Friday, August 23, 2019

RP: Time to Send the "Christians" BACK to Nero's Circus / Federal Court Rules That Electors Can Vote Any Way They Care To, so NO MORE Even PRETEND Popular Elections of Presidents / Pastor Ramona Covington Apparently Suffers DRUG OVERDOSE* / My Sister's Catholic Pastor JAILED for Stealing Funds for His BOYFRIENDS -- LOL!!!



And since the Founding Fathers chose to have HUMAN ELECTORS -- rather than just give the "votes" to the state's winner (all-or-nothing or proportionally in each state), I CANNOT ARGUE with this -- and all INTELLIGENT PEOPLE will now insist on changing the Constitution to GET RID OF the ELECTORAL COLLEGE.

>>> ADDED LATER: Actually, that might mean that each ELECTOR had to run an Election Campaign -- complete with TV ads, annoying phone calls, etc. But would Electors have a part of the state that they exclusively vote for President for -- or would ALL campaign and Be Elected STATE-WIDE

Fancy California!!!


Pastor Ramona and Apostle Robert Covington

This morning, when Robert showed up for work, he told the Lumbee "Indian" Contractor, Keith, that he had held a REVIVAL MEETING last night, and when Keith asked, "Well, did JESUS show up???" Apostle Robert exclaimed, "YES!!! Jesus came and was right there among us!!!"

Anyway, his wife soon called, Robert got serious as hell and agitated and then said he had to leave to take care of his wife. I asked him if she was sick, and he said no, but he had to go help her get over something. Keith went with him (Keith having all the money and all his workers currently flat broke until they get paid this afternoon).

Later, I asked the others, and they said it was a BED BUG INFESTATION, so I guess Robert was just too embarrassed to tell me the TRUTH. Bed Bugs are EVERYWHERE in Wilmington, NC, and even my LANDLADY, Gold Walker, told me she had Bed Bug Exterminators to HER HOUSE five times within a two year period, just ended.

I'm GLAD TO HEAR IT'S BUGS -- but WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED to Apostle Robert and Pastor Ramona's WEALTH???

And in the process of all of this discussion, Rick declared he is PROUD that he is a DRUG ADDICT and that he WORSHIPS JESUS CHRIST!!! So I told him that I LOVE what Jesus TAUGHT, but that those who WORSHIP JESUS should stick Jesus Statues RIGHT UP THEIR ASSES!!!

THE FACTS ARE that all of these "Jesus Worshipers" here painting my house are suffering more and MORE and getting into more DESPERATE LIVING CIRCUMSTANCES -- while I RIDICULE their worship of Jesus and am becoming more and more SUCCESSFUL!!!

>>> AND THEN AT NOON THEY QUIT FOR THE DAY, claiming imminent thunderstorms, but with barely a cloud in the sky, and little likelihood of it in the forecast -- until after 4:00 PM, and then only 51% chance that drops again after that, I GUESS they decided they could not WAIT to GET PAID so they could DO DRUGS -- and in fact, Rick said that he and his wife are addicted to CRACK!!!

Just like Port City Daily Editor Benjamin Schachtman and his wife Kathy!!! Why did YOU think that Ben PROTECTS HARD DRUG TRAFFICKING of Mayor Saffo, Councilman Charlie Rivenbark, D.A.s Ben and Jon David, Sheriff McMahon, Police Chief Evangelous, and MOST Wilmington Christian Churches???

They only have about two hours of work to complete (the painting of my house).


One of the FIRST THINGS this morning, was that Allie Ryan from upstairs knocked on my door. Things were already CONFUSED outside, because Lumbee-Indian-Keith, Rick, Jeremy, and Apostle Robert Covington had all just shown up to work -- and they had FIVE WOMEN with them, who stayed here doing nothing but talking, gossiping, and getting in the way for most of the morning.

Allie asked me if I'd seen anything of a package UPS claims they delivered Friday a week ago (a bit late to ask, but I guess she must have just checked since it was late, and they told her they delivered it last Friday). It was left "on the porch" (so any porch here), and at THAT TIME, only CRACK Addicts Rick and his wife Kim were here -- pressure-washing (and breaking my washing-machine), until they were RAINED OUT late in the afternoon.

And NEXT-DOOR, our hot (but sadly chest-hairless), 62-year-old neighbor:

Chad Wagner

Chad has a pair of "Lumbee Indians" replacing his front-porch roof, today. They drove from Lumberton, NC 90 minutes and began work at 7:30 this morning, and have been working steadily since -- and ONE of them has taken his shirt off in the heat!!!

He looks JUST LIKE THIS (which is a LOT of chest hair for a Native American).

LATER went back, and got this photo of the shirtless one -- a little too distant for good resolution.

And even though I disclosed to both of the workers that I'm gay as a goose (but NOT a rapist), and that in MY OPINION all the "GOD-HATING WHITE-ASSED CHRISTIANS" need to go back to Europe -- and one of them is wearing a cross on a chain.

Well, the young (mid-thirties), fellas were fine with my watching, and even seemed to show off their muscles for me -- but CHAD (knowing my weaknesses), shooed me home TWICE -- including the second time, when I took my CAMERA so I could -- with their permission, of course -- show my Readers what fine men they are.

And LOOKall ye straight men and Lesbians: the WOMEN are QUITE FINE, TOO!!!

These are not yet "ripe for the pickin'" -- as I've heard straight guys say, so find the fine ADULT women on their website:

But I like my MEXICAN NATIVESthe most!!!

"Now, let's GET TO WORK and FIX OUR COUNTRY!!!"


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