Words worth TAKING TO HEART, no???
>>> UPDATE: Lee Harvey Oswald's gold wedding ring fetches $118,000 at auction. See: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/10/24/lee-harvey-oswald-gold-wedding-ring-to-be-auctioned/?intcmp=latestnews
ALSO: I cannot find ANY ADVERTISING ON FOX ONLINE AT ALL having looked at SIX main pages on www.foxnews.com!!!
Have Thomas S. Kenan III and his stepmother Betty (both of North Carolina), the TOP SUPPORTERS IN THE PAST via ads for their solely-owned THE BREAKERS HOTEL, Palm Beach, CHANGED THEIR MINDS???
TIME will tell.
>>> This just in from TIME: "On Saturday 26 October, 2013, THE RICH KENANS OF NORTH CAROLINA are BACK advertising on www.foxnews.com LIKE CRAZY!!!"
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>>> LATER-BREAKING @ 1:53 PM, CDT: What's up with NOSEY UKRAINE??? For a WEEK NOW they have been in Mexico/Russia/China Class of HEAVY HITS TO THIS BLOG.
I know they are a GOOD SIZED COUNTRY, but I don't usually think of them as "Internationally ACTIVE", nes pas???
But such a LOCATION -- OY VEY!!!
* * *
>>> WE BEGIN BY HONORING LENA LUDWIG LAPPER, my first cousin once removed, who lives in England with her husband Kevin, on her BIRTHDAY, TODAY:
1. After I posted my "final word" to some of my relatives (http://scottkenan.blogspot.mx/2013/10/a-final-word-for-some-members-of-my.html), and then emailed it to 500, I got a message of SUPPORT from Lena within FIVE MINUTES!!!
And I really DID take all my blood family off my mailing list -- except for Lena and Jan (Meyer) Opperman, Larsen's TWO KIDS, who having JEWISH ROOTS on their Dad's side SHOW MORE PROMISE than any others -- and Andrea Opperman CONFRONTED Patrick Stansbury of www.pentagon-usa.com (my former employer of 18 YEARS), with an email saying she was in NO POSITION to know about the ISSUES, but calling Patrick OUT for BERATING ME as a FAGGOT and ANTI-JESUS, etc.!!!
That was a PERFECT and HONEST strategy (but Andrea has REFUSED to answer my emails and Facebook messages to her since then -- ALTERNATIVE EXPLANATION: The CIA/NSA never let Andrea VIEW my communications).
2. THE POINT of this blog posting is to say that INFECTED BY LENA, I feel I have NO CHOICE but to STOP BULLYING WILMINGTON, NC, my FAMILY MEMBERS, and most everyone else. I'm gonna take a few minutes break, and then tell MORE DETAILS of all of this, but would SOMEONE call Jack Stein and Mayor Bill Saffo (I'm OUT of minutes and too lazy to go to the "sto"),to let them know I will NOT try to resolve things with them BEFORE THE ELECTION (and wait a couple days after it to resume).
ALSO, I will NOT call all around Wilmington "embarrassing the Saffos and others". For one thing, I can't imagine anyone else in Wilmington HANDLING SO MANY COMPLEX ISSUES AS WELL AS BILL SAFFO DOES -- and LOOK what the Republican Party nominated two years ago to run for mayor:
Justin LaNasa, a common TATTOO PARLORIST and bad DRUG ADDICT!!!
And YES, I DO know Justin LaNasa PERSONALLY. I met him in front of the downtown Library when he was installing his sign that was ILLEGALLY HUGE -- which he then and there ADMITTED TO ME he KNEW was illegal. Nothing like electing someone so CROOKED he even breaks laws that he KNEW HE'D GET CAUGHT AT, and indeed, within a couple of days the sign was REMOVED for being illegal.
Of course this is the Library where Wilmington Cops with Sheriff's Deputies FORCED EVAN FISH to jump to his death -- from atop the seven-story parking deck next-door.
Evan Fish
Here is a short VIDEO MEMORIAL posted by his friends in Ohio:
And a few of MY comments:
(His DAD, silly!!!)
* * *
I really DO feel that anyone who SUPPORTED JUSTIN LANASA or VOTED FOR HIM should be incarcerated, but it is the SOUTH and so we have a lot of GOTHIC DRAMA and HUMOR over these things instead.
In one of THREE arrests for marijuana possession in the last ten years, Patrick was charged with "INTENT TO DISTRIBUTE" the last time -- a SERIOUS OFFENSE (although I have NOTHING against marijuana!!!), Patrick Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc., Snellville, GA
And all the things Justin LaNasa did IN CONCERT with Patrick Stansbury of www.pentagon-usa.com to HACK MY COMPUTER, etc., ONLY MADE ME STRONGER.
Han Hills of WILMINGTON WEB helped Patrick and Justin ENORMOUSLY, and even caused me to LOSE my domain for my book: WALKING ON GLASS: A MEMOIR OF THE LATER DAYS OF TENNESSEE WILLIAMS in a very COMPLICATED strategy early in 2011.

And NOW (so Lena can see this before going to bed in England), I'll continue my thoughts in a new posting soon . . .
Truth about religion - check!
Nod to Oswald, who was a patsy - check!
Lots of other cool shizzle - check!
Celebrating my b-day - check!
Hoping things get better and better for you Scott. Have a wonderful day! xoxo
Bug: We shall meet some day (actually, I think we met some years ago when all yer cousins were in Cherrie's back-yard pool) -- BEFORE "the Sweet Bye-and-Bye" -- and have a TON OF FUN (my hands OFF Kevin)!!! Senor o Senorita Scott
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