Paul Bott updated his cover photo.
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They STILL are not allowing me to email even a SINGLE FRIEND!!! Here was what I attempted to send:
Now that my blog is in process with the VERY END of my POLITICAL work and I want to create the best WALKING ON GLASS: A MEMOIR OF THE LATER DAYS OF TENNESSEE WILLIAMS possible for Kindle as well as print, the time might be ready for me to own one of these.
Current WOG: .
Given the size of my music collection, the larger memory might be best.
Waddayathink -- should I buy one???
Also, I'm only waiting from my mother to wake up to call her and HEAL all that shit. Cool, no???
Who knew the election of a new Pope would bring even GINGRICH to sanity -- if Piers Morgan's show last night was REAL!!!
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It REALLY IS important to look at ALL sides of every story, and with THAT in mind, I link you to this: .
My only caveat is that we ALL remember the famous words:
"Every Saint has a PAST; every Sinner a FUTURE."
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As expected, she agrees with me about the election of the new Pope, and I reminded her that I can NEVER be a LITERAL Roman Catholic again, due to my belief that Yeshua-bar-Joseph was perhaps the BEST prophet not only for Western Culture -- but perhaps for all. I will NEVER buy the claim of his being the literal "Son of God" or ANYONE's SAVIOR!!!
That said, his TEACHING (if followed), about how to live one's life WILL save you. My ONLY known disagreement with "Jesus" is his INSISTENCE that re-marriage after divorce BEFORE the original spouse dies is a HUGELY GRAVE SIN -- the kind Catholics call MORTAL SIN -- and will keep you from "heaven".
Even most Catholics don't believe this anymore, and I think it is what PROVES MY POINT that Jesus was HUMAN and prone to occasional error.
Additionally, I ACKNOWLEDGED that despite conflicting opinions by doctors, that by medical/scientific standards I really DID show classic symptoms of Bipolar Illness from 1978 - 1992, approximately (until I decided that belief in depression or allowing oneself to remain there was an Act of Hating God, and permanently ESCHEWED it), and although I had responded WELL to Lithium during that time (when I used it), I have finally proved MYSELF right, that Lithium WORSENED THE PROBLEM rather than helped heal ANYTHING (except a drug company's bottom line).
I went on to explain that I had used my faith in my connection to HIGHER MIND to heal myself -- and that judicious, small amounts of marijuana had SPED my recovery, by relaxing me and opening my mind to HEARING "GOD".
I placed MUCH BLAME on my mother's prayer at EVERY MEAL EVER that our family be "blessed with a religious vocation" for my being seized up in this sort of "ersatz-Jesuit" mentality of mine, although I remain catholic rather than Catholic.
It was a PERFECT phone call and I hope to soon heal with my siblings and other close relatives as well.
>>>PS: I hope to email out this blog post soon to my 1,500 top contacts. Right now, I remain BLOCKED to sending ANY emails by NAZI/CIA/Google/Gmail.
Pity (for now)!!!
>>> UPDATE, 8:53 AM, CST: STILL, I am blocked in BOTH NAZI/Gmail accounts from sending an email to even ONE person!!!
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