Wednesday, March 20, 2013

TOP GUN Method to SHUT DOWN Facebook BULLIES (just experienced)!!!


>>> NEW BONUS MATERIAL ADDED at 3:16 PM, CST!!! (see bottom part)

History Channel Show Generator
History Channel Show Generator

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Scott Kenan THIS IS WORTH REPEATING: ALL writers are self-employed (unless they work for CIA/Facebook, confusing people).

  • Dale Blank Scott!!! must!!! have!!! a!!! keyboard!!! macro!!! for!!! his!!! consistent!!! grouping!!! of!!! three!!! exclamation!!! points!!!

  • Dale Blank I guess all newspaper reporters are independent contractors then, eh Scooter?

  • Dale Blank Q: Are all graphic artists self-employed?

    A: YOURS must be.

  • Dale Blank And if Morgana's genitalia was as {ahem} colorful as your typography, then I'm going with "she's part unicorn". What's your excuse?

  • Scott Kenan Well, in my PREVIOUS actual employer's Pulitzer Prize winning play, THE GLASS MENAGERIE, the unicorn's horn gets broken off by an UN-MINDFUL STRAIGHT PERSON. MY horn's cool, but WHO'S SUCKIN' YOURS???


    * * *

    >>> NEW ONE ADDED AT 3:18 PM, CST (not nearly as obvious and obnoxious) :

    Good one.

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    • 4 people like this.

    • Maeby Gever Remember, anything good that might have taken place during the Presidency of the Black guy (he is really a guy of mixed racial background but that is a fact that doesn't suit the right wing narrative) has not actually happened but if it did happen the ...See More

    • Scott Kenan Maeby Gever: You sound like ME -- and I sound like me because (difficult as this is for some to believe), my mother has been confirmed to be America's TOP NAZI and Dick Cheney's former chief liaison with the last three Popes. And I know MUCH MORE TOO!!! See:

    • Maeby Gever I am definitely intrigued Scott Kenan. You seem to be a very accomplished human with an interesting perspective and a published writer no less. My human handlers have great interest in those areas now that they are both moving into their retirement years. They would love to talk. My human Mom has had many a boss over the years from back in the President Reagan years through the time of the present Black guy in the White House (our hero), down through the chain of command that is. Got to go find that list of America's Top Nazis or should I just turn on the TV during prime time? Is that on Fox?

    • Scott Kenan Well, Ms. Gever, if your handlers have interest in contacting me, they can email me via the address top right on my blog. If there are problems NOT getting a reply from me within 24 hours, then get back to me via Facebook message.
    • I will say that what President Obama likes to SAY is indeed heroic, but what he DOES is often a different thing. The BELIEF of his followers in THE TRUTH of what he likes to SAY, will in the END FORCE GOD (by its own "Law of Its Definition"), to make manifest.
    • We are PAST the point of "No Mo Returnin'", so SUCCESS is ASSURED!!!
    • The only question still unanswered is Mr. Obama actually WITH US or AGIN' us -- nes pas???

    • Scott Kenan As to the other matters in your above comment: Could you please restate your question(s)??? I found it all a bit confusing. Thanks!!!

    I was a little confused in this picture taken in 1978RIGHT AFTER I got out of THE INSTITUTE, the first mental hospital founded in America (by Benjamin Franklin), and then the TOP-RATED mental hospital in the USA, and part of The University of Pennsylvania.
    Here, I am pictured as I looked after my FIRST EVER full month on Lithium -- notice how proud my parents, Ruth Anne (Meyer) and William "Bill" or "Middle-Leg" Kenan are!!!



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