Thursday, August 1, 2019

RP: Anti-Christ Donald Trump to RALLY His Anti-Christians in Cincinnati -- SACRED HERITAGE SITE to Presidente Vicente Fox and Scott Kenan (and Tennessee Williams's OTHER chronicler, John Lahr, as well)!!!


POLITICS 08/01/2019 05:03 pm ET

Trump Back In Cincinnati After Failing To Deliver New Bridge He Promised 3 Years Ago

Trump later called the Brent Spence Bridge “dangerous” and told area residents “we’re going to get it fixed.” He has not.

By S.V. Date

Me and Dad in our apartment in the Norwood section of Cincinnati, Ohio in 1952.

Soon after that, my FIRST KISS on the front steps of that same Norwood apartment. Mickey's polio braces are just outside the photo.

SADLY, this leads to my CURRENT DILEMMA:

I took on a roommate five weeks ago, and he is diagnosed with both Schizophrenia and Dyslexia -- ALTHOUGH, he served four years in the USA NAVY (and has a pension from that), and then got a four-year degree in Religion from UNCW -- so he wasn't ALWAYS suffering from these things. He's in his early 40s.

My problem is that while I thought getting him INSIDE after five years of continuously living in hidden camps for one -- away from the rain, insects, snakes, and other marauding creatures, in a DRY place out of the rain with AIR-CONDITIONING, kitchen, shower, refrigerator, etc., he would really ENJOY HAVING USE of all of that.

BUT, while he's happy to be in a dry, cool place that is safe from critters and criminals (which he DEFINITELY is not), he only wants to chant "prayers", play his penny-whistle nearly constantly (and VERY BADLY), burn unpleasant incense, and eat cold food out of the cans it comes in -- stirring in garlic salt for flavor

He NEVER uses the stove or toaster oven -- but uses the microwave to make instant coffee (which as often as not he ADDS to the fresh coffee I make after grinding my own beans), dumps in lots of milk and sugar -- and then microwaves it in GLASS GLASSES -- when the ceramic dishes are meant for hot or cold things.

So, I think you can SEE how I fear that he will PULL ME BACK to HOMELESSNESS MENTALITY -- as well as scare off anyone who comes here who is NOT suffering serious Mental Illness.

Now, he is NOT completely unreasonable when I discuss these things with him, but he soon FORGETS what he has promised to do, and he keeps finding MORE THINGS that no one else would ever do inside a home (if they aren't the type to want to "lick Donald Trump's dick" -- as they say).

Well, I have him as a roommate -- because the LEAST I can do is help a completely KIND-HEARTED mentally ill person -- and his share of RENT keeps me afloat as my Mother and siblings ALL cut off the small money they send me (their false claims of my Bipolar Illness were what caused me to LOSE MY ENTIRE WEALTH, and Colin Powell's retired Chief Protocol Officer Army Col. Dorothy Newman got me to most of five years of Political Exile in Mexico -- they were even trying to KILL ME -- nice CHRISTIAN FAMILY, no???). 

They cut the small allowance LESS THAN A YEAR AGO -- saying they HOPED I was unable to buy my heart meds for aFib, etc., -- and that I was FORCED to HOMELESSNESS, and it was then WINTER!!!

Then, after several weeks, they RESUMED -- but REDUCED what they had been sending me by 1/3 -- and my brother Michael William Kenan of Berwyn, PA (who can by FAR more easily afford to help me)STOPPED COMPLETELY.

My brother Mike with his wife Gail Ann (Godley) Kenan, and his hateful children (left to right): Connor Michael Kenan, Maxwell Andrew Kenan, and Taylor Ann Kenan -- at Taylor's UNC Chapel Hill graduation.

The SAD FACT is that NONE OF THESE PEOPLE had any idea when they posed in front of this building, that it houses the GRAND-DADDY and perhaps BEST and BIGGEST of ALL the many Kenan Family Charities, the William R. Kenan, Jr. Charitable Trust:

My brother and his family all SPIRITUALLY SUCK DONALD TRUMP'S DICK -- and are TOTALLY ENSLAVED to the Anti-Christno??? 


Mildred and Bert Lahr (the Friendly Lion from The Wizard of Oz), were John Lahr's parents -- and John and I worked together IN SECRET while I FIRST wrote my memoir of working for Tennessee Williams:

Then John Lahr wrote HIS BIOGRAPHY of Tennessee Williams that is considered one of the BEST WRITTEN BIOGRAPHIES ever (but what else would anyone expect from John Lahr -- google him for his other writing achievements).

BETWEEN the timelines that John Lahr and I established in our books, it was CLEAR that John Uecker murdered Tennessee Williams -- and John Lahr ADMITTED that Thomas Elliot Keith BLACKMAILED HIM into NOT mentioning MY NAME even once -- just like John Uecker (who actually smothered Tennessee with a pillowmurdering him for the Episcopal Church USA and Sewanee -- with help of Frank Hawkins Kenan and his brother James Graham Kenan -- who -- the Church/Sewanee, not the Kenans -- NOW own all of Tennessee's RIGHTS)TOLD ME that Tom Keith told him (Uecker) what he would do FOR THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH to blackmail Lahr -- over John Lahr's CHEATING on his second wifeConnie Booth, by having SEX WITH YOUNG MEN -- LOL!!!

Other weirdos originally from Cincinnati:

Ted Turner ALWAYS wanted to get rid of MOST of the world's population by some kind of "Eugenics" -- which was WHY when she turned DEVOUT SOUTHERN BAPTIST"Hanoi Jane" Fonda DIVORCED TED'S ASS!!!

John Boehner -- once with Coach Lou Holtz my mother Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan's TOP CO-STRATEGIST to turn the USA NAZI under orders of Popes Pius XI through Francis I.

FROM: Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Episcopal Church USA -- TODAY -- ABSOLUTELY CONDEMNED President Donald J. Trump!!! Which OTHER Christian Denominations Will FOLLOW SUIT??? NOT Roman Catholicism -- Adolph Hitler's as well as Sen. Joseph McCarthy's -- BEST FRIEND Was the Catholic POPE!!!

And JUST NOWI BLEW UP at my roommate and GOT IT ALL OFF MY CHEST!!!

Let's see how Donald Trump does tonight in Cincinnati, Ohio (my birthplace) -- HERE is how he did in the WEALTHY KENANS' HOMETOWN: 


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