Friday, November 20, 2009

Stolen Words, Given Books

I just stole this from Randall Kenan's Facebook page:

Help the kids get free books, y'all! This publisher has agreed to give 500 free books through the First Book Foundation if they receive 250 comments by Dec 1st. Why not help out? Cheers. Randall.

Do it. Click:

Randall's a great writer. A light. Check him out too:

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sarah Palin's MEIN KAMPF, mon amour

I'd love to read Palin's MEIN KAMPF, but I was brought up Catholic, a very crude attempt to raise me in love. But I now get the intention.

Still, what could be more entertaining than to see Sarah in action? She sets up and fuels the Conservative cannibalism-fest. Ah, the Wailing and Gnashing . . .

Sit back and enjoy the show. There's no longer anything to fear from her ilk. They self-immolate with passion.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

"We are . . .

. . . the witnesses through which the Universe becomes conscious of its glory."

Alan Watts

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

New Stuff, finally

Check out my new personal website. Important new info about my height and a swell decorating tip as well! Links to my book page and help for those like me judged "mental."

I'm off to Tennessee Williams' induction into the American Poet's Corner in St. John of God Cathedral (Episcopal) in NYC.