Fag or NOT Fag, THAT is the operative question about Dr. Mark Wright, this picture from his FACEBOOK Page, so public -- almost PUBIC!!!. I can't imagine a man or woman alive who wouldn't do Mark IN A HEART-BEAT!!!
What the hell kind of SLOPPY, CARELESS copy writing is this for an ad placed BY THE (drug-high) DOCTOR or his staff member??? Leaves one thinking that he just prescribes SPEED or OTHER RECREATIONAL DRUGS to addicts, charging them QUITE A LOT!!! Weight-Loss drugs are generally ALL forms of amphetamines and related classes . . .
MORE on Dr. Wright is below, but FIRST a more IMPORTANT story:

Laughed so
hard I cried...
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- Wendy Whitney and Cheryl Scribner like this.
Of course
EVERYONE gets a kick out of a foolish city-boy who doesn't know the difference
between a cat and a possum, BUT the reason I like this so much is that it reminds me of Fernando
Merino -- the son of the top cocaine exporter in Colombia, who failed so
miserably, nearly two years ago, to control me (he NEVER tried to kill me -- although he DID kill my
cat Francine Fishpaw in order to TERRORIZE me, and even THAT failed because I
HANDLED IT without allowing my emotions to rule my head, while HE broke down
sobbing for what he did and then graciously buried Francine on his
"Godfathers" (Hector-the-Engineer's), ranch near Mezcales, Mexico).
Fernando implicated Hector to be the
engineer who booby-trapped the Chunnel between France and England so he could
COLLAPSE it on command from the CIA/Republican Party high command to fake
ANOTHER terrorist attack (like the Bush and Bin Laden families had planned and
executed 9/11), ranch.
This is what Fernando claimed and why it was so important
once I knew that, that he then CONVINCE me that I had somehow become IRREVOCABLY employed by the CIA
by signing the contract to sell land with him and Hector. See: http://scottkenan.blogspot.mx/2012/01/my-contract-with-cia-controlled-mexican.html .
This did NOT work out
and is why Hector has been ABANDONED by his father in Colombia and his country-hopping
Godfather as well (Fernando claimed that Hector owns 22 - 24 houses around the world).
Unfortunately, his Fernando Merino identity is a FAKE
Mexican one that took his Godfather and father 3 - 5 YEARS to get it so
perfect that NO ONE could find a flaw, so he is PERMANENTLY STUCK IN MEXICO NOW.
Fernando who is actually quite brilliant and well educated with
ENORMOUS potential for good (which is his actual nature that caused him to
screw up so bad when FORCED to operate against me -- which was REALLY even more
against HIS OWN NATURE, so he COULDN'T -- and BROKE DOWN CRYING!!! Now, he's STUCK
in Mexico with a perfect ID, yet having no work experience that he can prove or
that any DRUG CARTEL people (the only people he'd worked with before) will
verify, he's FORCED to take steroids and pump iron to work as Puerto Vallarta's
probably TOP PAID male prostitute (for men, only) out of Wet Dreams strip bar
where he legally whips out his giant BLACK member for any and all to fondle --
and SOME to pay a high price to enjoy privately.
Sadly, Fernando is ACTUALLY
STRAIGHT. This is why I feel so empathetic to his situation and still hope to
become his friend, again. Right now, all he'll do when I approach him is
literally GROWL, which is ACTUALLY leftover semi-human expression still used by
tribes so "primitive" they are barely beyond their traditional life
in the jungles -- EXACTLY the background he comes from!!!
But what is
"funnier" still, is that Tim Wilson, an American who owns PV TECH
SOLUTIONS DID allow Fernando to live with him for a while -- in exchange for
sexual favors -- and I DIRECTLY questioned Tim if he knew Fernando's real
identity, and he did NOT, exactly as I had also expected.
Sitting in Tim's
office at the time was a guy who is said to produce GAY GUIDE VALLARTA http://www.gayguidevallarta.com/?lang=en (and
maybe he sells the ad space or something, but I've googled the principles
listed on their website and he's NOT one of them.
Anyway, THIS guy is a HUGE
gossip-monger and has demonstrated he is VERY FAMILIAR with my blog, which he
dismissed as delusional. Clearly, HE is somehow connected to the
"underworld" here in Vallarta, and maybe he subtly controls Tim -- since I
seem to ALWAYS find him at Tim's business (except when he was in Reinas (translation:
"Queens") gay bar and attempted to publicly make a fool of me while I
was there with Vidal, who has moved on to Mexico (In Mexico, Mexico City is NOT
called "Cuidad Mexico, as you might expect, but simply "Mexico").
My original point had been meant to be that Fernando Merino appears to have too
many teeth (before I found him, I asked patrons if Fernando looked like a
possum with too many teeth and they all cracked up and said yes -- which is how
I was sure I had the right guy before seeing him).
I sure do like a hot RAMBLER with my morning coffee!!!
I sure do like a hot RAMBLER with my morning coffee!!!
Thanks for reading this!!!
51 minutes ago · Like
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Notice I AGAIN managed to sneak a link on to this blog (although I'm STILL officially blocked from doing that WITHOUT EXPLANATION OR ABILITY TO APPEAL FACEBOOK/CIA's DECISION TO DO SO!!!
Scott Kenan
How sad -- especially that you don't see it that way, nor likely do your fiends and kind.
Do you have any PRINCIPLES you live for other than proving you can make a ton of money and produce a "picture-perfect" family???
I have no idea your politics, but I bet they are GREED-BASED. You will learn soon -- not from me, but by the forward lurch of society -- that you might-could ACTUALLY be bankrupt BEFORE YOU EVEN SEE IT COMING!!!
I wish you the best of luck, and I have NO problem with enjoying cars or wealth -- after all, my Kenan Family based in Chapel Hill, NC not only founded UNC in 1789, but their charities control the largest blocks of Exxon-Mobil, Chevron, Coca-Cola, and Bank of America stock -- proceeds used to support University Education, Democracy, and now felling the Republican Party for its traitorous corruption of the US through the Bush/Cheney run CIA illegal drug importation operation . . .
-- And THAT's what is going to come out within a few days from this showdown with Eric Holder. Most Republicans (even high up), have NO IDEA that President Bush handed over protection of the illegal drug operations and gun running into Mexico to President Obama at his inauguration. It knocked Obama off his game for three years, but now he's coming back.
President Obama is SCARED TO DEATH of how crazy well-intentioned Republicans will be when they find out how Bush and Cheney BETRAYED THE WHOLE COUNTRY. It will be FAR worse than when President Nixon's crimes were revealed and TONS of Republicans were so close to violence because they wanted to blame ANYONE ELSE but themselves for Nixon's being a TRAITOR (which they STUBBORNLY REFUSED TO DO as accepting that Nixon was a crook meant that THEY THEMSELVES WERE TERMINALLY STUPID -- AND THEY SURE AS HELL DIDN'T WANT TO PROVE THAT!!!
I wish you well, Mark, and hope you don't ACTUALLY fall into this category of DUPED REPUBLICANS -- but I'll bet some of your FRIENDS are . . . Thanks for reading this.
Alex Prince No, donate one to my friend Bjorne who is fighting for his life every day and spending all his energy going to doctors and healing from Hodgkins. I am bringing him here and he has no transportation to doctors or anything. :)
>>>What do YOU think Mark will do??? I'm betting he sells a car to help this guy, but I might only be kidding myself.Scott
>>> LATE BREAKING NEWS ON MARK WRIGHT: Mark almost IMMEDIATELY unfriended me (how did we first become Facebook friends??? He sent a request and since he was so HOT and HANDSOME, I accepted his Facebook Friendship -- especially since I knew of his De-Fatting Practice in Atlanta -- he CONSTANTLY advertised there!!!Lesson learned: ALWAYS copy anything you post on a Facebook Page IMMEDIATELY if there's a good chance you will be de-friended, de-frocked, or similar!!!
I just received the following email from "Lord Byron" proving that Dr. Mark Wright is GAY AS A GOOSE!!! (and SKILLED!!!):
"Hello Scott. I showed your pic from Facebook to my friend who owns a landscape firm in Atlanta. He told me that he has a client who knows Mark Wright on an up-close- and –personal –basis and that the good doctor is indeed gloriously hung and can remain tumescent, throbbing and thrusting for an extended period. In other words he can ‘come in long and stay on strong.’ I love your column."
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