Famous Renaissance painting by Michelangelo on ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican
-- And Coke (-a-Cola) is still freshly exciting -- and preferred today.
It's the REAL THING, dang it!!!
>>> IN HONOR OF (most of all): of Michelangelo's fabulous and famous painting, and the fact that Kenan Charitable Trusts control The Coca-Cola Company, I have decided to take Michelangelo for my HUSBAND!!! (and I THINK he'll consent -- but we REALLY need to meet first in person).
"How," you ask (aks, etc.), "can I possibly marry an 'old, dead artist' -- long ago turned to bone and ashes???"
"It's easy," I return, "I'm in the HABIT of making delusions flesh."
"The answer, my friend, is in your mirror."
While waiting patiently for my friend to "get it," I rang up someone in Norway, and asked him to photograph some unknown model -- or just regular person -- sitting with a bottle of Coca-Cola, of course.
Now we are waiting to see what he sends back . . . (It is now 4:34 PM -- and I'm HOPING my patience does not wear out.)
At 4:52 (PM EDT), this finally came in -- Mr. Mauel Munoz-Vazques had to leave his Norwegian studio and 'do the deed" in Argentina, using the winner of the Latin Heart of Gold (Oro) Contest:
Well, if I could find this man -- said to be a manly "footballer" (soccer player and aged 42) I know he'd be a KEEPER!!!
>>> DISCLAIMERS: Top image stolen from here: http://www.vazman.net/ilustra.html , apparently of Norway and Argentina. Bottom image by Anónimo.
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