Thursday, November 24, 2022

RP: Thanksgivings (various), and Joe Biden's LATEST NAZI/CHRISTIAN SCREW-JOB -- with my Kenan Family and Vladimir Putin / SPOILER ALERT: It WON'T WORK because "God" Won't Be MOCKED!!!


From my never-met buddyFrank Sinatrawhose HEIRS I met on the banks of the Cape Fear River in Wilmington, NC in June 2011. Patricia Sinatra sat me down for over three hours to tell me how SHE had put together the deal to sell control of their BankAmerica to Kenan-Family-controlled NationsBank, that resulted in Bank of America -- an EARLIER name for what was ORIGINALLY founded in San Francisco as Bank of Italy.

>>> SCOTUS Biden, Harris, Obamas, etc. -- this is  One for the AGES !!!:


Just dig THIS -- like a Jazz Artist  recorded an album my father owned in the late 1950s: "I Dig Chicks!!!" (from Columbia Record Club -- in the more EXPENSIVE Stereo  -- for our TWO CONSOLE Magnavox, that my MOTHER still owns INTACT !!!

It's NOW worth some MONEY  -- HA!!!:

Gobble-GOBBLE !!!


But then my Kenan relatives made Bank of America a NAZI BANK in support of Vladimir Putin and soon Donald Trump -- and now the Sinatras HATE MY KENAN FAMILY  -- except for ME!!!

We ESCAPED THIS, so far!!! But Joe Biden is working OVERTIME to give the USA away to the Kenan/Bush/Clinton/Putin CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE.

My Staten Island Thanksgiving 1981, FORTY-ONE YEARS AGO!!!

I'm the tallest, Vasillis Voglis is in front of me with his hand on artist Mark Beard's shoulder. Mark's Art School -- Vas paid for -- in exchange for a lot of sex -- and his company at Society Events. Mark's lover of many years, Georg Osterman of the Ridiculous Theatre, wears the plaid shirt. Black-Eyed Susan is next to Vas, then Jane (Brotherton) Smith -- and Tennessee Williams is next to her. The other four men were all from the Ridiculous Theatre Company .

I know that THREE of us remain alive: MeBlack-Eyed Susan (, and Mark Beard (

LAST FALL, I posted THIS on Facebook:

I thought this was FUNNY AS HELL, but Facebook accused ME of PROMOTING CANNIBALISM !!! And THEN -- having kicked me OFF for a MONTH, THIRTY-SOMETHING TIMES for criticizing TRUMP and/or CHRISTIANS since 2015, on Thanksgiving Day, 2021, Facebook kicked me off PERMANENTLY -- which has PROVED to be a HUGE FAVOR.

As you can see, Barack Obama has a THING FOR TALL GUYS (I'm 6' 11").

But NOT AFTER the KINKY SEX  Obama had with BOTH Reggie Love and Rahm Emanuel!!!

And then Obama and Emanuel SUED ME FOR LIBEL -- with the help of Wilmington, North Carolina District Attorney Benjamin R. David, Daliah Saper (a Chicago Lawyer and FOX NEWS TALKING HEAD), and Jamie Lee Sutherland (then an Exec of Wells Fargo Advisors, Chicago)because I kept BLOGGING that Jamie had BRAGGED of cavorting MANY TIMES in Chicago's Man's Country private Gay bathhouse with BOTH Obama and Emanuel -- and ALSO of doing HEAVY DRUG TRAFFICKING with the CIA and my own family's EXXON-MOBILCarlos Salim "Slim" HeluEl Chapo Guzmanthe Episcopal Church, and the Hillary Clinton State Department.

HUFFPOST , today, points out that Biden only CLAIMS THIS -- since he OFTEN DOES THE OPPOSITE  of what he claims he's doing.

Thanks for nothing, President Biden 

Drew and the crew at 198 Methods <>


Has Kamala Harris EVER had a GOOD WEEK ???

What will it take for the Biden Administration to hear Gulf Coast voices over industry lobbyists?

A Latina JEWESS -- MERCY!!!

I won't sugar coat this like the yams some of you are about to eat: Biden's climate leadership has been a lot of hot air, so far. But we're not giving up. And that's why if I'm thankful for anything today — it's you .

Well, I HOPE EVERYONE has had a GREAT THANKSGIVING -- and REMEMBERED to thank all of those who work as nearly SLAVE LABOR -- not only in second and third world countries -- but here in the US of A .

-- to provide FOOD for our TABLES at prices not nearly as INFLATED  as in MOST OTHER COUNTRIES -- and for ONCEFORGOT TO BITCH about our SPOILED WHITE PRIVILEGE !!!


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