Tuesday, January 31, 2017

RP: "Old Roomie" Has Taken "Old Testo" as Jesus Christ, His Lord and Savior -- and OTHER Tales from These United Snakes of America!!!

RE-PRINTED from herehttp://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2017/01/old-roomie-has-taken-old-testo-as-jesus.html

"At least my husband is STRAIGHT, you ignorant BEARD-BITCH!!! --

 " -- And George HW's and George W. Bush's wives HID that their husbands had sex with men as well!!!"


I just tried to read two stories from the Wilmington Star News, and was BLOCKED by Norton Internet Security!!!:

BOTH attempts to visit very different stories yielded THIS result two above -- and then this result below it. What is going ON with the Star News and their Christian/Narco-Trafficking Executive EditorPam Sander???

Notice how "Pepto-Bismol Meets Bauhaus" that oddly hung fabric is.

But I LOVE Pam's "Cleopatra Eyes", ala my ALMOST pal Elizabeth Taylor, as explained in "vintage detail"herehttp://laterdaysoftennesseewilliams.blogspot.com/2013/10/chapter-4-birthday-party.html

Kevin MaurerHead of City Desk at the Star News, summer 2012, is the CIA Agent who not only wrote the book:

Kevin ALSO was in charge of controlling the News so that Wilmingtonians did NOT KNOW that the Christian Drug Mafia made Port Wilmington the LARGEST import water port in the USA for illegal drugs.

That was set up in the 1980s and 90s by my parents, William Scott Kenan (now deceased), and Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan (now 94 and living in Raleigh), in conjunction with Nixon Aide John Ehrlichman -- then later by PPD, the giant drug testing org with its World HQ in Wilmington and founded by the Bush, Cheney, Bin Laden, and Saudi Royal Families (Bin Ladens and Saudi Royals SOLD OUT, smartly, after 9/11).

And Kevin Maurer interviewed me in Puerto Vallarta about June, 2012, by phone from his City Desk (but told me I had to call HIM, so his boss didn't know), claiming he was going to write a book on MY STORY fighting with the narco-trafficking Mayor Saffo, D.A. Ben David, Republican Judges, and Police Chief Evangelous -- or at least a FEATURE ARTICLE for the Star News.

When his book (above), was announced to the Press -- Kevin dropped me like a HOT POTATO!!! He was ONLY getting info on me for the CIA.

But I DO still think he is HOT!!!

And very STRANGELY, several hours ago, I read FOUR stories from the Wilmington Star News -- and NONE of those were flagged by Norton as UNSAFEI learned:

1. Mayor Saffo gave his "State of the City" address, last night -- something I would DEFINITELY have attended, had I known about it. I will need to find out the schedule of these things so I can attend/participate.

Meanwhile, "Miss Lucy", downstairs, the retired International Drug Mule -- but still hangs in the same sex-and-drugs-party crowd -- continues her breakfasts with Mayor Saffo several days per week, and as Miss Lucy has told me several times, Jesus FORGIVES her for any sins or crimes -- because she BELIEVES ON HIM!!!

2.  There are TEN DEMOCRATS vying for Dem. Susi Hamilton's old seat -- she nominated to and now occupying the position of Secretary of Natural and Cultural Resources for North Carolina. She's PERFECT for that position, and two Dem Officials from both New Hanover and Brunswick Counties will choose who will be our NC State Representative, now.

NOT surprisingly, Julia Boseman is NOT one under consideration.

3. There were about 100 protesters, Sunday, in the Wilmington Airport -- protesting the MUSLIM BAN!!!

Right here in "Li'l ol' Wilmington"!!!

4. First I saw this headline:

"'Hangover' star gets serious with N.C. politics documentary"

And imagined THIS:

But we are getting THIS:

5. My roommate got home from work about 7:00 PM, got on his computer where he stayed until going to bed about 11:00, but this morning told me he had had had NO TIME to check his email or to see what "Testosteroni" sent him about how to -- and how NOT TO -- set up his new Blu-Ray player, which he has possession of now.

Nevertheless, I gave him a FACTUAL brief of my discussions with Old Testo the last several days, and he's stated clearly, that "if Testosteroni claims something, then it HAS TO BE TRUE!!!"

So he will NOT connect his new Blu-Ray to the internet and enjoy those functions, too.

I DID call Testo to suggest that in the FUTURE, he read REVIEWS -- BEFORE he buys a product -- rather than spending all that money and then DESPERATELY warning something can not be used for its stated purpose -- especially since this Sony player got EXCELLENT REVIEWS -- but just warns that you must update firmware BEFORE using other internet functions, and the later reviews state that this ACTUALLY WORKS.

But Testosteroni (aka Senor Copious Masturbater-at-84), and Roomie, are too "NERVIX-in-the-MAN-SERVIX" to do anything SCIENTIFIC.


40 mins
Days until achieving MAJORITY disapproval from @Gallup
Reagan: 727
Bush I: 1336

Clinton: 573

Bush II: 1205

Obama: 936
Trump8 days.



Monday, January 30, 2017

RP: SUPER-HOOT: My Christian Roommate Has Declared that if "Testosteroni" Says the Blu-Ray Player Can NEVER Be Connected to the Internet -- Then It CAN'T BE / My Current Email List This Blog is Always Sent to:

RE-PRINTED from herehttp://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2017/01/super-hoot-my-christian-roommate-has.html

"Vesuvius" de Andy Warhol, 1985 en el Museo de Capodimonte, Napoli, Italia.

My roommate's not just a PIN-UP BOY for Testosteroninow -- this is a series of four shots Roomie and I did and emailed him to EXCITE Old Testo (without any disrobing) -- just a few days ago:

That "Old Roomie's Cross" hanging on the wall with the MONSTER female orifice in the bottom part, was MADE by "Teststeroni" and is reported on in GREATER DETAIL here:

-- Roomie's now a FULL DISCIPLE of a long-time, GENEROUS but bag-lady-like RECLUSE, to learn from him the DOWN-TO-EARTH ways to deal in TODAY'S WORLD!!!

>>> ALL OF THESE EMAIL ADDRESSES show that my emails are NOT blocked, and they ALL get every blog posting emailed to them (before I've edited them enough, frankly):

wilmjourn wilmjourn@aol.com, wilmingtononfire wilmingtononfire@gmail.com, thecarolinian thecarolinian@bellsouth.net, jbookman jbookman@ajc.com, mjoseph mjoseph@ajc.com, atlantacouncil atlantacouncil@atlantaga.gov, eredenbaugh1 eredenbaugh1@gmail.com, bill.saffo bill.saffo@wilmingtonnc.gov, council council@wilmingtonnc.gov, scoop scoop@huffingtonpost.com, editorial editorial@nytimes.com, newsroom newsroom@wwaytv3.com, breakingnews breakingnews@starnewsonline.com, breakingnews breakingnews@newsobserver.com, sarmstrong sarmstrong@kminc.net, teri teri@benefits-management.org, partnership partnership@wilmingtondowntown.com, toconis toconis@aol.com, rjkus rjkus@aol.com, rapoole2000 rapoole2000@yahoo.com, rhodes1005 rhodes1005@yahoo.com, ryanleeburris ryanleeburris@gmail.com, swerner swerner@ec.rr.com, gbennett gbennett@qocnc.com, cppabert cppabert@gmail.com, officeofthechief officeofthechief@wilmingtonnc.gov, emcmahon emcmahon@nhcgov.com, benjamin.r.david benjamin.r.david@nccourts.org, info info@whalestalecapemay.com, rodney.moore rodney.moore@ncleg.net, info info@roycooper.com, tom tom@localvoicemedia.com, ltgov ltgov@nc.gov, ThomTillis ThomTillis@thomtillis.com, robin.w.robinson robin.w.robinson@nccourts.org, michael.franklin michael.franklin@outlook.com, pcd pcd@portcitydaily.com, kim kim@localvoicemedia.com, paul paul@electpaullawler.com, jwfish7 jwfish7@msn.com, mail mail@bobbarr.org, wwhite wwhite@nhcgov.com, rzapple rzapple@nhcgov.com, jbarfield jbarfield@nhcgov.com, swatkins swatkins@nhcgov.com, templeoffice templeoffice@temple-of-israel.org, BnaiisraelILM BnaiisraelILM@gmail.com, mfmoye mfmoye@gmail.com, rcarroll88 rcarroll88@outlook.com, burgawpresbyteri burgawpresbyteri@bellsouth.net, info info@allsaints-pas.org, andrearedmondstonemountain andrearedmondstonemountain@gmail.com, revwatson revwatson@capefearpres.org, office office@capefearpres.org, mmoore000 mmoore000@aol.com, stjudes stjudes@bellsouth.net, nhcnaacp nhcnaacp@gmail.com, Ashley.N.Bullard Ashley.N.Bullard@nccourts.org, moyredikh moyredikh@gmail.com, info info@juliabosemanlawyer.com, sdistrict16 sdistrict16@ncleg.net, rkenan rkenan@email.unc.edu, Contact Contact@AthleteSpeakers.com, office office@stnicholaswilmington.org, communications communications@stnicholaswilmington.org, info info@goodshepherdwilmington.org, saffo saffo@saffocontractors.com, casapacifica99 casapacifica99@yahoo.com, conagencypuertov conagencypuertov@state.gov, todddillon todddillon@earthlink.net, president president@harvard.edu, brian.t.moynihan brian.t.moynihan@bankofamerica.com, jamie.sutherland jamie.sutherland@ampf.com, sordidwedding sordidwedding@gmail.com, faulkjoseph6 faulkjoseph6@gmail.com, mcook mcook@fbcwilmington.org, jeverette jeverette@fbcwilmington.org, jdavis jdavis@fbcwilmington.org, krjec krjec@yahoo.com, roostersutherland roostersutherland@gmail.com, dsaper dsaper@saperlaw.com, info info@saperlaw.com, info info@naacpnc.org, Jcboseman3 Jcboseman3@Gmail.Com, michael.lopez michael.lopez@alphamortgage.com, information information@allsaints-pas.org, publicaffairs publicaffairs@episcopalchurch.org, info info@episcopalchurch.org, ken ken@citywatchla.com, rosenproductions rosenproductions@mindspring.com, elderford elderford@newbcc.com, forgeyouth forgeyouth@newbcc.com, nbcc nbcc@newbcc.com, chacmoolcafe chacmoolcafe@hotmail.com, jkenan02 jkenan02@gmail.com, kenan5 kenan5@aol.com, duffyjr3 duffyjr3@verizon.net, Opinion Opinion@StarNewsOnline.com, info info@costellospianobar.com, madonnamcmahon madonnamcmahon@aol.com, contact contact@leapofhumanity.com, philipchryst philipchryst@gmail.com, consularagentpvr consularagentpvr@prodigy.net.mx, ksbufkin72 ksbufkin72@mail.cfcc.edu, tlholbrook790 tlholbrook790@mail.cfcc.edu, dreamwindows dreamwindows@gmail.com, jnhohman jnhohman@lbl.gov, Pam.Sander Pam.Sander@StarNewsOnline.com, info info@manufacturingmethods.com, montrillionbusiness montrillionbusiness@gmail.com, argile5 argile5@yahoo.com, leads leads@dbins.com, noelle noelle@dbins.com, gerry.lowrey gerry.lowrey@reallivingcc.com, thomas.kaplan thomas.kaplan@nytimes.com, dmurtaugh2 dmurtaugh2@yahoo.com, gmail gmail@wgni.com, jaclyn.jordan jaclyn.jordan@cumulus.com, bob bob@bobandsheri.com, ray ray@wgni.com, lenaludwig lenaludwig@gmail.com, 2redeyes 2redeyes@theblackcatshoppe.net, press press@tennesseewilliams.net, info info@idealand.com, ron ron@lauraseydel.com, stacy stacy@lauraseydel.com, dopierce dopierce@sewanee.edu, jpenley jpenley@live.unc.edu, hayeste hayeste@live.unc.edu, lazypiratesportsgrill lazypiratesportsgrill@gmail.com, merrittrw merrittrw@gmail.com, carlton.wells carlton.wells@wilmingtonnc.gov, Mark.Beguhl Mark.Beguhl@wilmingtonnc.gov, Daniel.Simpson Daniel.Simpson@wilmingtonnc.gov, eraymundo eraymundo@maralagoclub.com, blembcke blembcke@maralagoclub.com, tmcdonald tmcdonald@trumpnational.com, feedback feedback@lcv.org, dlopez dlopez@lg.in.gov, ac ac@paradfirm.com, philipchryst philipchryst@gmail.com, templeoffice templeoffice@temple-of-israel.org, cmstarwave cmstarwave@comcast.net, mmathes1 mmathes1@gmail.com, ben.steelman ben.steelman@starnewsonline.com, heather heather@occasionsmediagroup.com, contactgov contactgov@nc.gov

lindsey.m.luther lindsey.m.luther@nccourts.org, Jennifer.Harjo Jennifer.Harjo@nccourts.org, dollarlois dollarlois@att.net, 1kikiwin 1kikiwin@gmail.com, gingertindall gingertindall@hotmail.com, joyeckel joyeckel@yahoo.com, KHolditch KHolditch@cox.net, info info@tennesseewilliams.net, pjwillisnola pjwillisnola@aol.com, asaddik asaddik@citytech.cuny.edu, telliottk telliottk@gmail.com, runningsun runningsun@earthlink.net, ps ps@pentagon-usa.com, joel joel@pentagon-usa.com, flynn flynn@pentagon-usa.com, mike mike@pentagon-usa.com, mitchdouglasicm mitchdouglasicm@aol.com, Christian.Ferney Christian.Ferney@duke.edu, hobbsart hobbsart@bellsouth.net, bojones bojones@verizon.net, connor.kenan connor.kenan@gmail.com, ChadHogston ChadHogston@gmail.com, gm2127 gm2127@columbia.edu, dtaft dtaft@nhcgov.com, lmacneish lmacneish@nhcgov.com, wcrowningshield wcrowningshield@nhcgov.com, jhart jhart@nhcgov.com, lwyatt lwyatt@nhcgov.com, loisannfisher loisannfisher@yahoo.com, lroberson lroberson@mcguirewoods.com, rlewis rlewis@mcguirewoods.com, info info@majorityconnections.com, don don@querellepressbooks.com, cynthia cynthia@secondcitypublishing.com, jfaulk001 jfaulk001@nyc.rr.com

"No, no . . . I NEVER manipulate anyone!!!"
