Monday, July 30, 2012

Confronting the GRAND-DADDY of Tennessee Williams Festivals!!!

Hollering from amidst the masses, "Stanley Kowalski" TRIES to get his point across to the leadership of the TENNESSEE WILLIAMS/NEW ORLEANS LITERARY FESTIVAL. See more on them here: .

>>> AS IS SO OFTEN THE CASE: This TOO comes from my Facebook Page:!/scott.kenan

"Think lovely thoughts."

>>> 25 February 2013: Link to "10 Best Cities for Writers" has been REMOVED VOLUNTARILY because CIA/Google/NAZI-Republicans did NOT approve a writer posting such a HORRIBLE THING on his blog. LOL!!!


· · · 14 minutes ago ·

    • Scott Kenan You people had BEST think lovely thoughts since I'm gonna put you ALL IN JAIL soon enough (but not today). See: , and then see my more recent blogposts to see how your organization is CONSCIOUSLY or due to DRUGGED STUPIDITY (especially Paul Willis who gets his drugs from Thomas Keith who works for Sewanee), colluding with the Republican Party, Episcopal Church, and the NAZIs headed in US by my mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan of Raleigh, NC -- verified many times by key Jews in ATLANTA and now Mexican TOP Federal Security to be that as well as Dick Cheney's most important liaison with the Pope in Rome.
    • So either CLEAN UP YOUR ACT IMMEDIATELY, or go to jail soon enough.
    • Alternately, you might take some "nerve pills" and see if that keeps you from your DESERVED CONSEQUENCES when the Law soon catches up to you (or Harvard university sues you -- whichever comes first).

1. Martin is now on a bus en route to Puerto Vallarta and I have called his sister in Los Angeles to let her know all is well. I've ALSO alerted Mexican Intelligence of this so they can GUARD HIS ROUTE HERE if necessary.

2. Having left MULTIPLE VOICEMAIL MESSAGES for Kevin Maurer of the THE WILMINGTON (NC) STAR NEWS and having as yet received NO RESPONSE (since this past Friday), I am planning to TAKE OUT THE STAR NEWS which PROBABLY set Kevin up in this "joke" -- if that is what it soon proves to be.

I have spoken with my attorney, Jennifer Harjo, about this already, and since she is NOT involved in THESE actions of mine, she will relax in Wilmington and LAUGH HER ASS OFF watching "Old Wilmington" fall (HARD!!!).

I'm having a nice, relaxing time in Puerto Vallarta, myself, but remaining close to cell phone and computer to be prepared to receive ALL THE LATEST EVIDENCE OF CRIMES IN AMERICA!!!



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