Thom Goolsby, deep in thought . . .
>>> IT IS MORE IMPORTANT to heal our politicians than to JAIL them for their past crimes!!!:
Below is my humble (latest) attempt to persuade Sen. Thom Goolsby (North Carolina Senate, Republican) to WALK WITH GOD in LOVE and PRACTICAL GOOD WILL, rather than with "The Devil", as he has been doing in racist LOCK-STEP now for some time -- spewing lies and disinformation while FURTHER CORRUPTING North Carolina politics . . .
Posting as Scott Kenan (Not you?)
(just posted on Senator Tom Goolsby's website: )

Glad to hear you are putting time into studying the situation before
attempting to act. At first, your criticism of President Obama's plan
WITHOUT a suggested alternative sounded alarming -- like just another
irresponsible Tea Party "Let's Destroy the USA" Bomb -- but now I see
you want to dig deeper, and INDEED, something must be done about this
very real problem, and ALL ideas must be weighed for merit.
But here is a question I have had for a long time: How does Mexico's government guarantee (and follow through by actually doing it) that students who maintain high grades get free education up to and THROUGH advanced university degrees when Mexico is a "Third World Country"? -- and I might add that they have maintained an enviable growing economy through out the continuing worldwide Recession, their tourism industry (reliant on foreigners from suffering countries) being the one segment there that HAS suffered.
In the United States, students come out saddled in debt that NO ONE should have to begin their adult life with. Of course in THIS country -- and especially North Carolina -- my Kenan Family's Charitable Trusts have done much to REDUCE education costs to both students and government.
Perhaps you could talk to the Board at one of the largest and oldest of of the Kenan Charities -- the William R. Kenan, Jr. Charitable Trust, reported to be the 4th largest Charitable Organization in North Carolina and with many, many years of experience partnering with universities, government , and private industry, actually in many areas BEYOND education as well (check out the Kenan Institute Asia, which partners with government in SEVEN countries basically in the Mekong Delta to develop socially responsible, sustainable businesses -- a sort of amends for what our government did to that region during the Vietnam War and a proven antidote to our government's reputation abroad as imperialistic and war-mongering).
They are certain to have MANY PROVEN PRACTICAL IDEAS -- and as you know, the Kenan Family was a PRIME supporter of the Republican Party until the Tea Party Types decided it was in their best interest to destroy education and prevent the non-rich from getting much education.
I'd suggest you contact Dr. Richard Krasno, the Executive Director. He's at the Trust's headquarters in Chapel Hill -- not too far from your Raleigh legislative workplace. See info on Kenan Institute Asia: as well as here: .
Just an idea . . .
Scott Kenan
But here is a question I have had for a long time: How does Mexico's government guarantee (and follow through by actually doing it) that students who maintain high grades get free education up to and THROUGH advanced university degrees when Mexico is a "Third World Country"? -- and I might add that they have maintained an enviable growing economy through out the continuing worldwide Recession, their tourism industry (reliant on foreigners from suffering countries) being the one segment there that HAS suffered.
In the United States, students come out saddled in debt that NO ONE should have to begin their adult life with. Of course in THIS country -- and especially North Carolina -- my Kenan Family's Charitable Trusts have done much to REDUCE education costs to both students and government.
Perhaps you could talk to the Board at one of the largest and oldest of of the Kenan Charities -- the William R. Kenan, Jr. Charitable Trust, reported to be the 4th largest Charitable Organization in North Carolina and with many, many years of experience partnering with universities, government , and private industry, actually in many areas BEYOND education as well (check out the Kenan Institute Asia, which partners with government in SEVEN countries basically in the Mekong Delta to develop socially responsible, sustainable businesses -- a sort of amends for what our government did to that region during the Vietnam War and a proven antidote to our government's reputation abroad as imperialistic and war-mongering).
They are certain to have MANY PROVEN PRACTICAL IDEAS -- and as you know, the Kenan Family was a PRIME supporter of the Republican Party until the Tea Party Types decided it was in their best interest to destroy education and prevent the non-rich from getting much education.
I'd suggest you contact Dr. Richard Krasno, the Executive Director. He's at the Trust's headquarters in Chapel Hill -- not too far from your Raleigh legislative workplace. See info on Kenan Institute Asia:
Just an idea . . .
Scott Kenan
Reply · Like · Unfollow Post · 2 seconds ago
If taxes were PAID on profits hidden by American individuals and corporations in Foreign Banks -- and taxes on the richest Americans were allowed to return to the levels favored by President Ronald Reagan -- our DEBT CRISIS WOULD BE only a photo-op. Shove THAT up your TEA PARTY SPHINCTER and light it!!!
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