Saturday, July 4, 2020

RP: My New Computer Is UP!!! / Aaron Gallimore Has Zoomed Off with Rob McKinney -- into the OUTER LIMITS!!! / And I Feel GRRREEEEEAAAAT!!! !!! !!!


And that, for both Features and Value -- a brand new HP model -- and the NEW ones have the new HP logo:

I can't even begin to say how much easier it was today than five years ago, to set up a new computer!!! And I don't seem to have to transfer any files -- as they are all stored on Microsoft's Cloud that I can access from either computer, although I have them saved on the computer's drive when I downloaded them -- or saved them from Word and other files I've created.

This computer came with a stylus, so when I learn how to USE IT, I can make my OWN memes -- if crudely (my last name).

And I finally signed up for a subscription to Office 365. My Office Professional 2012 is getting a little old.

AFTER Aaron got up this morning and made a bee-line to Rob McKinney's apartment to get high -- and then actually did some clean-up around here to shared spaces, dishes, etc. -- WITHOUT my asking him to -- he asked me to meet his friend Michael who was out on the deck.

WELL, I'm able to search photos, but Windows takes a long time to download the tiny images to search, so this is the closest whose name I could remember to how Michael looks.

He's actually a slender dirty-blond with the most GLORIOUS chest hair that wraps up across his shoulders - but NOT down his back!!! It turns out that he works full-time at the Szechuan restaurant on College Rd., where Aaron last worked, rolls his own cigarettes and takes other economies that I have used to save money when my income was even lower than now.

He's the nicest guy, and totally down-to-earth and practical -- and when he makes a commitment to something, he FOLLOWS THROUGH!!!

But he's a DEVOUT Evangelical son of two Evangelical Ministers who traveled to every continent to spread the word about Jesus -- and he is as committed to Jesus too, as he is to worshiping DONALD TRUMP.

I was SHOCKED that he was so sensible in every other thing we discussed, and asked him if he is such a good student of the New Testament, didn't he SEE one of the many things that prove Jesus was never the "Son of God", but a great Jewish Reformer and the Prophet of Love???

Specifically, that the three books of the New Testament that state where Jesus ascended into an impossible-to-place physical Heaven, state he ascended from ENTIRELY different places: MarkGallileeLukeBethany, and ActsMt Olivet.

And WHERE did all the ZOMBIES GO???

Well, he was actually on the way to work -- via his bicycle -- and had to go, but he's a GREAT INFLUENCE in every other area but Religion and Politics for Aaron, and I let him know he is always welcome to stop by here, whether Aaron is here or not!!!

And then about dinnertime, Aaron was back doing drugs with Rob. I saw them smoking a joint while sitting on the A/C compressors behind the house.

I can't let today go by without posting my favorite Patriotic Image -- although it is from Christmas:


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