Thursday, August 22, 2019

RP: A Bona-Fide (Black) Christian Pastor Has Been Called In to Get the PAINTING JOB Here Back on Track -- MERCY!!! -- This While "Christians" Continue to DESTROY the USA!!! / Meanwhile at the Kenan Institute for Ethics (at Duke University):


The dilemmas of datingtoday!!!

$600,000 for 12,000 pillows. That’s $50 each. Seems excessive. But if it helps kids sleep through lectures at Liberty, it might actually be worth the cost in the long run.


She's the Pastor, and Robert is the Apostle!!!

Now, Robert Covington's family and church are completely fascinating to me -- and despite all the bull-shit (black, evangelical, christian theological clap-trappery), Robert really has a HEART OF GOLD, and GETS what Jesus taught. Read Dominic Santana's biography for some good entertainment -- his mother sang in the group “Chocolate Buttermilk".

Dominic played in a movie about Tupac Shakur, whose mother I knew when I lived in Stone Mountain, GA, and SHE was who told me that Tupac had gone to Quincy Jones's mansion in Hollywood, and climbing the stairs to the upper level, found several of the BIGGEST rap stars engaged BACK-ENDING each other!!!

Tupac refused to shut up about it -- and his Mom told me that THAT is why he was ASSASSINATED.

Now, Apostle Robert did not even flinch when I told him that -- and ALSO that Jamie Lee Sutherland and others told me they had seen both Barack Obama (when he was an Illinois State Senator), and Rahm Emanuel in Man's Country Gay Baths in Chicago several times.

That did NOT seem to surprise Apostle Robert Covington much -- and he was VISIBLY RELIEVED when I told it it was OK -- because Michelle KNEW ABOUT IT before they got married, although I did NOT tell him that Reverends Jeremiah Wright and Jesse Jackson had arranged the Obama marriage.

As Readers know, Wilmington's only black Judge, James H. Faison III, got SO ANGRY with me when I told him that that he SCREWED ME in a legal matter!!! Democrat Faison is also a God-Damned Christian Minister partnered with my Kenan Family in Hard-Drug Trafficking -- NO SECRET IN WILMINGTON!!! 

And to complete this section, Apostle Robert is currently so broke, he can't turn his cell phone back on until he's paid tomorrow -- and no financially successful 62-year-old minister is busting his hump scraping and painting houses in all this heat and humidity.

But that ALSO proves he's NOT using his church to hide DRUG-TRAFFICKING behindlike Judge Faison does, and so many others, both black and white. I really like the guy A LOT -- but not enough to convert (or try to steal him from his wife) -- LOL!!!

>>> SLOUCHING TOWARD TRUTH (with apologies to Joan Didion):

Yes, Tommy Orange’s New Novel Really Is That Good


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