Now before I begin, I had checked the ALL TIME ten most hit postings of both my blog and its mirror blog -- they RARELY changing position since I've blogged for so long and have nearly 1.5 million registered hits, so I'm going to show the ones that are SUDDENLY HOT and have moved up FAST:
This one includes a scan of my mother's notes showing HOW she murdered her brother, Robert J. Meyer, DDS with double-strength Lithium Carbonate with help of a now-closed Veterans Hospital in Lower Mississippi -- because Uncle Bob allowed his daughter, Janet (Meyer) Opperman -- now Larsen -- to marry the JEW, Kim Opperman:
That is Jan in the red who married Bill Larsen (center), who at that time had terminal cancer and did not live a year longer, leaving Jan a PILE OF MONEY -- since Jan had lost all of HERS due to DRUG ADDICTIONS!!!
Ian Opperman, her son on left, always fixed Jan's Drug-Caused Problems while he could while Jan lived in Atlanta about 2006 - 07 -- and we frequently visited -- and his sister Andrea Opperman is next to him. She converted to Judaism formally, and BOTH Ian and Andrea BOYCOTTED the Meyer Family Reunion in 2009!!!:
Click on image to ENLARGE.
MORE on that subject:
And the following is a comment I left today, that I post here ONLY because it was the Brett Kavanaugh Senate hearing that made me REALIZE I have been raped, myself:
(And, quite honestly, I almost ENJOYED quite a lot of it.)
This morning, Rob McKinney from apartment one came down to use my TOILET -- he still has no water after more than a month for lack of payment -- and although he was going to interview at 5:00 PM last night for a job delivering pizzas with a manger he had previously told off and walked out on (Rob's parents told him they WON'T give him another penny since he does nothing but DRUGS and they are FED UP with him), he got one landscaping -- beginning tomorrow morning!!!
He was also excited because he was SOON to buy a half-ounce of pot that he can resell to others -- so he has SOME MONEY!!! And he told me how LAST weekend, he had tripped out of his mind on Psilocybin Mushrooms for three days.
And THAT was when I began making the SOUP -- beginning by chopping the ONIONS, hoping they would drive him home -- but it took a while -- LOL!!!I spoke with a LOT of people around Wilmington when I went out food shopping, and about a THIRD support Donald Trump because he is an EXCELLENT CHRISTIAN:
I had NOT expected the above to get so extensive, so I will now only say that I spent about an HOUR speaking with the guy who lives in Greenville, NC and owns a small bungalow across the street that he rents, and had to tarp the roof of before his tenants could move back in.
Ken Crowley RENOVATED that house, the next-door house of Richard -- the Students-for-a-Democratic-Society guy in the mid-late 1960s, AND my own building that has four apartments, before selling this one to Gold Walker.
He ALSO has had in many ways as PECULIAR a life as I -- also knowing many people of HUGE Political and Business Influence -- even was sailing in the mid-Atlantic nine days from land and with NO communications and came down with acute Pancreatitis -- which Tennessee Williams ALSO had, and I had to give him his "eating pills" (Donnatal and Cotazym), before each meal.
And Ken was TOTALLY AWARE of the crimes of my Kenan Family -- and that in Wilmington, the KENANS are hated the MOST, followed by their TOP local allies the Camerons -- and then the Trasks, a family I always associate with Charleston, South Carolina.
This is TRUE of every neighbor I have met -- and from BEFORE I ever told them anything!!!
An Episcopalian Sycophant, Betty (Price) Kenan of Durham, and Thomas S. Kenan III of Chapel Hill.