Sunday, March 31, 2013

Miss FERTILE BUNS Dropped Back-By, for a LATE DELIVERY!!!


>>> JUST IN at 8:23 PM, CDT (Blogger being based in GMT) : March 2013 hits were 53.5% HIGHER than February 2013 hits.

Not bad, EH???

* * *


A certain person let me know I have the HIGHEST EARTHLY connection now that completes the TENNESSEE WILLIAMS estate (+ fake history)/Sewanee/Republican Party "roasting" -- and all that implies. So it is clear that I will be able to work with Harvard University to undo those illegal previous finaglings -- no unseen major obstacles now (and all that given confidently) -- if Harvard wants to proceed.

But it would not be right to do that BEFORE I speak with Gov. McCrory of North Carolina, and just last night I realized that tomorrow is APRIL FOOLS. Well, when one is dealing with me, there are already too many fools around, so I had better wait until at least Tuesday morning to make ANY sort of serious calls (frivolous might come sooner).

In the MEANTIME, I'm thinking I might raise some MONEY by method my mother told me about when I was about three. She had for some time been a nurse at Good Samaritan Hospital in Cincinnati (where I was later born), and had a movie star who was as HOT AS A KARDASHADOODLE is today (but male), and like THEM, generally, unmemorable, now, Mr. Sunny Tufts

I had never researched him before, but Sonny was from a serious BANKING family and his ancestor came to America in 1638. Tufts University is named for his relative (although he was a member of "Skull & Bones" at Yale -- JUST LIKE THE GEORGES BUSH, BOTH of them!!! ). 
And Dick Van Dyke (on his TV show), MISTOOK Sonny Tufts for a UFO!!!
For some rather entertaining info on him, please see: .
Anyway, when he propositioned my MOTHER, who (via a painting Mom still possesses of her painted during her college days by a fellow student), looked like VERONICA LAKE:

Mom, being a non-nonsense GERMANIC woman, reacted like Miss OLIVIA DE HAVILLAND!!!:

She was so AGHAST by Sonny Tufts suggesting she was silly NOT to save his finger and toe nail clippings that she had just removed as she sat on the side of his bed -- as "personal souvenirs", or to SELL ON THE OPEN MARKET!!!

So THERE's my idea: selling my nail clippings (but it will be a while since I clipt n' tossed just two days ago).

And poor MOM, didn't get over the SHOCK of such MALE PRESUMPTION until rather recently, best I can tell.

This is a TRUE STORY.

NOT YET, but Mom got my Dad's lover soon after that -- which was PROBABLY coincidental . . .

* * *


This will likely be the LAST of my blog posts that I email to all of you -- and this so you can SEE the depth of my SUSPICIOUS NATURE.

Please be sure that President Kim Jong Un understands that I was just kidding around about the sex/anatomy stuff (although I'm open to almost ANYTHING), none of that is required.


* * *

>>> AND FOR THE RECORD: ALSO the sister of Eva Marie Saint AND the sister of Rosemary Clooney were my SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS, occasionally, at St. Martha's School in Louisville, KY -- COOL, no???



Feeling a Tad Horny, I thought: "Why NOT Date President Kim Jong Un of North Korea, no???":

Michael Massicott: Homosexual Extraordinaire (who likes simultaneously having a dick UP him as well as his UP someone else, AKA a "SANDWICH" -- as told to me by Mike in spring of 2010), as well as WATER HOARDER!!!
MORE on Michael Massicott from USA TODAY!!!:



Por favor ("please", in English, my native tongue), pass this message -- preferably the entire email -- to your President, Mr. Kim Jong Un -- and while you are at it, PLEASE be certain to explain to him that in my blog posting of a few days ago, I was ONLY meaning to reduce the tension of "My Fellow Americans", as our President Lyndon Johnson used to say -- and NO DISRESPECT, although my posting will certainly APPEAR to be disrespectful.

I must first tell you that your country's aggressive stance (backed by the world's largest HIGHLY DISCIPLINED standing army, some CAPABLE missiles (and some not), as well as REAL nuclear warheads), indicates to ME that you are TIRED OF NOT BEING LISTENED TO by the "West".

I hear you. I TOO have had problems getting ESPECIALLY the United States government to listen to me. But NONE of that chages the TRUTH, does it??? And as ANYONE who watches CNN knows, President Obama could have FROZEN ALL YOUR BANK ASSETS (as one of our previous Presidents did -- I think it was George W. Bush -- and have your military IMMEDIATELY incapable of being PAID, which is WHY and HOW your Dad "caved" within hours, I believe.

CLEARLY Barack Obama (by NOT doing this), has a GOOD REASON to keep the current tensions high. I wish I understood that. Could you explain it to me??? Neither President Obama, Democrats or Republicans have been calling for this action that I know of -- and it "called your Dad's bluff" (an American expression), very successfully back then.

Everyone knows it is absurd to explode nuclear weapons in the atmosphere today. As you know, the plan is for NAZI-Americans to amass SO MUCH WEALTH in the hands of a few corporations and mens' -- NOT women's, and incidentally, WHY are none of the leaders I found for your country women??? We have some SWELL ones, like Ms. Hillary Clinton -- ONE FIERCE BITCH when she HAS to be for Liberty and Justice for EVERYONE (which of course would include YOU and your people), but my point here is that these NAZIs plan to amass enough money to built the space ships capable of colonizing other planets and in the PROCESS, rape the Earth for mineral and other resources (like fracking for gas and simultaneously PERMANENTLY ruining water supplies), as well as ENSLAVING the American and other people in the process. THEN they can board their extraterrestrial ships and BLOW UP the world and the GREAT MAJORITY of her people as they leave -- LAUGHING ALL THE WAY!!!

THIS is the GREAT SECRET of our CIA and Republican Party -- led by the blackmailed HOMOSEXUAL President Obama. I'm sure this is NO SECRET to you, who are known to have excellent Intelligence. Funny thing is that the Vatican and Israel are said to have the BEST Intelligence in the World, and the new Pope Francis I is ALSO very aware of it and doing everything possible to set an example of humility and service to the LEAST in the "Corporate World" (that our United States Supreme Court has said is not only a person with SPEECH equal to MONEY THAT CAN BE SPENT), but he is PUNKING most other FAKE "religious leaders" by his example.

I am in indirect contact with Pope Pancho (as he is called here in Latin America -- you see I am an actual POLITICAL EXILE from the United States now, the State Courts and Republican Party of North Carolina being the OPPRESSOR, it's Governor, Mr. Pat McCrory +1 (919) 733-5811 (Alice, Pat's assistant, is very friendly and helpful there), being the TOP SHILL of Dick Cheney whose CHIEF liaison between him and my own mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan, now of Raleigh, NC (the phone is listed under William S. Kenan, my Dad --should you care to call her), has ADMITTED MY triumph over their power, and is my OWN top ally now.

You might ALSO call Patrick Stansbury of , my former employer of 18 years who FIRED ME when he knew I would expose HIS role as the LARGEST distributor of illegal drugs brought into the USA via US Air Force planes, and Patrick's CHIEF Congressional liaison was now-retired Georgia Congressman (Republican) John Linder, who bequeathed this role to his successor Rob Woodall, and I have SPOKEN with Mr. Woodall's Chief Aide in his Washington Office +1 (202) 225-4272 more than once about this. Just now I tried to google up my specific blog post about my conversations with this man, but CIA/gamail/google/blogger has apparently DELETED this posting, so just ask for the "Chief Aide". He told me he is WILLING to tell the truth about his boss -- and is "keeping our conversations under his hat" until the timing ti s right -- I say RIGHT NOW!!!

MORE info can be had by calling Mr. Stansbury's real boss (you can see from here that Patrick Stansbury -- a TOTAL POT HEAD -- is considered EXPENDABLE by the CIA/Republican Party/Episcopal Church/NAZI group:, is Michael Massicott, whom I just spoke with over the phone +1 (404) 843-3254. Mike was trained for his role by AT&T, which is also known as "THE MATRIX" and completely allied with TelMex and TelCel here in Mexico, owned by the Arab-Mexican Carlos Salim "Slim" Helu, said to be the BIGGEST narco-trafficker in Mexico in partnership with the Bush/Cheney Families, CIA, NAZIs, Episcopal Church, and of course the BLACKMAILED HOMOSEXUAL, Barack Obama.

I checked again last night, and the TWO PEOPLE whom the CIA protects the MOST against what is in my blog have AGAIN gone from google results of their names turning up several of MY blog posts on their FIRST PAGE of results (as was the case three weeks ago when I last checked), to WAY deep in results (page seven or so) -- and especially Mr. Massicott's results AHEAD of my postings are BANAL AT BEST!!!

Here is Sen. Thom Goolsby's phone number should you care to give him a call: +1 (919) 715-2525, or at his Law Office: +1 (910) 763-3339. ALL email addresses of these people should show in the Cc: line of this email.

Also know that if you'd care to have a CHAT with me (which could remain private), I'd be happy to travel to your country as I'll have a new passport very soon -- but I have no money, so must be your complete guest. And if you think Dennis RODman has a good rod, I'm 6' 11" (2.1 meters), while Dennis is only 6' 6" (1.98 meters). I -- in service to both MY and YOUR countries -- would be MORE THAN HAPPY to show my rod to the general public and allow them to explore it in ANY (non-violent) WAY -- including being a SEX SLAVE to you, your Generals and MOST BRAVE other military -- or to wives and girlfriends of same (I might/could use a little Viagra if the gals want FULL PLEASURE, if ya know what I mean).

I offer my services in the Spirit of Peace, and most sincerely. I will NEVER commit a traitorous act to my own country, but SEX is just FUN, NO??? (See what fun I had with Dennis Rodman's dick (which I KNOW is HUGE), as well as Gov. McCrory here: as well as here: .

I am copying this also to some Press contacts as well as other friends as WITNESSES to my offer which is IRREVOCABLE. I will paste in my piece about YOU, which is meant ONLY to "loosen up" my Fellow Americans' sense of HUMOR -- with NO DISRESPECT MEANT TO YOU!!!

You could call me on my Mexican cell at (332) XXX-XXXX -- however you have to dial that from North Korea.

I thank you for reading this and hope I will soon hear from you -- I hear Asian men have small dicks -- but SUPER PRETTY with delightful hair patterns around them. ALSO, that Asian men are more "poetic" and "pleasing" in their sexual expression. I'm afraid I have never had sex with an Asian man from Asia -- only their Native American first cousins -- and I being part Cherokee "Indian" am ALSO your first cousin!!! That said, my dick is NOT Asian -- LOL!!!

Scott David Kenan
Cyber-General, FIVE STARS, Mexico and USA (self-appointed)


Friday, March 29, 2013

Electro-Letter to His ROYAL UN-ness, the President of NORTH KOREA!!!

>>> HERETOFORE (or later) :

Dear Ms. Kim Jong Un,

You must be ONE FIERCE LESBIAN -- no lipstick and I see ya SMOKE!!!

And you thought that pot-cloud CLOWN was gonna bring you his other ROD -- MAN, he had to leave that for Gov. Pat McCrory here in North Carolin . . . wait a minute: I live in Puerto Vallarta with a bunch of Stuarts and Stewarts (crazy WHITE people -- don't ask), so not HERE, exactly, but Gov. McCrory requested Bev. Perdue find him something "really special", and that gal was AS GOOD AS HER WORD!!! -- but Pat had NO IDEA she would present it to him at his inauguration -- OH MY!!!

They had to "lathe it down" a tad . . .

Gov. McCrory found it IMPOSSIBLE to smile all DAY -- and into MANY MORROWS!!! If you ask ME, he's just as sour-faced as that pickled NINETY-YEAR-OLD VIRGIN (after his shavings), know what I mean???

He should have LUBED before sitting, silly GOVERNOR!!!

But Kim, honey, we're sending Dennis back OVER there and he's got something you've been asking for for YEARS: A clean fresh diaper.

Nes pas???

I'm sure my State Department contacts (or SOMEBODY, capable), will forward this email to you.

And I'm CURIOUS if you've tried those electronic cigarettes -- they were ALL THE RAGE in Mercy-Me House Shelter, Wilmington, NC, when I stayed THERE (my most recent "slut" period). Call Rev. Shivers or Shavers (either way), at +1 (910) 343-0707 at Bethesda Christian Life Church (right next door), or +1 (910) 343-0330 at the Shelter, and ask HIM what he's packin', no???



Posted byat5:59 PM

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter Eggs, Already (and it's only 11:08 PM, Easter Eve)!!!

Top Search Terms that found this blog during March 2013
>>> Total blog hits so far in March are 50.3% higher than for all last month. For the first time ever (today), the majority of hits are from OUTSIDE the United States: 70.8%. Only 29.2% FROM the USA.

Weird, I have no idea why this is upside down, really, JUST TODAY!!!

CELEBRATORY Email to Tim Blevins and Matt Blair of LIFE COMMUNITY SHOPPING-MALL CHURCH, Wilmington, NC!!!

Is something TWISTED at Life Community Shopping-Mall Church -- or is it just my EYEBALLS???
Please see their 3-D video TOUR!!!:

Full of the Joy of the RISEN CHRIST, I share GOOD NEWS with ALL Wilmington Christians -- especially Tim Blevins & Matt Blair of Life Community Shopping-Mall Church!!!

Scott Kenan
to: Community Life Church office, bcc: breakingnews, bcc: breakingnews,
bcc: scoop, bcc: editorial, bcc: Jeffrey, bcc: me, bcc: Scott

Please see my latest posting regarding Christ as
manifest through our Gov. Pat McCrory --


Click this button, right here: BUTTON

Wishing you and each of your congregants
a TRULY RISEN Easter!!!

Scott David Kenan
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Gov. Pat McCrory: WHAT do YOU do for FUN???


1. I can't find ANYTHING on the Internet(s) indicating you EVER have any fun at all, and just LOOK at the EVIDENCE of how you POSSIBLY DO NOT GIVE ENOUGH ATTENTION TO YOUR WIFE!!!:

Ann McCrory looks like she might/could be suffering from some sort of "IRREGULARITY" (I trust not of the "marital satisfaction" kind -- she is the most "Anonymous-masked" looking woman -- to be fair, I should say "wife of a politician of EITHER Party" --I've ever SEEN, and let me re-MIND you that I was once invited into Republican NC State Senator Thom Googlsby's (fun typo, no???) HOUSE by HIS wife for a little discussion. THAT gal has some shreds of DIGNITY that Thom has not YET been able to ERASE (despite all Thom's FAGGOTY PHILANDERING all over Wilmington and Raleigh, NC!!!
And ONE time, I sat on a bench on Dock Street and CRIED because I saw Sen. Goolsby, his wife, and their younger children RACING DOWN HILL the few blocks from their house to Dock Street Oyster Bar and the kids were squealing and the parents laughing -- and BOTH Thom and his wife looked TWENTY YEARS YOUNGER than they are!!!
KUDOS TO SEN. THOM GOOLSBY for occasionally being HUMAN (loving)!!!
And here's a plug for that GREAT restaurant!!!:
>>> MY STORY OF MEETING WITH MRS. GOOLSBY is in the COMMENTS below this posting (as well as ELSEWHERE in this blog). ODDLY the other commentor is ACTUALLY Sen. Goolsby PRETENDING to be a matronly grannie -- LOL!!!:
* * *
2. And after searching, Searching, and SEARCHING, I find NO EVIDENCE of you or Ann hosting North Carolina children for an Easter Egg hunt. I'm bettin' that you have decided that Easter Eggs are THE DEVIL's corruption of Jesus's Resurrection, and in that the custom comes from Germany where Osterei, the German goddess of fertility is HUMORED every spring by rolling eggs across the just-plowed fields to insure fertility of good crops. And as anyone whose ever lived in the country knows -- you can't get more fertile than a rabbit!!!


But you STILL have a little problem: The word "Easter" is PROVEN to be DERIVED from the NAME of goddess Oesterei (pronounced in German -- a language I once knew so well I sometimes DREAMED in it: "OAST-er-eye"). So where's THAT leavin' ya??? Will ya pass a North Carolina Law forbidding speaking the word "Easter" because to do so HONORS a heathen goddess???

Or can ya JUST DROP yer tight-assed drawers and have some fun (and with dear Ann as well)???

3. I REALLY had intended to write about some things we can agree on and begin building from there, but you DELIBERATELY AMBUSHED ME, by -- AFTER I first contacted you this past Thursday -- nominating a GOD-HATING, PRO-bullying, anti-gay (remember, your SUPER PACS now mostly SUPPORT Marriage Equality), as Education Commissioner: "buddy" Collins. See: .

And THEN, I see that you have CLOSED the North Carolina Office of Hispanic Affairs (which has operated on a tiny budget). Don't you REALIZE that North Carolina has a HUGE percentage of WHITE-APPEARING PEOPLE who, like me, are part Cherokee (my "Cherokee smidge"), and FIRST COUSINS to the NATIVE Latin Americans???

Not only THAT but you support STRONG voter ID Laws (despite the ID FRAUD in elections being all but non-existent -- according to SCIENTIFIC STUDIES, if the OPPOSITE is taught by GOD-HATING PROTESTANT MINISTERS).

WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU THINKING??? The TREND of even your Republican Party is to DISTANCE themselves from FUNDAMENTALIST LIES, now. EVERYONE elected, appointed to Republican Posts, having donated funds to, or simply VOTING REPUBLICAN is trying to SHRED all the paper evidence, erase online LIES, and at least appear to be CIVILIZED as the REST OF US hope to put the WORST of you TRAITORS to the NOOSE (after fair and transparent trials).

4. I need to just CALM DOWN here and COUNT MY BLESSINGS. I'll begin with --believe it or not -- my IMMEDIATE FAMILY. YES!!! I called ALL of them today (not reaching my younger sister, Julie, but then she ONLY takes messages (she's a RABID Republican, of course).

First off, I must say I did NOT mention to Mom what I STILL FIRMLY BELIEVE, that in Mom's HAYDAY (heyday???), you and she would have been the PERFECT NAZI COUPLE. Please see "My Conclusion" at the bottom of this posting: .

But I DID tell Mom that I am LEGALLY TAKING YOU OUT (I will put you in Federal Prison or at LEAST sue "your state" and Party for MEGA-MILLIONS of DOLLARS -- which I'll distribute MOSTLY to Catholic Charities, Mexicans -- mostly in Mexico -- and the FABULOUS (and ALWAYS generous to me) BLACK POPULATION of Wilmington, NC, INCLUDING the guy who owns the CRACK HOUSE where Police Chief Ralph Evangeous REGULARLY smokes crack -- or DID until I began blogging about it.

Anyway, my MOM is now not only very COMFORTABLE with me (and I'm so with HER -- especially after blogging about her NAZI PSYCHOSIS, which now seems in REMISSION. Mom LOVES that I'm CHALLENGING YOU so we can fight it out in either our various BULLY PULPITS or COURTS OF LAW. The Courts being CLOSED for the weekend, I am BULLYING YOU NOW, but will NOT proceed into failing charges until after you and I have spoken on the phone -- preferably Monday afternoon. If I DON'T speak to you within TWO DAYS of trying, i will inform Alicia in your office that i am JUST GOING TO COURT.

And the GOOD NEWS for WILMINGTON is that you CANNOT keep me from publishing this blog in a short series of books (which I might entitle THE NEW SCRIPTURES or THE INADVERTENT SAVIOR SHAKES HIS DICK SHAMELESSLY. I think I'll find a better one than those, actually.

5. Anyway, I REMAIN totally cool with my Mom for about two months now. And I'm back to being BEST-BROS with my brother Mike. I CANNOT TELL YOU what a HUGE relief THAT is -- HA!!! the ONLY problem I had was with my sister Jane, who when I was discussing my plans in dealing with YOU, things were a little wide-ranging and she got all "uppity" with me and after saying she understood what I was saying, she STRIDENTLY ADDED that she was TIRED of my abusing HER!!!

Jane is one of my most faithful readers of this blog, so she HAS TO KNOW I have written FAR LESS of a negative nature about Jane or her past -- compared to the rest of my family. And THIS is the LIE at the base of ALL that is CORRUPT in America (especially WHITE PROTESTANTS of a Republican Nature -- which Jane is NOT, being a Liberal agnostic): Reporting facts is abusing SELF-RIGHTEOUS PEOPLE.

And to be FAIR, Jane has VERY LITTLE sex with anyone else other than herself for some years now. Men and Women BOTH absolutely MUST have sexual expression RESPONSIBLY (without taking the fun out of it), QUITE FREQUENTLY, in able to STAY IN GOD's GOOD GRACES!!!

And if you have READ YOUR BIBLE, the answer to the question "Why???" is CLEAR AS A BELL: It is because the Material World (ALL Physical Creation), is LITERALLY the Manifest Body of God. And God at Its core is the non-physical thing we call CONSCIOUSNESS (Mind), which has CREATED absolutely everything -- concepts, words, planets -- simply by the Law of God's Nature and self-contemplation.

THEREFORE, God gets HIS ya-yas (Yahweh-Yahwehs??? -- in German its "Ja-Jas"), by experiencing physical SEX THROUGH US. We should ALL be fucking with that in Mind. And since God appears to be a SEX ADDICT (he made us in "His Image", no???), we should HONOR GOD PROPERLY by having only LOVING SEX -- or at least HOT SEX with agreeable strangers (using condoms APPROPRIATELY "to guard against DISEASES ONLY", but NEVER against "pro-creation", as has once LITERALLY been recommended by the new Pope Francis I of the Catholic Church.

And of COURSE it is recommended that one limit one's behavior to those allowed by previous agreements with others (marriage vows, etc.), and one's OWN moral standards!!!

Well, I need a BREAK before continuing (maybe after a serious or frivolous ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT, no???).

All best to you and Mrs. McCrory,
Scott David Kenan, Cyber-General FIVE STAR, Mexico y Estados Unidos (self-appointed)
