Wednesday, October 23, 2013

A FINAL WORD for Some Members of my BLOOD FAMILY!!!

The Meyer side of my family (click image to expand) -- taken Summer 2009 at Greg Lernihan's Indiana lake house -- the LAST MEYER REUNION EVER (I bet!!!).
Jan (Meyer) Opperman, now Larsen's (on crutches, above), two children, Ian and Andrea Opperman, had the GOOD SENSE not to attend, like everyone else did.

And that is the famous originator of the OUTER-SPACE ROMANCE genre of fiction (or non-fiction), Susan Grant, who after being the THIRD female to graduate the US Air Force Academy (and working for I placed ads in her POLARIS yearbook), stayed on there for SIX YEARS after graduating to help "CHRISTIANIZE" the Academy for the Nazi Party, USA, but NOW is a FULL PILOT for United Airlines, flying jumbos to Asia from the West Coast.
She's standing in black next to Jan -- the two of them photo-shopped in as Susan took Jan to the Emergency Room after a boating accident.

And Greg Lernihan, founder/owner of , which spies for the NSA/CIA on its clients and others, is also photo-shopped in on far right -- because he took the picture.

Jesus's cross is on the MOON???

>>> A very brief email to my family members

Scott Kenan
1:14 PM (3 minutes ago)
to Jane, kenan5, julie, Connor, Lakehouse5, jmopperman, outobeopp, Andrea, Judith, Wendy, janiceludwig43, Lena, bcc: me, bcc: Scott
Dear Blood Relatives,

I have discovered WHY I have had so much "political difficulty" -- and am now basically PAST ALL OF THAT. But I have NO (specific) IDEA why any of you HATED ME SO MUCH and treated me like SCUM -- especially when I began to tell the truth about my sexuality, but your EXPRESSED HATRED for me GREW, when I began telling about the Swastikas, Daily Beatings, and Mom's GREAT FRIENDSHIPS with people like Coach Lou Holtz (and don't forget: Mom MURDERED Uncle Bob with DOUBLE DOSE LITHIUM on a diagnosis that NO LONGER EXISTS!!! -- with the help of the US Veterans' Hospital in lower Mississippi -- just because BOB WAS GAY, and he ALLOWED JAN TO MARRY A JEW!!!). 

There are TWO PEOPLE I would like to thank for being decent to me: Cousin Janice Ludwig's daughter Lena Ludwig Lapper (with a name like that, perhaps you HAVE to be loving -- LLL!!!), and EARLY ON ONLY, Jan (Meyer) Opperman, Larsen's daughter, Andrea Opperman, who had the SENSE to convert to the Judaism of her father YEARS AGO, now.

Although I GET ALONG GREAT with Mom & Dad now (rather mysteriously, I admit!!!), I do NOT ever expect to talk to any of the rest of you EVER. Your hatred of me has hardened my SHIELD -- but NOT my heart, which has IF ANYTHING grown more tender toward NEARLY EVERYONE ELSE.

But if you DARE TO WATCH IT, this video -- which is NOT STRIDENT, but loving and insightful -- might explain how YOU PEOPLE have hurt me TO MY FAMILY CORE!!!

I honestly hope all of you have a great life -- just keep it and your continuing HATE away from me, please.
Scott David Kenan


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