Yes, Mr. Backer, because of the FACT that had YOU (ALONE!!! --
Mexican Dr. John Mabrey Crouch recommended by the BUSH-appointee, US
TRAITOR Consular Agent in Nyarit, next to Puerto Vallarta (whom I've
ALREADY given the US State Department the info they need to investigate
her, Sinead O'Day. See: http://scottkenan.blogspot.com/2012/03/in-pursuit-of-friend-in-mexico-email-to.html
). -- OR BETTER, KILLED, and some relatively TINY gifts of cash,
cast-off old household goods, and some "cereal snacks") not helped me
through this last half year of so EXACTLY as you have done, I surely
would have landed in jail, drugged in the back of a mental hospital, or
As you know from my missives and posts, this is NO exaggeration. My parents and siblings are all DEVILS, and I can make excuses for them NO LONGER!!! Jane has a SERIOUS retirement nut hidden away, and she COULD have given me at least a couple of hundred. Mike gave me ONE car payment -- and then PRETENDED Ally Bank would NOT let him make another. NO BANK refuses payments!!! Julie gave me $20 or so.
My parents even -- WITHOUT ASKING ME FIRST TO LEAVE OR EVEN ACTING IN ANY WAY UPSET WITH ME!!! -- had the COPS come and kick me out of their house in mid-December 2010 right after I got back from Mexico SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE MOM DID NOT LIKE THAT I QUESTIONED that an interviewer WHO HAD NO DOCTORATE, before I saw the diagnosing at-least-PhD-or-MD saw me and decided that I was DEFINITELY Bipolar (AFTER Mom and Dad talked to him PRIVATELY -- although as I'm an adult with full rights THEY had NO RIGHT to do that!!! (I'm going to have that agency's credentials REVOKED and possibly put that guy in jail!!!). He was NOT legally allowed to diagnose and I WAS still going to see the diagnosing actual doctor a week later.
By bringing in the cops --which was ENTIRELY unnecessary -- they were setting up the legal situation that if I
returned to their house, I would be ARRESTED (one year expiration, so no
longer in effect).
They need not worry. I will keep these Devils on my email lists, but NOT contact them otherwise -- if I can restrain myself. I do NOT feel this way about Mike's children or my cousins and their issue.
I will take Jane OFF the Disability loop -- that is she asked that she be copied on ALL correspondence I get from Social Security -- and that is now the case. My communication with them is NONE of her business and SHE KNEW that I would think her "innocent", but she has ALWAYS been how Mom gets the info she has needed to harm me.
actually, the better word would be "unmindful". She has NO bad
intentions -- but STUBBORNLY refuses to think about anything she doesn't
want to think about, so is Mom's PERFECT TOOL. FUCK HER if she can't
see what a Devil she has been IN PRACTICAL TERMS.
Well, I'm not going to waste the gas. I'm finding QUALITY people -- and YOU are CHIEF among them. That is why I've named my car (they DO all seem to be female -- with the possible exception of trucks) after your sister, who I've decided for multidimensional reasons is named "Maxine Faulk". and ONE day, she will park in front of www.casavistalosarcos.com , the first house up Avenue Eva Gardner, just above THE NIGHT OF THE IGUANA movie set ruins, the contract for which I secured with memorabilia from the original A HOUSE NOT MEANT TO STAND production in Chicago -- Kathy Griffin, allegedly, living next door!!!
And my Kenan second-cousins once removed who helped connect me with the 60 MINUTES producer living between there and Puerto Vallarta.
You see, all of what we call GOOD and EVIL are connected intricately in subconscious ways that the IGNORANT and GOD-HATING refuse to see through their God-given intuition which ALL of us have. THAT is why so many say certain things that I say they do are "lies" -- but the truth is that they have lied to themselves.
They DO consciously believe that I am crazy and that they have not done these things -- or at least they never had the bad intention and deny how their spreading stories about me has DIRECTLY FED MY ENEMIES. USUALLY, like Jane, they are MIND-CONTROLLED by "nazi-like" DELIBERATE, CONSCIOUS God-haters such as my mother. Jane, again, the PERFECT example.
But, as they say, the ROAD TO HELL is paved with good intentions, and that is LITERALLY true!!!
With the exception of my father -- WHOSE LIFE HAS BEEN A BLACK-MAILED HELL SINCE HE MET MY MOTHER who had Dad's male lover shot in the head and the ONLY choices Dad was given was to marry Mom and turn Catholic -- or go to prison for life for an ugly homo lovers-quarrel murder (The official Police Investigation lists it as a "Russian-Roulette Suicide" -- something Dad has told me MANY times going back as far as I can remember).
Dad has ALWAYS said the Catholic Church is BULL-SHIT going back to my youth, although he doesn't express his opinion on it often.
Anyway, Mom, Jane, Mike, and Julie have not only SCREWED ME (knowingly or not -- I think Julie did it CONSCIOUSLY, like Mom). They need to acknowledge to me how they have harmed me, and then make AMENDS before I can deal with them again. They also need to GET RIGHT WITH GOD and stop living lies. That is why they ARE ALL ALCOHOLICS (although none of them drink still -- except Dad likes to sneak, and I say GOOD FOR HIM!!! -- NONE of them have even BEGUN to make the amends of the 12 Step Program.
I do NOT need an apology, explanation, or anything else from Dad-- I'm ENTIRELY empathetic). Dad is the ONLY one of them who has cheered me on and told me not only that he's PROUD of my fight, but that he loves me and says it with meaning. That he back-slid the last time I spoke with him is completely forgivable -- unless he continues in that HATE MODE.
Well, I was only going to tell you that because you shockingly surprised me with the gift of a car today, she is named Maxine Faulk. In my mind, your sister married a man last-named Faulk, you see, and that's all I'll say about that!!! My computer that you gave me is actually named for Evan Fish. I figure his "ghost" speaks through its keys -- like the ghosts of quite a few others who have gone on.
Time to post this on the blog after combing out any tangles.
Thanks again,
"But...even I know the difference between loving somebody and just going to bed with them. Even I know that." -- Maxine Faulk
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