Monday, October 14, 2013


    • Michael Leo Gorecki likes this.
    • Michael Leo Gorecki That was funny!
    • Scott Kenan That's only the HALF OF IT, Mr. Gorecki!!! YOU are lucky NOT TO BE HER SON!!!
    • Michael Leo Gorecki I know that, but the way you put it together made me laugh. I sure as hell am not trying to belittle your experience. You have a gift for wordplay.
    • Scott Kenan Thank you, Michael!!! I pretty much figured as much -- but was FISHIN' FOR A COMPLIMENT. Also: I really AM fishing for a COMPLEMENT -- should you know any REASONABLE, unattached GAY MEN who could stand living in a MEXICAN PARADISE but soon going on world tour (if I can ever get ANYTHING published) -- LOL!!!
    • Michael Leo Gorecki Sorry, Scott. If there are gay men in Chino Valley (reasonable ones, that is) they sure as hell are keeping it a secret. This is a teabagger mecca and I am not exaggerating. My wife and I are trying to get the home spruced up and put it on the marke...See More
    • Scott Kenan My Tennessee Williams memoir that top scholars as well as John Lahr of THE NEW YORKER gave RAVES, but the Sr. V.P. of Wells Fargo who has a house in Puerto Vallarta told me he SAW Pres. Obama in his Chicago GAY BATH HOUSE while a Senator -- and then wh...See More
    • Michael Leo Gorecki Damn! That is so not right! How the hell can sue someone in absentia?
    • Michael Leo Gorecki How the hell can anyone sue someone in absentia?
    • Scott Kenan IT'S Chicago -- and the Rahm Emanuel-Ari Emanuel (his brother the top Hollywood Agent, controlls Los Angeles Drug trafficking in partnership with Bill and Hilary Clinton and Al Gore -- ALL of them in service to Bush/Cheney/CIA/Repubicans and Episcopal ...See More
    • Scott Kenan To answer your question: You live in the NAZI States of America and seem NOT TO KNOW IT!!!
    • Scott Kenan Everyone here in Mexico knows ALL ABOUT how the NAZI Democrat/Republicans (far fewer of the first), took over the USA -- MOSTLY via Barack Obama and his lies and CONSTANT CAVINGS!!!
    • Michael Leo Gorecki I am a bit of a rube, I will admit. Caught up in my own things and just want to push the horrors of the world away. Despite my age, I have little ones at home and, though I know I am being short sighted in doing this, I just want to keep that stuff at bay. They will learn soon enough how rough the world is and I will do my best to equip them for it.
    • Scott Kenan Any attitude that includes NOT being involved in the Community and TAKING STANDS if necessary is THE ATTITUDE that caused the US to become NAZI. Americans will pay SEVERELY!!! But Wilmington, NC is BOTH the richest city in the US per capita -- and the GAYEST, but even the gay bars (two -- there were SIX HUGE ONES all busy, twenty years ago), only have "straight couples" temporarily watching DRAG ACTS!!! The parking lot and locker rooms of Gold's Gym is THE place to find gay sex with husbands -- EVERYONE has to marry there!!! Anyway, I'm fixin' to post this on blog in a minute -- let me know if you want yer name off . . .

Although the Catholic nuns who taught me through 8th grade were generally VERY REASONABLE -- and pointed out that for CATHOLICS, "Creationism" or "Bible-based creation" taking only several thousand years, was a HUGE HERESY to Official Catholic Doctrine -- because it is NOT SCIENTIFIC -- and they taught that the Bible is MOSTLY ALLEGORY!!!
COMMITTING GRIEVOUS MORTAL SINS, Catholic priests and bishops -- CARDINALS, EVEN -- supported and promoted Catholics like Ric/Rick Santorem, when TO REMAIN TRUE TO THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, they should have REFUSED THEM SACRAMENTS until they RECANTED CREATIONISM!!!

The nuns ALSO taught us the TWO GREATEST EVILS, then, in America were MASONS and MASONIC LODGES (Catholics went on PAIN of Mortal Sin!!!), and the W.E.B Du Bois Clubs -- and that adults were going around recruiting young boys by slurring it to just "Da Boys' Club" to trick those who MIGHT join the APPROVED "The Boys Club"s, into JOINING SATAN'S WORKSHOP!!!

(1956 - 1964, my Catholic schools stint)

And ME, often with them.



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