Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Choosing Battles/Letting Everything Go . . .

Before Newt Gingrich turned Cat-Licker (no offense to REAL Catholics), he pandered to Jews. Before THAT, he earned several Atlanta Police citations for soliciting sex with men in Atlanta Parks (that was right after he graduated from college).


1. Before getting into ANYTHING, I want to apologize to several people I should take off my lists, including author Edmund White who actually DID send me an email of thanks yesterday for agreeing to remove his addresses after EXPOSING his crimes with Don Weise (former publisher of Alyson Books who FUCKED ME ROYAL), I suspect that Edmund and Don SPLIT the half-million-dollar BOGUS advance Don granted Edmund for his DOG OF A BOOK!!! See: .

I suggest that Edmund and Don Weise contact their drug-addicted pal Paul Colichman, REPUBLICAN, and DEMAND he force the CIA to stop hacking me, no???

Unfortunately, overnight last night, the CIA or whoever keeps hacking my computer, email, and this blog mounted a NEW OFFENSIVE, causing my Gmail and this Google/Blogger site to BOTH make my cursor act very oddly -- first I could NOT check individual emails for deletion -- then SUDDENLY whatever I did checked ALL boxes, so if I'd been unthinking, I could have deleted my ENTIRE EMAIL (where much proof of my claims resides, and I DO have backed-up copies so no real effect would have occurred).

As long as my computer and electronic communications are HACKED like this, I will NOT delete anyone from my lists, although I had planned to stop emailing EVERYONE today. Sorry: I don't like this either.

2. It's a sad day in hell when someone like RICH MERRITT (who was the FIRST published author to read part of an early draft of my Tennessee Williams memoir and encouraged me not only then but ALWAYS, including a few days ago, in my blogging here), JUST BLOCKED ME ON FACEBOOK because I SUPPORTED his comments about the Dalai Lama and ridiculed those who were cutting the religious leader down!!!

Could this have ACTUALLY been the CIA??? They pulled this trick on me with noted author and "Father of Internet Interactive Advertising" -- who is ANOTHER of my most influential political allies!!! J.G. Sandom ( ), NEVER unfriended me or blocked me -- and several days later, I learned the truth. Perhaps this will happen with US Marines Capt. Merritt as well . . .

See: .

3. I continue to have SERIOUS problems with my computer this morning -- MORE serious problems than EVER BEFORE (but I have learned so many WORK-AROUNDS, I'm more effective at communicating than the CIA is at STIFLING ME. HA!!!), therefore, I will list them:

A. This morning, my scott@scottkenan email was LOGGED INTO ALREADY when I first typed into my web browser. last night I had used my other email address LAST, and made ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that I was logged OUT of BOTH email accounts and this blog before shutting down Internet Explorer and Google Chrome (both have advantages and disadvantages -- including Chrome's NOT allowing me to post in this blog for the LAST TWO YEARS, despit its allowing that before -- AND BLOGGER AND CHROME ARE BOTH PARTS OF GOOGLE!!!

That said, I have found Googles products -- like their search engine and maps to be FAR superior to others. I suspect that with permission or not, the CIA has corrupted Google.

B. As I have "proven" in the past, Patrick Stansbury of here: began hacking my and his OTHER employees' email and computers LONG BEFORE I left his employ. Geraldine "Gerry" Flynn and her husband Joel Miller -- two OTHER Pentagon Publishing salespeople -- BOTH told me that Patrick TOLD THEM HE DOES THIS!!!

Also a possible cuprit is failed 2011 Wilmington Mayoral Candidate (Republican) Justine LaNasa, whom I PROVED has hacked this blog and whose hangers-out at his tattoo parlor on Front Street were the ones who CAT-CALLED me on Wilmington streets calling me a CHILD MOLESTOR!!!

Here is an article PROVING the TRAITOROUS DRUG MAFIA CONNECTIONS in the Wilmington/New Hanover Republican Party: .

See also: .

C. I CONTINUE to NOT be able to select and embolden and change color of links in THIS SPECIFIC BLOG POST -- without FIRST pubishing those additions. THEN, when I go back, it IS easily posible to SELECT links -- but when I hit the BOLD button followed by the COLOR CHANGE button, ONLY the color changes.

The FACT that the FIRST action does not happen (and I do NOT lose the "selection" in-between), PROVES this is the work of hackers: CIA or others.

D. While it is TRUE that Windows installed about ten updates last night AFTER I made sure I had SIGNED OUT OF GMAIL AND BLOGGER and shut down ALL programs before turning off the computer (which prompted the updates), I DOUBT Microsoft is actually in league with the CIA -- although I COULD be wrong!!!

continuing . . .


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