogged and they "snuck it away" late one night), and George Padazanin of "Hand-Painted" Homes" (or Houses), was IN CHARGE and delivered drugs pretending to do painting estimates.

But what I REALLY meant to say is that although I bet SOME CNN heads are COOL, the network itself continues to subtly support the NSA/CIA's THRUST for UNENDING WAR beginning in Syria -- ONLY to protect the Middle East Heroin (now includes more than just that drug traffic).

And they are FAR WORSE online, where their SUPPORT of Obama/Cheney/Bush Clinton DRUG MAFIA is almost overwhelming at times.

5. About an hour ago now, a long-time Facebook Friend (whom I do not actually know), announced he was just promoted to EDITOR of something like "Atlanta Intown" glossy occasional supplement to the Atlanta Journal Constitution. So I CONGRATULATED him in the thread -- and then told him to contact me for PROVABLE STORIES about Newt Gingrich's narco-trafficking with my mother in 1990 -- and how 12 TOP EDITORS (especially Jim Bookman), ALL refused to listen to me before running stories of Christal Presley's LIES in her "PTSD" support CHARITY in 2010 -- then the book she released on it about a year ago.


But KNOWING THAT and HOW I COULD PROVE IT in a Court of Law did NOT STOP TWELVE AJC EDITORS from running the story PROUDLY!!!

And CNN online had Christal's book as its TOP STORY!!!

AJC "PTSD Charity" story (and you can goggle or be linked to Christal's CHARITY to see it SUPER-FLOPPED!!!: .

CNN story: .

>>> SINCE THEN the AJC's NEW EDITOR un-friended and blocked me -- LOL!!!

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Photo: Truth.

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