Saturday, November 26, 2022

RP: Scott David Kenan's "TERRORIZATION" of Downtown Wilmington, NC TODAY, "Black Friday", was VERY PROFITABLE as well as TONS OF FUN -- and I Didn't even Wear BLACKFACE!!!:


>>> Again -- for  EVERYONE !!!:

Jeez, Rahmster -- I don't even know what to SAY about this, but MANY in the WORLD PRESSUS Government, and Law Enforcement  (including of the separate States), have already sent RECEIPTS for this --

BET I get one from YOU SCOTUSBiden, Harris, BOTH Obamas, and TONS of PROGRESSIVE DEMS in Congress -- and ALSO, from NEWT GINGRICH  -- LOL!!!


I had AS MUCH FUN in downtown Wilmington, North Carolina today -- as if I were GENE HACKMAN IN DRAG from The Birdcage .

To begin with, I took off blogging, yesterday, but had a GREAT CONVERSATION -- nearly half an hour -- with my Landlady, Gold Walker. And THIS MUCH she admits to KNOWING:

1. Her properties have been RIDDLED with drug-traffickers, including Jack upstairs here and Robert "Rob" James McKinney, Jr. in apartment one -- my POT SUPPLIER who is also addicted to Meth/Adderall. FUNNIEST is that Gold volunteered that Rob's Dad, "Bob" McKinney, Sr., always pays Rob's RENT IN DRUG CASH, and has told her he will pay ANYTHING -- because Rob is too stupid and drug-addicted to hold ANY JOB other than DRUG DEALER -- and he can't live with Rob's STINK!!!

Bob said Rob hasn't enough sense to even STAY ALIVE if he were homeless.

And as I explained -- since Gold has never gotten near Rob, that he has NO SENSE OF SMELL and you can smell his stinky ARM PITS from fifty feet away!!! WHO would ever hire THAT???

Rob -- and Jack upstairs's girlfriend Kat Addington's SISTER were originally placed in these apartments by Jonathan Deputy -- a REPUBLICAN, who at that time was a HUGE HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKER with Dem. NC Rep. Deb Butler as well as Dem. Gov. Roy Cooper, but after County Dems' Third Vice Chair Ryan Lee Burris and his fiancé Wes Taylor -- and then Deb Butler's WIFE, Anni Parra -- died of DRUG OVERDOSES, Cooper and Butler GOT OUT OF IT!!!

2. I think Gold DID know this -- but I told her as long as Rob sells me quality pot for a fair price, I don't CARE what any of them do. ALL OF WILMINGTON is RICH because we're the BIGGEST DRUG IMPORT PORT in all of the USA (set up for that by my own parents, years ago). It would NOT be FAIR to pick on my NEIGHBORS!!!

3. She KNEW that her Meth-addicted carpenter (who was here three times and STILL hasn't completed the WATERPROOFING and rotted-board replacement of my deck, has NOT COMPLETED IT). That is, she thought it was COMPLETED and her Property Manager, Tom Purdy, NEVER checked if it was done!!!

She DID KNOW that that carpenter had with his mother and siblings made MANY MILLIONS OF DOLLARS trafficking Cocaine in Miami, Florida -- and he EVEN TOLD ME he was IN BUSINESS with the "Kenans of Chapel Hill, NC"!!!

That they were BUSTED, and his MOTHER spent TEN YEARS, and he and his sisters each spent FIVE YEARS in the Federal Pen for it!!! But they all KEPT THE PROFITS, so I'd THREATENED HIM that I would contact the IRS -- and they would be FORCED to PAY TAXES and INTEREST for all these years on the PROFIT FROM IT -- and he gave me a TRUE LOOK OF FEAR, but then realized he was PROTECTED by Joe Biden's Christian CIA, so had nothing to fear.

Gold yelled at me that if I treat him THAT WAY, he'll NEVER FINISH THE JOB -- but I explained he came back TWICE, so far, since that confrontation had ended with the two of us LAUGHING HYSTERICALLY !!!

4. Gold STILL doesn't know that her only son, Allen Walker and his, are HUGE DRUG TRAFFICKERS, but I successfully manipulated our conversation so I didn't have to tell her:

Since Tom Purdy LIVES at WalkerWorld and KNOWS what goes on there, I think TOM PURDY  should have to explain it all to Gold !!!

And on Thanksgiving Day when I spoke with my brother Mike, I explained that I'd been SAVING EVERY PENNY and eating CHEAPER FOODS that I'm such a GOOD COOK they taste LUXURIOUS, and had some INCOME IMPROVEMENTS -- including that the NEW HEAT and A/C UNIT Gold had to have installed about a year ago, is so EFFICIENT that while RATES have gone up on both the natural gas and electricity that run it, that my BILLS ARE 20% LOWER!!!

Anyway, I MIGHT have enough dough to pay for it all myself, but I plan to go to my mechanic to see how much it would cost to replace my other three Compression Coils and Spark Plugs -- $260.00 a year ago for ONE!!! -- and my research shows they only last 118,000 miles on average and I'm OVER THAT -- to keep me from being STRANDED in the countryside, they PROBABLY can skip the cost of the COMPUTER ANALYSIS and save LABOR doing three at once.

In any case, I should have the BULK of what's needed and then maybe Mike and the others in my family can contribute the rest and Mike said, "YES!!! Go ahead after the Holiday Weekend!!!"

Now, I ALSO had budgeted up to $115.00 for needed new sandals. My old ones had cost $89.00 a year and a half ago at the shoe store in the back of the main floor of the Cotton Exchange, downtown -- there has been INFLATION.

BUT, when I got there, theyCape Fear Footwear, were having a BLACK-FRIDAY SALE and EVERYTHING in the store was 15% off for the day. Not only that, but the Teva brand sandals they had in my size all cost only $65.00 -- less 15%!!!

So, I SPLURGED on a GREAT "Al Pastor Taco Bowl" and iced tea at Beer Barrio

And everyone there knew that the BIGGEST DRUG-TRAFFICKING BUSINESSES downtown, are the Dixie Grill, "I Love NY Pizza", Slainte Irish Pub, Hardwire Tattoo Parlor, and the Italian Gourmet Market -- just south of Market on Front Street -- where I MET Jamie Lee Curtis three years ago:

AS it turned out, the ONLY PEOPLE I met all day who had a NICE THING TO SAY about Donald Trump, stopped me inside Beer Barrio as I left the men's room, to ask about my height, and we got into Politics and Religion -- they INSISTED that Donald Trump is JESUS CHRIST'S Closest brother  and sent to turn us all DEVOUT CHRISTIAN !!!

Well, ALL THE STAFF and customers began RIDICULING these idiots, and I left TRIUMPHANT !!!

And THAT led to a MAJOR PUBLIC INCIDENT inside my local Food Lion, when three young Black Women (around 20 or a little older), engaged me over my height -- and we, too, got INTO IT.

They had a LIMITED understanding of HISTORY, but KNEW  the Kenans and Christian Churches sell all the HARD DRUGS in North Carolina. ALSO, that Mayor Saffo, D.A. Benjamin R. David, and Sheriff Ed McMahon are the BIGGEST WHITE-SUPREMACISTS and HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKERS in town -- especially with the Presbyterian and Episcopalian Churches -- and EVERY BLACK CHRISTIAN CHURCH IN TOWN  -- were part of it.

And THEN, the three followed me into the parking lot, where they asked me if I had any ADVICE. I told them ALWAYS keep the sense of humor everyone is BORN WITH. and ALWAYS TRUST that "still small voice" inside -- it is "GOD" -- and will make you FEEL BAD if something IS BAD -- and feel GREAT when you are on the RIGHT PATH !!!

And NOW, I'm nearly READY to have some of the WINE I bought at Food Lion!!!


Melody Moezzi  NOW teaches at UNC Wilmington -- and her OFFICE is in KENAN HALL -- LOL!!!

Jessie Kenan Wise and her sister Sarah Graham Kenan (the two on the right), were just CHEAP, RICH, HAYSEED PRESBYTERIAN TRASH  -- when they inherited control of Standard Oil from Henry Flagler and their sister, Mary Lily (Kenan), Flagler -- and later Bingham.

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