Monday, July 9, 2012

Bipolar Cyber-Sexing My New Gal-Pal with Humor and Seriousness BOTH!!!

Having no image of my new GAL-PAL, Dorothia, I googled "a fun gal" and THIS came up first in images. Do you think those are meant to be mushrooms???

>>> FIRST, A COMMUNICATION with a former resident of my apartment building here in Puerto Vallarta:

Well, call me NUTS if you want to, but if you look closely at the photo at the top of this blog post, I've left all the nut bits on those luscious, chocolaty lips!!!

See top image in this posting: .

And Sister Dorothy has responded MOST POSITIVELY to my wit and humor -- more to come on NEW communications with her shortly (lower in THIS blog post).

BTW, since you lived here briefly, I can now confidently report that next-door neighbor COLD-BLOODED, CAT HATING Larry, who not only TOLD me he had a year's lease -- and HAD to have one since in leases less than FOUR months, Mark Servin's strict, and very understandable, practical policy, is to INCLUDE electric in the rent. So since Larry was so afraid to run up his bills with air conditioning PROVES he had at least a four month lease, skipped town (or at least this building), after only two months -- on or right after July 1, 2012.

I'm sure you remember that Larry's sociopathic/psychopathic words and behavior regarding my cats and me led to landlord Mark Servin's harassments of me. Larry had FOUND his apartment AFTER I found mine, but moved in first. I really do believe that he worked for "my adversaries" and probably was hacking my computer until I upgraded (with the help of Mexican Intelligence, who got my OWN router to finally work).

You see, ALL apartments here have the same password, even though each has its own Ethernet connection to individual routers. It is EASY to hack into someone else's computer if you have the password to their "private network" (at the router). Larry spent MOST of his time on his computer, but once I'd achieved my OWN password, he couldn't get in -- so there was no longer any reason for him to live here. Hacking of my computer then became ENTIRELY the job of those FAR AWAY (Fox News/CIA/Republican Party hackers -- with the assistance of my swastika-phillic mother providing what intelligence she could cleverly extract from me and my sister Jane).

And just a note about Mark Servin and his wife Angela: Mark is just a small-minded bigot seized up with immaturity. He grew up in the US and is THOROUGHLY Gringo (but his Mexican wife, depressed to find herself in this situation, is fine). And there's been NO real harm caused me -- only TRUE STORY ENHANCEMENTS!!! So I'm not upset with him at all.

Show Spelled[soh-see-uh-path, soh-shee-]  Show IPA
noun Psychiatry .
a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial,  often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.

I need to get on to blogging . . .


On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 9:17 AM, A FRIEND wrote:

Hehehehe  - Scott, you are NUTS   - I love it :))))


Sent from my iPad

* * *


Dorothy McCaskill You are an absolute riot!!!Seriously are missing a fortune by not becoming a comedy writer in Hollywood!!!!!!
5 hours ago · · 1
  • Dorothy McCaskill
    In all seriousness though, the point about my 'military intervention' comment is that its ludicrous how many years we are paying for the federal court system to hold multiple years of hearings, paying agents to sit in court, push 5 years of paper to keep 1 addict-dealer in prison for 20 years, which we also pay the bill for food and lodging. When it's clear the big gun teams are busy encroaching our border with heavy violence while our federal fighters are sitting in court. "The other side' of the border I have crossed in that area is only a small walkway and is not impermeable to being overtaken.See More
    3 hours ago ·
  • Scott Kenan Dorothy: after writing for half an hour, Facebook froze up. I ONLY have this problem when I'm writing to you on Facebook, but rather than be dispirited by it this time and FORCING myself to RE-WRITE wasting TONS of my time, I took a screen capture of it before allowing the website to be "recovered" with my writing lost. I'll put that in my blog as an image and complete it there -- then post a link to it here. Scott
    about an hour ago ·
    (click graphic to see full size)


    . . . NOW, having JUST HEARD President Obama speak at noon (Eastern), he made the PERFECT ARGUMENT for Congress to act NOW on extending the Bush tax cuts for ONE YEAR for those making less than $250,000.00.

    If the REPUBLICANS attempt to spin THIS TOO -- hateful and ugly -- they WILL HAVE EXPOSED THEMSELVES AS THE GOD-HATING, RACIST, HOMOPHOBIC, TRAITOROUS, NAZI, GREED-BOTS that they have come to be.

    >>> THIS "UNCLOTHING OF THE EMPORER" will be DEVASTATING to all the Republican regular citizens who had no idea what they'd been supporting and must now face THEIR OWN inner hate and greed -- but they have not ALL consciously hated.

    Now they must retreat for some private soul-searching.

    I had planned to reconstruct what I'd written both before and after the above text to Dorothy, but I hope the GIST comes through just as it is.

    Now, I intend to celebrate OUR victory by cleaning up this here apartment and GETTING MY LAUNDRY DONE!!!



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