Sunday, July 5, 2020

RP: My Letter Just Emailed to Hugh MacRae III Regarding His and My Ancestors' Leadership in the 1898 Wilmington Coup d'Etat:


Hugh MacRae III

FIRST, the article that inspired me to write:

Cory Withers They should make it historically appropriate and rename the park “The MOMMA Center.”

(Man On Muscular Man Activity Center.)

  • Martha Eason Watson Cory Withers You know, you are right! The police did a lot of surveillance of the bathrooms there, back in the day. It was a busy place back then. The bathrooms near JC Penney at the mall was also just as popular ðŸ¤£ðŸ¤£ðŸ¤£

>>> Regarding our families' leadership in the 1898 Wilmington Insurrection:



Hugh MacRae III
Wilmington, NC 28403

July 5, 2020

Dear Mr. MacRae,

My name is Scott David Kenan. I, like you, had ancestors who led the 1898 Wilmington Coup d’Etat, and you are the first descendant of any of these leaders that I have tried to contact – not counting my wealthy Kenan relatives associated with UNC Chapel Hill and so much more.

THEY tell me that even today, they hate only Jews more than they hate “niggers” – and are PROUD to have been the chief cause of Donald Trump gaining the Presidency. I work with Patriots to expose the Kenan Family Crimes – as well as those of my parents, who set up the Drug Mafias of Wilmington and Atlanta, GA, where I lived the bulk of my adult life – I am now 69, and live only half a mile from you in an apartment on Spofford Circle.

It was not always so. I am the last assistant to Tennessee Williams, so got to know all of JFK’s sisters, their husbands, but especially Jackie Kennedy Onassis, who warned Tennessee at a party we attended on January 11, 1982, that the Episcopal Church/Sewanee, with the Republican Party, and elements of the FBI and CIA, would murder him and then steal his estate from Harvard University for the Episcopal Church – in the Name of Jesus Christ the “god” of all GREED.

Later, I learned that Frank Hawkins Kenan and his brother James Graham Kenan also had a hand in Tennessee’s murder, and one of Tennessee’s closest friends a GOOD Episcopalian, “Texas Kate” (Schweppe) Sharp, Moldawer, and later McNamara grew up in Atlanta, her family best friends with those two Kenans and their families -- how Kate learned to act like the wealthiest woman in the world. Tennessee based the character Babe Foxworth in his last full-length play, In Masks Outrageous and Austere on Kate – and the Black character Mac, on me.

I am mostly a “Euro-Mutt”, but 1/16 Cherokee – and in early 2010, when I first published on my blog that my parents were then America’s Top NAZIS, first told to me in 1990, by two top Jewish business-people in Atlanta, and confirmed many times since then, the Reiner Family of Hollywood made me an “Honorary Jew”. Today, I am a trained Practitioner of Science of Mind (Metaphysics or Spiritual Psychology), and HONOR what Jesus taught us about How to Live.

If you ever looked “Kenan” up in the Bible Dictionary, you know it means either “The Sadness” (depression), or “Unbridled Greed and Acquisitiveness”, which perfectly describes the wealthy Kenans, and their church, the Episcopal Church, USA, that only in late 2018 REMOVED the Seal of the Confederacy window from All Saints Chapel at Sewanee/University of the South:

In my rather shallow research on you, I actually found out more about your Dad, who seemed to be a TRUE Christian “Healing Mind and Heart”, and your near relative, Hugh MacRae Morton – I read the Salt magazine article on him – he really WAS a MOUNTAIN OF A MAN, and living my grade-school years in Louisville, KY, it was then a two-day drive to Wilmington (Dad’s hometown – born in Burgaw), and Wrightsville Beach, and Grandfather Mountain was one of our FAVORITE places to stop, en route.

My own spiritual journey began with devout Catholicism, and my parents raised us with Swastikas on our dinner plates and daily beatings. My parents were friends with MANY top Republicans, including Richard Nixon’s Aide John Ehrlichman, and set up the Christian Drug Mafias of both Wilmington and Atlanta, GA with him, and in Wilmington with Father Robert J. Kus, most recently of St. Mary’s Catholic, whom I forced to FLEE to Honduras two years ago via my Political Blog that now has over 1.8 million hits, and is MOST popular with the Judges, Prosecutors, Lawyers, and others working in the New Hanover County Courthouse.

I met with John Ehrlichman twice in the early 1990s, when my employer then, Patrick Lee Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc., of Snellville, GA (1990 – 2010), worked with him, my parents, Sean Hannity, Newt Gingrich, and others setting up the Atlanta Drug Mafias with the Christian Churches, and then protected by CNN and the Atlanta Journal/Constitution.

My personal friend Lt. Gen. Russel Honore’ knows all about the Kenans running Atlanta’s Drug Mafias with Christian Churches – I can send you his cell-phone number, if you want to ask him about me.

In 2010, my good friend Army Col. Dorothy Newman (retired Chief Protocol Officer to Secretary of State Colin Powell), had to get me to what became nearly five years of Political Exile in Mexico (two events) – after my parents and sisters by direction of Patrick Stansbury and his CIA partners tried to commit me to a Mental Hospital five times in one month and Dorothy Newman said they planned to KILL ME, since they could not commit me, and she and other Patriots got me to Puerto Vallarta – where I was held hostage five times in 2010 by Drug Mafia, many high in the Episcopal Church, USA, associated with the Political Arm of Kenan-controlled Exxon-Mobil, then under the direction of Rex Tillerson – and more directly with the CIA and Hillary Clinton State Department.

You probably know some of this, but my best friend in the Puerto Vallarta Writers Group, Stanley Winborne III, grew up in Wilmington, his family controlled the Atlantic Coast Line railroad, and his Grandmother lived in what is now the Graystone Inn. He told me his SON, Stan IV, was second in charge of the State Department in Afghanistan, and in shipping all of the Heroin back to the USA on Air Force planes, and there, Patrick Stansbury distributed much of it from Maine to Florida, but largely to Clergy and Churches and Politicians of both Parties in Wilmington and Atlanta.

Lee E. Gosney, Jr. -- my father’s BEST FRIEND when this was being set up in 1990 – was who then made the deals in Wilmington.

Well, enough about me – your neighbor District Attorney Benjamin R. David not only convicted me of crimes I never committed in 2011 and ‘12 (all of which he had to ERASE, because Chief Public Defender Jennifer Harjo had heard from Ben’s LEAKING Asst. D.A.s that there was NO EVIDENCE I had ever committed a crime of any kind (although I DO smoke a little Marijuana late at night on my doctors’ orders for tension) – but Ben David partnered with Daliah Saper, a Fox News Chicago Talking Head and Lawyer, and Jamie Lee Sutherland, then an Exec of Wells Fargo Advisors (now with Ameriprise Financial, Chicago), and falsely charged me with LIBEL, never legally served me, then CONVICTED me In Absentia in Cook County Courts.

Jamie was awarded half a million dollars (although all he asked for was $50,000.00 and nothing else), and was also given copyright to my memoir of working for Tennessee Williams,, which Scott Rudin and the Producers of all the Harry Potter films were looking to buy movie rights to -- and it had established me as the authority on the last two years of Tennessee’s life.

At least three times – when we ran into each other in person since I last returned from Political Exile in Mexico, June 2015 – Ben David PROMISED to undo that illegal and unconstitutional Conviction – but he STILL has NOT done so!!!

Well, back to why I’m writing you. I read the article on Facebook of WECT-TV’s covering your meeting with Beth Markesino and Sonya “Patrick” – who usually calls herself Sonya AmenRa, and is completely disrespected by all the Black Leaders I know in NC, including my friend Linda Wilkins-Daniels, the recent, four-year President of the North Carolina African-American Caucus of Democrats. Sonya’s daughter, “Jackie Love”, an obvious CRACK WHORE, and Sonya, “Jackie”, and I have torn into each other on Facebook and via emails.

Major Black Activists I have known or corresponded with include Coretta Scott King and Julian Bond, both of whom I had the HIGHEST respect for – and I have been an NAACP member and worked on Voter Registration Drives in the Black Community of the then (1971), second poorest county in the USA – with Dean Hansell, he and I founded the first Gay Group at Denison University in 1972, Dean went on to co-found GLAAD, be Asst. Atty. Gen. of Illinois, Police Commissioner of Los Angeles, and was appointed Superior Court Justice in the main Courthouse in Los Angeles three years ago by Gov. Brown.

I’m NOT stupid, and have founded very successful businesses, but my parents have DESTROYED my financial life four times now, and I lived under the Fourth Street Bridge (viaduct), Mercy House Homeless Shelter, in hiding in many large bushes in 2011 and 12. I am barely above homeless now, but OK.

Beth Markesino is just GOOFY and somewhat ignorant, but it sounded like the meeting went very well, and it certainly was well-intended.

One of my goals is to FORCE Tom Kenan and his close family to pay for a proper Museum of the 1898 Insurrection – which would also be a GREAT PLACE to put our Confederate Statues. And I completely agree with the Wilmington Star News that Kenan Memorial Fountain should be re-dedicated to William Rand Kenan, Jr., who paid for it – like Kenan Stadium has been re-dedicated now.

And while I think it BEST that the heirs of the Criminals of that Coup d’Etat should be included in discussions of what their ancestors GAVE to the City or the County, neither your nor my opinion should matter (if we disagree) – as we MUST heal our Beloved Country of the HATE of the NAZI and KLAN-LOVING Christians who put Trump into power to destroy the Constitution in the Name of Jesus.

I hope you will share YOUR thoughts with me as well.

I just tried the phone number I found many places on the internet for you and your wife, but it is DISCONNECTED. I am guessing you have gotten a LOT of threatening calls from NAZI or KU KLUX KLAN Christians. I have dealt with that nearly every day of the last ten years, and I am STILL ALIVE and not imprisoned or Nut-House Committed!!!

I will TRY to use your published email address that is verified all over the internet as well, and if it comes back, try to email it to you through the Real Estate Office you are associated with, and in ANY case, I will SNAIL-MAIL it to you, rather than walk the few blocks to hand-deliver it to your house. After trying to email it to you, I will publish it on my blog here, before emailing it out to my 150 Political Contacts, listed here:

All best,

Scott D. Kenan

(910) 200-XXXX (cell)


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