Thursday, July 21, 2022

RP: Since This Monday, I've Answered a DETAILED FBI QUESTIONNAIRE, Fought Back at least 100 Harassment Emails that Came in Five Hours, REPLACED My Burned-Out Security Lights, Got Connected to Underground Electric Service, and FEEL VICTORIOUS!!!


NOT everything is settled -- but at least the Statue of Liberty now wears SOME PROTECTION!!!

>>> Yes, this is ALSO for SCOTUSPOTUS and FLOTUS TWO other Dem PresidentsVEEP HarrisBOTH CLINTONS (Hillary & Chelsea), and ALL of my other CONTACTS:

Hey, Ambassador Rahm Emanuel -- Dig THIS!!!:

Dear Barack and Michelle Obama:

Since MALIA -- and the two of you -- are mentioned MOST PROMINENTLY this evening -- YOU get this before Rahm Emanuel, SCOTUS, or anyone else!!!



And on top of all of that, at the same time I was BEING SWAMPED with Harassment Emails -- THIS BLOG was also BEING ATTACKED LIKE CRAZY, and for the FIRST TIME, EVER, Google/Blogger tested me to be certain of my identity -- SO MANY HACKERS were trying to MESS WITH THIS BLOG!!!

Additional GOOD NEWS is that Google/Blogger has RESUMED sending out daily emails of my postings -- to those who signed up for that. I signed up more than ten years ago to get them, got them SPORADICALLY for five years, and NOT AT ALL the LAST FIVE YEARS -- but I've gotten them for my last ten or so postings!!!

So FINALLY, I expect to contact GLAAD, next -- which I first discussed here:

And HERE is what got the TOP PEOPLE in the US Government PAYING ATTENTION TO ME -- when I got RECEIVED RECEIPTS from not just Malia Obama -- but Barack and Michelle, Too:

Now let's WATCH TONIGHT'S JANUARY 6th INSURRECTION HEARING -- and I'll get back to BLOGGING, after that!!!



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