Friday, July 10, 2020

RP: Robert James McKinney, JUNIOR -- Just Doesn't GET IT -- so I Write his FATHER, Bob, SENIOR, and Alan KcKinney AGAIN!!! / NO ANSWER from Encore Magazine after EIGHT HOURS -- HA!!!


Or perhaps it is because of THIS -- a Harvard Freshman showing MORE COCK than The Donald EVER HAD!!!

Or, perhaps, it relates to this LETTER I sent Harvard President Lawrence Bacow, recently:

Adele Fleet and her husband Lawrence Bacow, President of Harvard.


>>> ADDED LATER: STRANGELY, when I first emailed this to THE THREE MCKINNEYS plus a number of local Wilmington Law Enforcement Officials and Press as Witnesses -- it immediately came back that the email addresses of BOTH Robert James McKinney -- Jr. & Sr. -- DID NOT EXIST.

I mentioned that when I SUCCESSFULLY sent it Secured Server to Alan McKinney -- and then when I BROADCAST it via email to my List of 150that includes ALL THREE, it went through to ALL OF THEM!!!

This has been my SOLE MESSAGE to Robert "Rob" James McKinney, Jr., of NEXT-DOOR!!!

This will be an OPEN LETTER, written and published on blog -- then emailed and sent to their Secured Server. I HOPE they LIKE IT!!!

Robert James McKinney, Sr., “owner”
Jet Mulch of Wilmington
6138 Carolina Beach Road
Wilmington, NC 28412
Phone: 910-686-5111

Alan McKinney, President
McKinney Landscaping Corporation
20 Morrissey Drive  
Putnam Valley, NY 10579

Cc: Robert James McKinney, Jr.
1210 Spofford Circle, Apt. 1
Wilmington, NC 28403
Cell: (910) 551-8592 Like ALL big Drug Dealers, Rob has FOUR working cell-phones and numbers -- and I know that this one WORKS!!!

Dear McKinneys,

I was CHAGRINED, today, when Aaron Gallimore called me at 1:48 PM -- while I was out shopping Costco and Aldi's, as Aaron had PROMISED he would be up by at least 10:00 AM to accompany me, but had NOT gotten up by 12:30, when I finally LEFT WITHOUT HIM.

Aaron wanted to know if Rob could borrow one of my PANS to cook with, and I CURTLY told Aaron, "NO!!! And Rob McKinney is not allowed to borrow anything of mine EVER -- or to EVER enter my apartment!!!"

 This seemed to AWAKEN Aaron to the HARSH REALITY of his life now, and he quickly replied, "GOD, it is good to hear your voice!!!"

I am not "god" -- that's just an EXPRESSION.

And last night, after I went to bed at 1:00 AM, I was AWAKENED by what sounded like someone was CHOKING Aaron in his bedroom. I sat bolt-upright in bed -- but before I got to a 90 degree-angle, I realized he was just CHOKING on some of Rob's KILLER WEED!!!

BUT, he must have been up ALL NIGHT, perhaps back and forth to Rob's apartment -- doing ADDERALL, again -- or WHATEVER.

Now, as I have TOLD ALL THREE OF YOU at least once in my missives to you -- and BLOGGED about it at least TWICE -- Aaron has AGREED to testify under OATH in COURT, that Rob's Apartment is "full" of empty ADDERALL BOTTLES.

Rob can be as NICE or as NAUGHTY toward Aaron as he wants, but it won't change AARON'S TESTIMONY one BIT.

ALSO, I have a BONE TO PICK with Rob: About two weeks ago, Aaron showed me about a dozen FLEA BITES on one of his calves -- he had just gotten them from being INSIDE Rob's apartment, that I know from EXPERIENCE smells just like a GARBAGE TRUCK (if a little less intense) -- Rob even stores garbage in his OVEN -- why he asked me to bake his full-sized pizza in MY oven three weeks ago. 

So, I will leave the CONTINUING PLATONIC DIVORCE of Aaron and Rob to THEM to work out -- but if I HAVE TO get involved, again, I'm calling in the COPS associated with the NEW Police ChiefDonny Williams -- perhaps you have FINALLY heard of HIM: 


Scott D. Kenan (Don't call me -- ONLY send me emails, if you must.)

certified "NO FLEAS" bed.


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