Salvador Fuentes and Luis Melgoza -- two of the TOP CIA Agents in Puerto Vallarta. Sal and his wife -- for the record -- are NOT my blood Kenan cousins, NOR is Salvador Fuentes in ANY WAY connected to my distant cousin Thomas S. Kenan III of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, as he had claimed in 2010.
They are also NOT connected with 60 MINUTES -- as they claimed then too.
>>> MY DAY BEGAN WIERD (but then quickly improved) :
1. After several hours of work on my Windows 7 computer, including "recovery", it's still freezing totally, so CIA must be VERY mad at me.
(This post was first written and posted without images from my iPad mini -- a lot of tap, tap, tappin' of the fingers!!!)
Martin (sometimes "Marco") Jacobo -- who should THIS MONTH get out of jail in Laredo, Texas for ILLEGAL ENTRY (he's in under a FAKE CIA ID), after a one year sentence cut in half for good behavior -- that from Sonny. When he gets out, I hope Sonny makes CLEAR that I do NOT want to see him -- even if his is one of the BIGGEST and MOST ENJOYABLE "Joy Sticks" I have ever known!!!
And if you meet Martin on the street, his accent and appearance will make you think he might be FRENCH!!!
He's not.
"Sonny" is Jimmy Humberto Montano Prieto -- a native of Colombia and CIA Agent in Puerto Vallarta -- recently gone into hiding or moved away.
See more on him halfway down here:
2. I drove by "Sonny's" sales spot in Old Town TWICE, and he seems to have disappeared!!!
3. Less than a minute later, I ran into CIA agent Luis Melgoza -- crossing the street in front of the Saturday Gringo Market, greeted him, and told him I was surprised that US Consular Agent Kelly Trainor de O allows him to remain with so much HEAT in town now AGAINST the US Government narco-traffickers, but he just shrugged.
4. So I told him at least I chased CIA agent Salvador Fuentes (who had faked being my FOURTH cousin when he and CIA Melgoza TRICKED me into believing that their friend had been sent by THOMAS S. KENAN III, and was interviewing me for 60 MINUTES here in 2010), out of town. He muttered some kind of threat and I promised Luis Melgoza I would have him in US Federal Prison soon -- WITH Kelly Trainor!!!
5. Hits from the UK jumped into THREE digits, right after posting the last!!!
6. After the first 10 days of this month, we EXCEEDED 50% of last months hits -- and the last three months showed at least 13% gains over the month before, so the GROWTH OF AUDIENCE is ACCELLERATING.
I thank you ALL!!!

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