Saturday, July 18, 2020

RP: All That Glitters Is Not GOLD!!! ~ Reflections after the Passing of Rep. John Lewis -- and on Other TOTAL CHRISTIAN HYPOCRITES:


This refers to the HATRED OF BLACK CHRISTIANS who REJECTED BERNIE SANDERS who ALWAYS stood with Dr. King -- to support Hillary Clinton, a MAJOR Hard-Drug Trafficker and actual REPUBLICAN (METHODIST).

Scott Kenan
John Lewis EFFECTIVELY put Donald Trump into POWER -- by supporting Republican Hillary Clinton and getting Blacks to do so as well. 

EVERYONE KNOWS that Hillary Clinton had worked for Barry Goldwater (so REAL Democrats REFUSED to vote for Hillary in 2016), and both Clintons RAN HARD DRUGS with the CIA, Bush and Cheney Families -- and the Episcopal and other Churches -- and my KENAN FAMILY of Chapel Hill!!!

John Lewis DENIED that Bernie Sanders -- who ALWAYS worked with MLK, Jr. -- had marched with him and MLK, Jr. -- and Hillary REFUSED to march over the Edmund Pettus Bridge -- THAT when my Kenan Family DOMINATED Selma, AL Politics

Wilmington Hard-Drug Trafficking and White Supremacist Mayor "Bill" Saffo ALSO is NOT A DEMOCRAT and worked for Barry Goldwater as well!!!

Although there is much that is ADMIRABLE about John Lewis, when Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders were still vying for the Democratic Nomination in 2016, John Lewis DENIED that Bernie Sanders had crossed the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, AL in the original march (even though there is photographic proof of them marching together).

In this LATER MARCH, Hillary Clinton REFUSED to join them.

John Lewis chose to support Hillary Clinton and the Clinton DRUG-TRAFFICKING MACHINE partnered with the Bush, Cheney, and my Kenan Families and run for the GLORY OF JESUS CHRIST their SAVIOR!!! John Lewis is from ATLANTA, the CENTER of Kenan Family Drug Trafficking with Christian Churches, both Black and White.

And I have corresponded with Coretta Scott King, the LONG-SUFFERING CHRISTIAN WIFE of the SERIAL ADULTERER, MLK, Jr. -- and ALL CHRISTIANS APPROVED of Dr. King's shitting on his wife -- like they did for JFK, LBJ, and Barack Obama -- Obama's affairs were all with MEN.

The Dan Kenan House in Selma, AL -- my HYPER-RACIST Kenan Family DOMINATED Selma's Politics at the time of the original march.

Today, I found one Facebook friend who posted a photo of herself and John Lewis with major Democratic Operative Tom Houck, who had been MLK. Jr.'s White-Boy Driver, and gave FBI Director J. Edger Hoover the info he needed to ASSASSINATE Dr. King:

About 2002, a Freedom of Information Act Inquiry revealed that Jeane Dixon -- who had a popular Astrology column -- although she claimed to be DEVOUT ROMAN CATHOLIC which FORBIDS all soothsaying, astrology, and the likes -- had NEVER been an "astrologer", but had been on the PAYROLL of J. Edgar Hoover (ANOTHER devout Roman Catholic and Closet Case HOMO), as a PUBLICIST -- TERRORIZING the families of JFK, RFK, and MLK, Jr. before Hoover MURDERED THEM.

My personal friend Julian Bond (who with his family often ate Sunday Dinner in the Magic Pan restaurant in Cumberland Mall that I managed 1983 - '84), and Tom Houck, whom he CLEARLY did not trust!!!

In late winter, 2010, Tom Houck invited me to TWO Democratic Party parties at Highland Tap at Highland and Virginia Avenues -- the SAME SPACE that when I first moved to Atlanta in 1983, was the Gay S&M Bar, "Texas Drilling Company", where Gary Tucker -- one of the conspirators in the murder of Tennessee Williams with the Episcopal Church, CIA, FBI, and Republican Party -- worked as a D.J.

And THERE, Tom Houck got DRUNK ENOUGH to tell me he had given Hoover that information -- and THEN managed to get my then former Shrink-Nurse, Alexandra Whiddon (then of PACT, Atlanta), to come in and try to talk me INTO going on PSYCH MEDS -- although it was Ms. Whiddon who a year earlier, after attending me for at least eight years, had told me she NEVER saw a sign of Bipolar in me, and TOOK ME OFF Lithium Carbonate and all other drugs. She knew I was nowhere near commitable, so gave up on that and we parted in a friendly way.

How SUPER-CORRUPT Congressman James Clyburn of South Carolina CLINCHED the Dem Primary for Drug-Trafficking, NAZI-CATHOLIC Joe Biden:

And the ONLY ONE in ATLANTA with ANY SENSE AT ALL is my correspondent -- Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms -- who is NOT AFRAID to tell certain BLACK CHRISTIAN MINISTERS to GO TO HELL!!!

INCLUDING UBER-CORRUPTED Dem. US Senate Candidate Rev. Raphael Warnock who PREACHES from Martin Luther King, Jr.'s PULPIT, today!!!

Why I will NEVER, EVER support Stacey Abrams AGAIN!!!

Raphael Warnock


1. Wilmington, North Carolina District Attorney Benjamin R. David -- who STOLE copyright to my memoir of working for Tennessee Williams with help of Dalia Saper (Lawyer and Talking Head on Fox News, Chicago), and Jamie Lee Sutherland (Wells Fargo Advisors Exec in Chicago then), in 2013 -- and NEVER served me LEGALLY, then CONVICTED ME IN ABSENTIA in Cook County Courts -- is AT IT AGAIN, working out of the Kenan Cathedral to WHITE SUPREMACY and HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING for JESUS CHRISTFirst Presbyterian:

Ben David on right with his brother Jon David (D.A. in Brunswick County across the Cape Fear River), and their TOP ALLY, Republican Senator Thom Tillis.

Scott Kenan
Read this CAREFULLY to see what a CORRUPT WHITE SUPREMACIST that DEMOCRATIC District Attorney Benjamin R. David is -- for JESUS CHRIST!!! 

And NEW Wilmington Police Chief Donny Williams -- also is a GOD-HATING CHRISTIAN -- so out of HATE, COOPERATED in this

 Donny Williams can GO TO HELL!!!

Give credit where it is DUE, BUT -- ENOUGH of the CHRISTIAN SHIT!!!

(but I keep finding evidence that City Councilman Kevin Spears REALLY IS stepping into his father's GIANT SHOES!!!)

Until recently, Ben was an ELDER at First Presbyterian, which led by my relative William Rand Kenan, Sr. -- ALSO an Elder there when he led this -- led the 1898 Wilmington Coup d'Etat!!!

2. Last night I got into an INTENSE ARGUMENT with Melissa Hatrack on Facebook, and about a DOZEN of her Facebook Friends, who ALL (except the one Jewish friend), kept DEFENDING the Episcopal Church and the Democratic Party RUNNING HARD DRUGS FOR JESUS!!! 

As you can see, Melissa has a big problem with her EYES!!!:

And our BLOW-BY-BLOW is too long and repetitive to paste it all in here, but here is a bit of it:
Democrats, who should Biden choose as a running mate? 

Kamala Harris
Elizabeth Warren
Michelle Obama
Tammy Duckworth
Stacey Abrams
Val Demings
Hillary Clinton
Gretchen Whitmer
Read the ENTIRE THREAD here: 


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