Sunday, November 3, 2013

Let's Remember Who CARES About Liberties and Justice -- and Begin DESTROYING Nazi US Companies, No???

I just LOVE this graphic because I totally share the appreciation for ALL who "wear the uniform" of ALL countries who seek Liberty and Justice for ALL!!! Also, while I blog from this iPad Ninny, I'm only granted access to post twenty images that I have already posted -- LOL!!!

But as all agreed before the brilliant but Freedom-HATING Steve Jobs died (even then, most Apple products were made by young child-slaves in Communist China, the Republican Party's top Ally since Nixon established that), that if the CIA couldn't find someone -- they just contacted Steve Jobs. Apple, Inc. is the CORE of NSA/CIA illegal NAZI WORLD CONTROL.

Stop pretending this is not MORE THAN OBVIOUS, American, God-Hating, Christian, White-NIGGERS!!!

I'll post this much and If Apple/NSA/CIA has decided to get their damned hackers out of my blog, I'll add more quite soon!!!


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