Tuesday, February 7, 2012

TRIUMPH!!! (almost)

I'm using this picture ONLY because I read a great piece on Walt Disney earlier today. Also (sorta), because Michael Eisner, the man who COLOSSAL-IZED Disney was an alumnus and trustee of Denison University for many years (slightly confusing sentence conclusion).


Thank you Joseph. I am again humbled in the Reality of God's Grace, which whatever the conduit (like the surprise of you have been), NEVER fails.

Just before I checked and found this email I saw the news about Proposition 8 in California: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/07/proposition-8-california-same-sex-marriage-ban-ruling_n_1260171.html . The fight is not over, and the good news is that there have been many indications that the Roberts Court has moved away from their Bush-Court Catholic ideology. Let me correct that -- there are PLENTY of fine Catholics. Papist (Illuminati, which I recently blogged about here: http://scottkenan.blogspot.com/2012/01/off-hook-permanently.html and here: http://scottkenan.blogspot.com/2012/01/whats-up-with-all-of-this-time-will.html . No wonder so many Catholic priests get into so much trouble!!!)

Well, the fight goes on, but they will be ENORMOUSLY deflated by this ruling today. In fact my Nazi mother and her Mind-Controlled HATE-BOTS, Jane, Mike, and Julie, WHO SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE ONES WHO SUPPORTED ME WHEN I DID MY DUTY AND BEGAN THIS QUEST TO REVEAL THE CORRUPTION OF THE GREEDY, GOD-HATING FAUX CHRISTIANS -- MOSTLY DRUG-PROFITING REPUBLICANS (legal and illegal) -- chose to work for my mother, whether consciously or not, the hateful, DELIBERATELY CRUEL behavior of ADULTS is not excusable. Not without amends and heart-felt changing of ways -- that can only be seen as PROVEN over a period of time.


There is so much more, but I must send this then post it -- and then see what I am moved to do next . . .

All best,

On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 1:24 PM, Mr. Generosity wrote:

The $$$ paypaled to you are specified as Gifts. I volunteer the money because of your Tennessee Williams book, your blog further proving to me your writing ability, our mutuality in the gay community--and because your life crashed catastrophically but You Did Not Give Up. We have never met or talked on the phone because I want my number to remain very private. Our communication is strictly email. I have declined any contract with you involving your future earnings. I have declined your offer of a painting that you acquired in your prosperous days.

To call my Gifts your "income" is a misuse of the term indeed. The money is at my discretion, and I have promised nothing. It will certainly be under $1100 per month unless I choose to provide an essential such as your new computer or dental procedures. The money will go into your Paypal account, and you will move it into your bank account as you choose.

If any of this negates food stamps, then SKIP THEM.


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