Artist's rendering of Apple's new Pentagon-sized headquarters, currently under construction in California, not Mississippi.
Is this a particle accelerator -- or a RAT RACE???
wer weiß?
Is this a particle accelerator -- or a RAT RACE???
wer weiß?
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Study: Simon & Garfunkel Tune Eases Chronic Pain
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Scott Kenan
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I have met in physical-person (in 1981 and 82), THREE of the people here-pictured. If YOU have paid ANY ATTENTION TO THIS BLOG, you can tell us WHICH ONES, no???
ADDED on 26 October, 2013: ANSWER is at bottom of this posting!!!
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>>> HINT: I only met TWO of these people "in spirit" in my living room in Stone Mountain, GA in 2009. To find out WHO/WHOM, please see:
>>> ANSWER to "Kennedy riddle" above: Patrick Lawford, the woman in front of the pillar (I met ALL the Kennedy women and several of their spouses -- EXCEPT Matriarch Rose and Rosemary Kennedy), and Jackie Kennedy Onassis.
BOTH Rosemary Kennedy and Rose Williams (Tennessee Williams's sister), had had EARLY pre-frontal lobotomies when "Christian" Mothers got upset at the young ladies BOTH being "sexually precocious" -- and tried to CUT THIS THING out of their HEADS!!!
My OWN mother had me on a FALSE DIAGNOSIS of "Bipolar" for THIRTY YEARS of Lithium that made me "stupider than usual" as well as UNABLE TO CONNECT THE DOTS of events -- therefore I SLUMBERED FOR DECADES as Mom, the THREE NAZI POPES, Dick Cheney, Newt Gingrich, Coach Lou Holtz, and Sean Hannity continued as Mom's TOP DEPUTIES!!!
But I WOKE UP RECENTLY, and while it is TRUE that Edwina (Dakin) Williams, Countess Rose (Fitzgerald) Kennedy (In 1951, Pope Pius XII granted Kennedy the title of countess in recognition of her "exemplary motherhood and many charitable works." ), and Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan can be said to be THREE OF THE BIGGEST GOD-HATING CHRISTIAN BITCHES WHO EVER LIVED, it is ALSO true that the Kennedys, Tennessee Williams (while still alive, and when I worked for him he respected his FATHER TOTALLY, and felt sorry for his sad, pathetic mother -- who died at 99, only one year before I met Tennessee in 1981.
But my point was meant to be THIS: It takes a TOTAL BITCH of a mother to raise children as STALWART REAL PATRIOTS like we all turned out to be.
I publicly THANK:

Countess Rose (Fitzgerald) Kennedy!!!
Edwina (Dakin) Williams!!!
Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan is STILL ALIVE and nearly 91 years old!!!
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