Friday, July 24, 2020

RP: "Bishop" Steven Terrell Kenan EXPOSED as Major Hard Drug Trafficker / My NEW Perspective on Teri Motsinger and Benefits Management, Inc. / Wilmington CLOSE to Being "On Fire", AGAIN / Some HUMOR!!!:


Steven Terrell Kenan (center), with his Congregants

>>> Re: Do ANY email addresses work for you??? Fwd: Hi Pastor Steven Kenan -- after my long and "salacious" voicemail I left on your (336) 989-0426, I figured I'd better at least get you a note explaining myself:



Dear Pastor Steven Terrell Kenan and "Lady" Tamara Nicole (Pemberton) Kenan,

At the moment, I am looking at your info here: And I KNOW why my first attempt to email you came back -- YOU had misspelled "journey" in your email address listed on your Facebook Page -- which you would have corrected long ago after getting complaints from anyone trying to email you -- but no one does -- because you are a MAJOR HARD-DRUG-TRAFFICKING operation, hiding up the skirts of JESUS!!!

I see you hail from Wallace, NC, near Kenansville and I bet you're descended from my Kenan Family's slaves (they owned up to 900 at a time). You have NO EDUCATION past high school -- which ALL REAL CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS require -- most require Masters or Doctorate Degrees in Religion and related subjects BEFORE ordination as a minister or priest. And then you got a two-year "Associates Degree" in the Bible in 2015 -- when you started your church nearly 13 years ago. You haven't NAMED which school you got that from -- not even on your LINKED-IN page:

But MOST DAMNING is that you seem to have set up your "church" EXACTLY LIKE New Hanover County Sheriff Ed McMahon's TOP CHRISTIAN Drug Trafficking Partner, Pastor Robert Campbell and his New Beginning Christian MEGA-CHURCH. He has ADVANCED DEGREES in Business -- but NO STUDIES at all in Religion!!! He calls his wife "First Lady Campbell", while you call yours "Lady Kenan" --


I will do EVERYTHING in my power to get you INVESTIGATED (since this is all circumstantial evidence), and charged, tried, and CONVICTED -- like I am Pastor Campbell and Sheriff Ed McMahon.

Yours in Christ Consciousness,

Scott D. Kenan

-----Original Message-----

From: Scott Kenan <>
To: <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Fri, Jul 24, 2020 12:14 am

Subject: Hi Pastor Steven Kenan -- after my long and "salacious" voicemail I left on your (336) 989-0426, I figured I'd better at least get you a note explaining myself:

First of all, an ad for your came up front and center on my Facebook Feed today, and of course I was CURIOUS since we share the same surname, that in the Bible Dictionary means, "The Sadness" (depression) or "Unbridled Greed and Acquisitiveness" -- which perfectly describes my wealthy Kenan relatives. 

So you know, "rkenan" is Randall, one of my WRITING HEROES, who looks just like the cook in an old photo in Liberty Hall in Kenansville, NC, and Randall, like you, is a Christian. He also helped me PROVE that Sewanee (The University of the South) murdered my former boss, Tennessee Williams. Here is Randall's book that FIRST caught my attention:

Here is a NEW HONOR Randall has received, that I just learned about!!! 

sarmstrong (Steve) -- a very nice guy to talk with -- is Chief Assistant to Thomas S. Kenan III, whose boyfriend Curtis "Robby" Anderson, I dated in 1985 in Kenan-built Carolina Apartments in Wilmington while BLUE VELVET was being filmed there. Tom and his immediate family control Exxon-Mobil, Rex Tillerson, Bank of America, Kenan Advantage Group, the Ku Klux Klan, Episcopal Church, entire Republican Party, and Clinton/Biden Democrats and run worldwide Hard-Drug Trafficking with the Bush, Cheney, and Clinton Families, and Barack Obama -- after they blackmailed Obama over his WILD GAY LIFE -- several of my friends have seen Obama and Rahm Emanuel in Gay Bathhouses in Chicago.

Tom's ancestors were the TOP CAUSE of the Wilmington Coup d'Etat of 1898, and more recently are most responsible for putting Donald Trump into the Presidency -- for Jesus, and only Christians keep Trump in office. In 1990, the Catholic nephew of Tom's Uncle Jimmy (James Graham Kenan of Atlanta), Gregg Loomis (famous in his own right), told me the wealthy Kenans only hate Jews more than they hate "niggers" -- and last year, several people I met who know Tom's close family said that is ABSOLUTELY TRUE, still today.

The rest I'm copying are my own siblings, a nephew, and Mr. Jones is a friend from high school.

Anyway, this will tomorrow be published on my blog: Then emailed to my List of 150 Political Contacts.

You can read my own book, starting with Amazon Customer Reviews here -- which is followed by Professional Reviews:

My PUBLIC confession of my Kenan Family's HATE CRIMES FOR JESUS CHRIST, their LORD AND SAVIOR:

And my MOST VIRAL recent posting (I work with Colin Powell and Lt. Gen. Russel Honore')

Tomorrow, I'm writing a LONG LETTER to a CERTIFIED NAZI on my mother's side of the family, George Meyer -- and his common-law wife, Susan Grant, another famous author and ZEALOUS CHRISTIAN!!! my mother was America's TOP CATHOLIC NAZI, until Steve Bannon took over her responsibilities a couple of years ago -- she's now 97, lives alone and drives to Church and Bridge Club -- when the VIRUS isn't chasing her.

Also, the WHITE KENANS are RIDDLED with Homosexual and Bisexual MEN -- but the females tend to be straight and FERTILE!!! I DO have a thing for Brothers -- and it's not just their SIZE -- they are MORE FUN and SENSUAL!!!

I'd LOVE to hear what you and YOUR branch of the Kenan Family has been up to!!!


Scott D. Kenan


  • Lessa Ellis Funny cause there's a lot more white people in this country sooooo it would percentage wise make since for lots more white folks to be pulled over.

  • Bill Wiley Smith Jr. There is no world where we would believe that black drivers just commit twice as many infractions. This is simply the sign of racist cops.

  • Scott Kenan Remember that time Nancy Reagan pulled over a Black Man and took him home for Christmas??? I love ANY EXCUSE to post this photo released by the Reagan White House!!!:

That time I met the Reagans at a White House Party in late 1981:

Scott Kenan

When the GOD-HATING, DRUG-TRAFFICKING Democratic Party that works for the Bush, Cheney, Clinton, Kenan Families partnered with the Christian Churches and Christian CIA tell you what they REALLY ARE -- BELIEVE THEM!!!

Scott Kenan
Special THANKS TO WECT News for publishing MORE DETAILS than any other news source from CNN online (that had this as one of three TOP STORIES last night) to our local and Raleigh papers!!! 

I just hope the cause of death is soon revealed so that the speculation can stop. Wilmington is ALREADY ON FIRE, like the title "Wilmington on Fire" the movie made by my friend Chris Everett. 

And I KEEP getting DEATH THREATS via Facebook, especiallybecause I OPPOSE the Christian Church Drug MAFIAS run by politicians of both parties

My parents set that up in Wilmington, NC and Atlanta, GA. 

I'm so TIRED of Trump supporters who show NAZI flags and KLAN ROBES and JESUS's CROSS on their F.B. pages threatening to murder ME!!! 

They tried, but failed, MANY times -- HA!!!

For the RECORD, when Christian Wilmington Police MURDERED Evan Fish on Sept. 3, 2011, he landed in front of Benefits Management's un-used, south-side FRONT DOOR -- BEFORE B.M. moved into that space!!!

>>> Re: I need a copy of your accounting of my account with Benefits Management going back through October, 2017 

Dear Teri, and I'm copying Jacob and Ben as well,

I came to this realization last night and was so busy with other things that I will soon blog about that were more urgent, was up until after 3:00 AM last night I was so busy, and only NOW catching up my writing. I've discussed this in depth with my mother this morning, and she agrees with me.

I will not now try to figure out your accounting, although I see you sometimes paid my rent on the FIRST of the month, recently, and your format is like a foreign language to me -- it differs from any other accounting system I've ever used, but I know I can get what I need for Charity Care from it, and will do that when I can apply. That $600.00 was always my last desperate fall-back money if I needed it. We set that up in fall of 2015 -- and I've never needed it, in fact nearly always, I FORGOT I had it, and since you moved to paying Gold Walker LATE, she has NOT asked for the extra $50.00/month the Lease says I have to pay.

So, either I need to understand better, or you made an honest mistake, or even if not -- EVERYONE ELSE of the devout Christians who have stolen my money, copyrights, etc., has stolen FAR MORE and with DIRE CONSEQUENCES, my mother and siblings have worked with D.A. Ben David and others to Commit, Kill, Falsely Convict Me, and STEAL ALL OF MY ASSETS -- more than $1,000,000.00, actually.

Also raising two sons this fine and of benefit to the community, you should get TWO GOLD STARS!!! 

YOU and Gold Walker have both served at times as my "Surrogate Mother" during the nine years I was not really on speaking terms with my mother or siblings because of their CRIMES against me that they STILL REFUSE TO EVEN ADMIT -- let alone apologize for (although Mom has apologized vaguely without admitting a single specific).

So, let's just forget about all of this and if I find anything worth looking into when I do that accounting for the Hospital, we can check it out together CIVILLY. Everyone is allowed to make mistakes!!!


Jack Riggs
Twisted logic? Is that it?

Image may contain: 6 people, text
John S. Jenkinson
Trump—Wishing the pedophile queen well!


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