Sunday, July 26, 2020

RP: Susan Grant "CHRISTIANIZED" the US Air Force Academy Years Ago, and NOW Is a BEST SELLING AUTHOR and "Common-Law" Wife to My Cousin George Meyer / I Wrote Them Today:


George Meyer and Susan Grant at this event:

Susan Grant, Janet "Jan" (Meyer) Opperman, later Larsen, and me at that event.

>>> Hi Susan -- please share this with George and ALL of the Meyers!!!



George Meyer + Susan Grant 
c/o Susan Grant 

July 26, 2020 

Dear George and Susan, 

First of all, I want to be certain Susan understands that I truly respect her commercial success as a Romance book writer. I’ve never known anyone who reads that genre, but you must be a MASTER at it!!! When we met at the Meyer Family Reunion in 2009, I flew up to Chicago to sign the contract for my memoir of working for Tennessee Williams to be published as the featured hard-cover release of thirty books, spring 2010 by Alyson Books, but it was a FRAUD and they never intended to publish my book, but it is now available FREE for anyone to read here:  

And it established me as the authority on the last two years of Tennessee’s life. 

Susan, while you and I probably disagree considerably on Political and Spiritual things, I SALUTE that you did what YOU thought right by “christianizing” the US Air Force Academy, while you remained there for years after you graduated. I have been EXPOSING my Ku Klux Klan loving Kenan Family that put Trump into power and is FAR MORE CORRUPTED than you, the Meyer, or even wealthier Greg Lernihan Family. 

George’s sister Jan always called them “The Stepford Cousins”, and I LOVED driving to the reunion with George and others and them telling me how you all used to run into Kristen’s REAL father in the shopping mall!!! 

Well, my first cousin Graham Harlee Kenan (6’ 8” and eight years older than I -- and his “parents” were 5’ 6” MAX), is my half-brother, which all of my Kenan cousins knew before I did – LOL!!! 

I’ve been blogging for YEARS that Uncle Bob told me TWICE that he’s actually GAY, one of those times was when I met with him while working for Tennessee Williams, and Bob is in my memoir in this chapter: 

Unfortunately, Susan wasn’t part of our Meyer extended family when most of what I have to discuss occurred, but George, did you know Marc LaFont, who still lives at 1330 S. Broadway, Santa Ana, CA – whom I dated from right after Jan and Kim Opperman moved OUT of the Birch Street house where you lived in the garage apartment??? 

Marc was a SPY for my mother, spying on Jan and Kim. He and his brother, Robert A. LaFont, OD:, own a couple of strip malls that I’ve visited in Newport Beach full of Mexican Drug Smugglers and they run their HUGE operation with the Catholic Church – HA!!! 

My parents set up the Christian Drug Mafias of Wilmington, NC and Atlanta, GA on Orders of Pope John-Paul II and with Nixon’s Aide John Ehrlichman, whom I knew well – he also worked with my employer 1990 – 2010, Patrick Lee Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc., of Snellville, GA (my father worked in GA DIRECTLY with Patrick and Ehrlichman for half a year in 1990 setting it up), that distributes all the Hard Drugs flown into Maxwell AFB – from Maine to Florida, including Wilmington and Atlanta, to Christian Clergy and Churches and Politicians of BOTH PARTIES, in Wilmington, that is mostly Democrats. 

My best friend in the Puerto Vallarta Writers Group 2012 - 2015, Stanley Winborne III, whose family had controlled the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, HQ’ed in Wilmington, told me his SON was second in charge of the Hillary Clinton State Department in Afghanistan, charged with loading all the HEROIN onto US Air Force planes for the USA!!! 

Anyway, Aunt Ruth Anne set all of this up – she is SMART as a whip!!! But at 97, is now fading but still drives to Church and Bridge Club, except for the Virus. Just yesterday, Mom REFUSED to give me her email address so I could email the obituary of Dad’s fave niece who was married to Full Air Force Col. Fred Hargett Smith, whose family owned TONS OF LAND and HUNDREDS of African Slaves – just like my Kenan Family that put Trump into power. Fred, in 1978, was the FIRST person high in the Military who told me it is OK TO BE GAY!!! 

And I got the Obit to Mom by emailing it to JANE, who sent it to Mom – LOL!!! 

Today I work with Colin Powell and Lt. Gen. Russel Honore’ (who know my Kenan Family runs all the Hard Drugs – as well as pollute the Earth and Corrupt all Governments via Kenan lifelong employee Rex Tillerson and Exxon-Mobil), I also have been debriefed by top people in the US and Mexican Special Forces who know all about this and that the Episcopal Church, USA is a MAJOR Hard-Drug Trafficker – EVERY Episcopalian I met in Mexico was a DRUG TRAFFICKER – including several Clergy. 

It is a MIRACLE I am alive today and protected by un-corrupted Officers of the FBI, CIA, and DEA. 

Anyway, it is no secret that in grade school George was quite effeminate and spoke with a lisp. That does NOT mean a person is GAY!!! My nephew Connor, in second grade while the teacher had left the classroom, got up in front, Connor’s buddy dropped his pants, and Connor showed the class how to do fellatio!!!  

The teacher walked in on them, FREAKED, locked them in separate broom closets – until she calmed down. She had the parents of both in for a conference, and Mike said they all laughed over an innocent sex-experiment of kids. 

We all LAUGHED FOR YEARS over that cheeky act, but in 2010, after I had AGAIN blogged about it, but Connor’s fiancĂ©'s PARENTS found it, they BROKE OFF Connor’s engagement to a young woman whose parents owned the house next door to President Nixon’s clandestine Gay Lover, Bebe Rebozo’s old house on Key Biscayne, and Mike said he and Gail had been invited down and had sailed on TWO of their yachts, and Mike and Gail were ANGRY AS HELL with me for preventing Connor from marrying into VERY SERIOUS MONEY (Connor was happy about it, though – and I had had NO IDEA Connor was dating anyone or engaged)

Connor STILL isn’t married in his early 30s, but on Facebook, his friends called him “The GAY DARTH VADER”, and when he spent six months with his male buddy in S.E. Asia, they had their photo taken in a couple of “Tunnels of Love”

So, when YOU knew Marc LaFont, did you have sex with him??? He’s not good at it, is quite small, and ONLY likes FROTTAGE!!! 

Today, Marc has had LOTS of facial reconstruction to get a MANLY CHIN, and he beefs up in gyms on steroids and looks like a GAY PIG!!! I’ll include two photos first of Marc in 1994 as he would have looked to you: 

Marc LaFont with his now husband, Jeff Brummet and their "bestie", Stacey!!!

Also, my mother really did murder your father with help of the Veterans Hospital, forcing him to take DOUBLE STRENGTH Lithium Carbonate -- and I have Mom’s handwritten original notes that that causes “Chemically-Induced Diabetes”

She had me on a false Bipolar diagnosis on Lithium, regular strength, for THIRTY-ONE YEARS – a drug so destructive to organs and teeth its use is BANNED in all developed and even most THIRD-WORLD countries for more than a couple of months -- even Mexico

The USA, being a NAZI/Christian country, still allows it for “soft lobotomy”, but my shrink took me off it in early 2009. Three years ago, I was properly diagnosed with COMPLEX PTSD (caused by family and other abuse, not military actions), and only meditation and small amounts of Marijuana help it. 

My current plan – since I hate Biden more than I hated Hillary Clinton – is vote STRAIGHT DEMOCRATIC but for the BRAIN-DEAD Trump for President. THAT would be a FUN OUTCOME, no??? 

Well, ANYWAY, it would be interesting to get the Meyer side of the family together for another reunion – AFTER Covid-19 recedes, no??? 

All Best, 


Cell: (910) 200-XXXX


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