Tuesday, January 25, 2022

RP: ANOTHER Attack of Me by a "Tennessee Williams Scholar" Provokes WORLD WAR THREE of God's People and United Democracy Patriots against FAKE-CHRISTIANS-UNITED-IN-GREED -- LOL!!!

For WIDER GRAPHICShttps://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2022/01/another-attack-of-me-by-tennessee.html

The Worst Worship Songs Ever

The most cringeworthy church songs ranked

Dan Foster

Jan 21 · 10 min read


R. Barton Palmer, Calhoun Lemon Professor Emeritus of English at Clemson University

>>> And JUST AS A REMINDER, there are at least a HUNDRED Kenan Family Endowed Chairs, Professorships, and Teaching Endowments at WELL OVER the 86 US Universities that I counted nearly 20 years ago. It all really began here:

>>> Response to "Barton Palmer" (as I believe he is called):

To ppalmer@clemson.edu ppalmer@clemson.edu, asaddik@citytech.cuny.edu asaddik@citytech.cuny.edu, rbray@mtsu.edu rbray@mtsu.edu, wrc@hnoc.org wrc@hnoc.org, telliottk@gmail.com telliottk@gmail.com, gm1125@hunter.cuny.edu gm1125@hunter.cuny.edu, kholditch@cox.net kholditch@cox.net, mitchdouglasicm@aol.com mitchdouglasicm@aol.com, dsaper@saperlaw.com dsaper@saperlaw.com, jamie.sutherland@ampf.com jamie.sutherland@ampf.com, info@tennesseewilliams.net info@tennesseewilliams.net, info@sandsnola.com info@sandsnola.com, dmontero@emg.inc dmontero@emg.inc, martirulli@aol.com martirulli@aol.com, donna.pierce@sewanee.edu donna.pierce@sewanee.edu, don@querellepressbooks.com don@querellepressbooks.com, runningsun@earthlink.net runningsun@earthlink.net

Cc Scott Kenan scottdkenan@aol.com

NO copy was rejected!!!

Hi Barton,

WHAT did you get so STEAMED UP over -- all of a sudden -- you've been on one of my eight Email Lists for YEARS, now, and before that, you were on it years ago -- before all my Gmail addresses were stolen in 2015 -- Wilmington, NC Democrat District Attorney Benjamin R. David (a closet case homo of the WORST VARIETYhttps://scottkenan.blogspot.com/2013/04/repost-da-ben-davids-boyfriend-lee.html) . . .

>>> CORRECTED: Ben David stole my COPYRIGHTS, it was Democrat Sheriff Ed McMahon who with the CIA SHUT DOWN my Gmail accounts in 2015:


 . . . with then PRESIDENT Barack Obama and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel (two MORE worst-case Closet-Case HOMOS), Daliah Saper (a talking head on Fox News and Chicago lawyer), and Jamie Lee Sutherland (then an Exec of Wells Fargo Advisors, now one with Ameriprise Financial in Chicago), stole copyright to my Williams memoir -- that Thomas Keith had edited for HYPER-CRIMINAL Don Weise then Publisher of Alyson Books -- but they NEVER INTENDED TO PUBLISH MY MEMOIR!!!

Tom Keith has ALSO caused Kenneth Holditch's and other Williams Scholars' books to NOT BE PUBLISHED if they don't support the LIES about Tennessee Williams's MURDER by the Episcopal Church, Republican Party, elements of the FBI and CIA (especially Tenn's last lawyer John Eastman, who ALSO ordered the CIA murder of John Lennon). I can prove all of this in COURT, you ignorant FOOL!!!


You might wonder why I copied this to Douglas Montero, a muckraking tabloid journalist (mostly), who partnered with Marti Rulli in publicity on her new book on the death of Natalie Wood, that was SCHEDULED for release last month, but NOW Marti claims to have NO RELEASE SCHEDULED which makes no sense at ALL (I've included Marti, too)


I have the signed paper release that Doug Montero said I'd sent him correctly, to use material that Marti and/or Doug had recorded for a POD CAST in support of her book -- but NOTHING seems to have happened and I'm left wondering if the Episcopal Church meddled in THIS TOO!!! 

You DO KNOW that my relatives Frank Hawkins Kenan and his brother James Graham Kenan gave with OTHER blood Kenans over $100,000,000.00 to Sewanee/ Episcopal Church in support of the Episcopal Church Confederate Mace (hidden from view by my nemesis Rt. Rev. J. Neil Alexander -- ONLY for "Political Correctness" -- as they stated), in 2005 -- and then BLACK Episcopal Prelate-Bishop Michael Curry, left the Confederate Seal Window in All Saints Chapel at Sewanee for THREE YEARS before his BLACK ASS had it removed!!!



And just NOW, I discovered Sewanee removed ANOTHER CONFEDERATE FLAG window from the Chapel -- LESS THAN A YEAR AGO!!!


And THIS TIME, it was picked up by WORLD CATHOLIC NEWS!!!


I believe everyone here knows I was raised Devout Roman Catholic and planned to become a Jesuit Priest like Pope Francis, but LEFT Catholicism when I graduated 9th grade, and left Christianity ENTIRELY in late 1969 during my freshman year at Denison University. 

And LIKE IT OR NOT, although Tennessee Williams was nominally an Episcopalian, the ONLY TIME I saw him any kind of reverent was when he lit a candle for Rose in St. Louis Cathedral in New Orleans -- and actually GENUFLECTED making the "Sign of the Cross" when he crossed in front of the altar. THREE TIMES, Tom went into PANICS -- and each time he insisted I find a JESUIT PRIEST -- ONLY!!!


Tennessee's only known GODSON (Episcopal), was the son of "Texas Kate" (Schweppe) Sharp, Moldawer (later McNamara) -- who was RAISED best friends with the two Kenans I've already mentioned. Anyway, Dudley Crawford Sharp III, Tenn's godson, in the late aughts, was the TOP NATIONAL MEDIA SPOKESPERSON for the hideous Texas Death Penalty -- but when I wrote the HEAD of the Texas Republican Party letting them know Dudley Sharp was the godson of a FAMOUS HOMO, Dudley DISAPPEARED from the Media and has not been seen on it since:

That is Dudley Sharp in Houston.

I MUST TELL YOU that your TERSE REQUEST to remove you from an "email chain" -- which you are not ON -- a chain is where one recipient sends it to the next, ad nauseum, is BENEATH an alleged English/Literature SCHOLAR!!! 

And my Complex PTSD tricked me into calling the main number at the TW/NOLA Lit Fest and CUSSING THEM OUT for 3.25 minutes in a message -- since no one answered.

Because of your impertinence, I am going to SHRED little fairy-boy Paul Willis for letting Thomas Keith feed him party drugs and "f" him in the ASS repeatedly (told to me by Tom Keith), to CONTROL Paul -- before Paul met someone he married. Tom Keith and his Columbian boyfriend Arturo Noguera promised me over lunch in Greenwich Village in 2009 that THEY would have sex with ME TOO!!!

It is NO SECRET that Arturo's family lives in Stone Mountain, GA -- where I lived when I wrote my memoir -- and CONTROL the Colombian Drug Mafia there -- that works with the Drug Mafias that my own parents with Nixon's Aide John Ehrlichman (whom I knew but unfortunately never smoked pot with -- he the ARCHITECT of Nixon's draconian Drug Policies). 

Pentagon Publishing, Inc./Collegiate Publications/TopGrad -- are (is???), controlled by owners Patrick Lee Stansbury and Michael Massicott (with Lee E. Gosney, Jr. -- my father's CLOSEST FRIEND in 1990, who traveled the East Coast setting up the drug deals -- especially here in Wilmington, NC and Atlanta, GA)

Arturo ALSO did MAJOR DRUG BUSINESS with the Bishop stationed in Episcopal Cathedral St. John the Divine in Harlem/Manhattan, and here is a photo of me with Thomas Keith and the short Mr. Noguera at the Bishop's Reception where I had TONS OF FUN with Annette Saddick and John Patrick Shanley -- here is more detail on THAT: 


And then googling to find what I published about YOU, I found notice in the new "Google Books" that Tom Keith gave me a TINY CREDIT in the publication of A House Not Meant to Stand, and to FIND IT (which I DID in my copy that survived all my fleeing all over Mexico TWICE by help of Colin Powell's people -- look him up -- at his funeral, he had a MILITARY BAND play the classic ABBA hit "Dancing Queen" -- LOL!!!), and of course I met my TOP Military Ally at the Williams Fest in NOLA in 2015, Lt. Gen. Russel Honore'.

As LONG as I am SNUBBED and not PAID TO SPEAK at the Williams Festival (that at this LATE DATE shows NO ONE lined up to speak THIS MARCH) -- including transportation there and back and accommodations, food allowance, etc., I will descend on that Festival like a swarm of KILLER HORNETS and sting EVERYONE who deserves it until they JUMP INTO HELL -- to cool off -- HA!!!

Although I scanned this NOTE that I found inside my copy of the book half an hour ago, CIA HACKERS have already ERASED IT from my computer -- but I still have the original on New Directions Publishing Corporation's letterhead, that also was printed with Tom Keith's email address there: "tkeith@ndbooks.com", dated 03/08/08, and written cursively in blue-black ink, it states (and I expect that by tomorrow I'll beat the hackers and publish an actual scan of it -- and THIS EMAIL will be published on blog before being emailed to ALL MY CONTACTS):

Dear Scott --

Finally, here is A House Not Meant to Stand -- I'm very happy to send you a copy knowing you were a witness to the final incarnation and how much it meant to you.

I look forward to seeing you in New Orleans at the end of the month.



In MY new field, Internet Journalism, time is EVERYTHING, so please pardon me if I don't PROOF THIS before sending -- and then I'll iron out any typos, corrections, and incomplete thoughts on blog. 

Former President Barack Obama is going to LOVE getting HIS COPY -- but I think Joe Biden will NOT be happy to see his. BENEATH all the NONSENSE, Barack Obama and I are PARTNERED in PATRIOTISM (and GOD KNOWS, GAY RIGHTS!!!)!!!


All Best -- and write me after another week if you still want me to talk WHOOOPS!!! -- take you off, and I will do it without protest.



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