Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Royal FUN from Merry Old England (English Royals are blood-related to us Kenans)

THIS ENTIRE POST IS A RE-POST OF THE "LAZY CIRCLES" BLOG. The original can be found here: http://lazycircles.blogspot.mx/2011/05/mondays-man-prince-harry.html .

>>> Formatting peculiarities are
compliments of the Fox News/CIA/
Republican Party HACKERS!!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Monday's Man: Prince Harry

Now that his brother is married off to a beautiful woman, Prince Harry is officially the world's most eligible batchelor.
I love a man in uniform. I love a man coming out of his uniform even more.

Ditto for athletic uniforms. You won't find the crown jewels in there, buddy.
I know you've all wondered what LC NY Bureau Chief Doug looks like. He wouldn't agree to let me show the full picture though, because he values his royal contacts.

1 comment:
Doug said...
Well, I am both a bit peeved and delighted that you have posted this photo of Harry and me when he was being quite playful. Still, I just hope and pray that neither Harry nor any of the eagle-eyed royal staff see this private photo...or I might be in the royal dog house.

It was WONDERFUL having you and the Missus in the city. I will mention to Scott that he made LC. He will be thrilled to bits!

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