Wednesday, July 15, 2020

RP: FOUR Cop Cars, an Ambulance, and a FIRE TRUCK Showed Up on Spofford Circle about 4:15 PM -- and at about 6:00 PM, the LAST of Them Left -- WHAT'S Going ON AROUND HERE??? / "Lisa" Gallimore "CALLS"!!!:


Sherry Hall Spivey House across the circle from 1117 Spofford Circle about the time Chad Wagner bought Sherry's place.

Sherry Hall Spivey from WWAY-TV3's broadcast MUG SHOT after her pit bulls mauled a girl who then needed surgery.

I've seen no news media vehicles here -- and I didn't see the fire truck, which Chad Wagner told me about.

>>> I JUST GOT A "CALL" FROM YELITZA "LISA" GALLIMORE, and she's coming over to drop the key and TALK!!! (6:16 PM)

James "Aaron" Gallimore, Jr.

This was all by TEXT:

She has my key and will bring. OK. Then she wants to ask me a question. OK. Did I know I would kick Aaron out (I didn't -- he left on his own -- by surprise to me) when I accepted his rent??? 

I replied "Absolutely not. I hope Aaron is getting some HELP."

From there, she tried to GUILT ME (she's a female Christian), into refunding the balance of rent -- RIGHT NOW -- IMMEDIATELY -- not considering all the the surprising and high out-of-pocket expenses I had due to Aaron's WILD ANTICS while HIGH ON ADDERALL.

We went round and round, and finally, I told her the Police know she has the key, so please properly dispose of it -- and anything else, I prefer we resolve in Court"PERIOD. FULL STOP."

* * *

Well, at one point, I saw a man in a dark suit and tie get out of a WHITE Police car's passenger door -- like a Funeral Director/Coroner, Detective, or perhaps some kind of a Minister -- but THAT is all I know, and the neighborhood is BACK TO NORMAL. 

ESPECIALLY since Lisa Gallimore is NOT LIKELY to show up at my door -- HA!!!


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