Bonobos have been 86-ed from North Carolina zoos!!!
Hi Victor,
I hope I added the right "Eddie" to the email list, and this is only going to those you see above. I had added all the cast whose email addresses I could find online -- and two who responded to my friend requests on Facebook. A few cast members have NOT responded to FB "friend" requests, and ONE (at least) REJECTED my friend request. It matters not. In this email, I'm also copying NYC press, Puerto Vallarta press (Banderasnews), and since I CANNOT find Ding Dong David Finkle's contact info (from HUFFPOST). He gave you the WORST review, proving that that SHILL of a news source is REALLY in bed with Republicans now.
Ironically, while Sewanee would like to get as much dough out of the rights as they can, they only authorize productions they figure will make TW's work look BAD, and Sewanee's bosses are the Republican Party so will EVENTUALLY destroy all things that promote truth (especially truth about God and sexuality). They pegged you this way, but I believe they made a HUGE mistake and that you are doing everything practical to present the material in the BEST way (under the circumstances) and continue to groom the production that it is my GREATEST HOPE eventually transfers to Broadway.
"FUCK 'EM if they underestimate you" is MY MOTTO!!!
BTW: Did the Sewanee crowd make it to the opening??? I saw pics of the cast party, but none of them that I know of. They ALL read my blog RELIGIOUSLY (as well as tap my phones and email with the help of Fox News and the Republicans), so they KNOW you know MY POV and it TERRIFIES THEM. HA!!!
I sent HUFFPOST's reviewer, Ding Dong David Finkle a personal message by private Facebook message and then a friend request. He did NOT respond -- and he's BLOCKED me there as his profile does not show up for me any longer. As I've made clear in the past, HuffingtonPost is actually a TROJAN HORSE REPUBLICAN SHILL, enslaved via its months-old ownership by AOL. Arianna Huffington SEEMS to be oblivious to this, while Jimmy Soni is the person apparently in charge of AOL's actual mission -- part of it is to KILL any company controlled by the KENAN CHARITABLE TRUSTS, which support Education, Democracy, and Equal Justice for EVERYONE. He sits on the board at KIE at Duke U. as does Rev. Joseph Harvard, Pastor of First Presbyterian in Durham who REFUSES to help investigate First Prez in Wilmington for hiding Ben David's illegal Drug Operation, so I have to assume the Presbyterian Church is as complicit as the Catholic and Episcopal Churches in NARCO-TRAFFICKING and the campaign for RACIAL PURITY in the US -- but NOT Tennessee Williams' death or the theft of his estate (Catholic Church is not involved in those two either, I don't think).
Jimmy Soni has ALREADY published LIES about Bank of American PROMINENTLY on HuffPost, and I expect he'll be attacking other Kenan-Charity-controlled companies like Exxon-Mobil, Chevron, Coca-Cola, etc. soon. That's OK -- if they tell the truth for a change -- as EVERYONE should have to answer for their mid-deeds. And in general, I really DO like HuffPost.
As usual, I've gotten off track. HA!!!
But I DID want to once again make clear that ONLY YOUR GROUP managed to maneuver the Sewanee minefield and get this play onstage. What failings you might or might not have in the production are secondary to getting this play to where THE PUBLIC can see it FOR THE FIRST TIME. It STILL remains unpublished. I ony wish I could get up to see it, but that is becoming less and less possible (would be nice if someone snuck me a ms copy or video of what you've done (the latter being problematic since you've staged it in 360 degrees, I suppose).
You see, I really DID fire my Public Defender yesterday, and then Gloria Allred said she and her firm are NOT licenced in NC. I will find a GAY RIGHTS GROUP in NC that I'm sure will see that with my extraordinary family connections, press and known people connections, writing skills (and the rave reviews of my book), JUMBO SIZE, etc., that it will be FAR more fun than a BARREL OF SEX-CRAZED BONOBOS to make a high-profile Civil Rights SHOWDOWN in court and press with yours truly, THE WORLDS MOST FEARLESS AND SHAMELESS FAGGOT-FOR-JUSTICE (and Jesus, Allah, Buddha, MIND, nothingness, etc.).
Did I tell you that Wilmington cops (the downtown ones, especially, who are the MOST corrupted), have stopped their FAUX-CHEERFUL greetings, and now avert their faces when we chance to cross paths. They KNOW they will each spend a few years in PRISON once I'm done with them.
Republican State Senator Goolsby, who is a YOYO of FACEBOOK FRIENDSHIP (having now friended and unfriended me TWICE, with another attempt at friendship on my part pending). You see, only RACIST AND HOMOPHOBIC WHITE ASSHOLES post on his page:
, and when one posted PRO the anti-gay amendment that we begin (in
early voting) voting on today here, I -- without mentioning a THING
negative -- said the BEST way to support marriage is to first honor and
And also to remember that Jesus (I didn't even point out he was unmarried and told his closest followers they must leave their wives and girlfriends to follow him -- WHAT'S UP WITH THAT???), promoted the idea of loving others as you love yourself FIRST, and then to . . . OH WAIT!!! I just checked and although he's un-friended me, he left my comment up THIS TIME -- a FIRST!!!:
I hope I added the right "Eddie" to the email list, and this is only going to those you see above. I had added all the cast whose email addresses I could find online -- and two who responded to my friend requests on Facebook. A few cast members have NOT responded to FB "friend" requests, and ONE (at least) REJECTED my friend request. It matters not. In this email, I'm also copying NYC press, Puerto Vallarta press (Banderasnews), and since I CANNOT find Ding Dong David Finkle's contact info (from HUFFPOST). He gave you the WORST review, proving that that SHILL of a news source is REALLY in bed with Republicans now.
Ironically, while Sewanee would like to get as much dough out of the rights as they can, they only authorize productions they figure will make TW's work look BAD, and Sewanee's bosses are the Republican Party so will EVENTUALLY destroy all things that promote truth (especially truth about God and sexuality). They pegged you this way, but I believe they made a HUGE mistake and that you are doing everything practical to present the material in the BEST way (under the circumstances) and continue to groom the production that it is my GREATEST HOPE eventually transfers to Broadway.
"FUCK 'EM if they underestimate you" is MY MOTTO!!!
BTW: Did the Sewanee crowd make it to the opening??? I saw pics of the cast party, but none of them that I know of. They ALL read my blog RELIGIOUSLY (as well as tap my phones and email with the help of Fox News and the Republicans), so they KNOW you know MY POV and it TERRIFIES THEM. HA!!!
I sent HUFFPOST's reviewer, Ding Dong David Finkle a personal message by private Facebook message and then a friend request. He did NOT respond -- and he's BLOCKED me there as his profile does not show up for me any longer. As I've made clear in the past, HuffingtonPost is actually a TROJAN HORSE REPUBLICAN SHILL, enslaved via its months-old ownership by AOL. Arianna Huffington SEEMS to be oblivious to this, while Jimmy Soni is the person apparently in charge of AOL's actual mission -- part of it is to KILL any company controlled by the KENAN CHARITABLE TRUSTS, which support Education, Democracy, and Equal Justice for EVERYONE. He sits on the board at KIE at Duke U. as does Rev. Joseph Harvard, Pastor of First Presbyterian in Durham who REFUSES to help investigate First Prez in Wilmington for hiding Ben David's illegal Drug Operation, so I have to assume the Presbyterian Church is as complicit as the Catholic and Episcopal Churches in NARCO-TRAFFICKING and the campaign for RACIAL PURITY in the US -- but NOT Tennessee Williams' death or the theft of his estate (Catholic Church is not involved in those two either, I don't think).
Jimmy Soni has ALREADY published LIES about Bank of American PROMINENTLY on HuffPost, and I expect he'll be attacking other Kenan-Charity-controlled companies like Exxon-Mobil, Chevron, Coca-Cola, etc. soon. That's OK -- if they tell the truth for a change -- as EVERYONE should have to answer for their mid-deeds. And in general, I really DO like HuffPost.
As usual, I've gotten off track. HA!!!
But I DID want to once again make clear that ONLY YOUR GROUP managed to maneuver the Sewanee minefield and get this play onstage. What failings you might or might not have in the production are secondary to getting this play to where THE PUBLIC can see it FOR THE FIRST TIME. It STILL remains unpublished. I ony wish I could get up to see it, but that is becoming less and less possible (would be nice if someone snuck me a ms copy or video of what you've done (the latter being problematic since you've staged it in 360 degrees, I suppose).
You see, I really DID fire my Public Defender yesterday, and then Gloria Allred said she and her firm are NOT licenced in NC. I will find a GAY RIGHTS GROUP in NC that I'm sure will see that with my extraordinary family connections, press and known people connections, writing skills (and the rave reviews of my book), JUMBO SIZE, etc., that it will be FAR more fun than a BARREL OF SEX-CRAZED BONOBOS to make a high-profile Civil Rights SHOWDOWN in court and press with yours truly, THE WORLDS MOST FEARLESS AND SHAMELESS FAGGOT-FOR-JUSTICE (and Jesus, Allah, Buddha, MIND, nothingness, etc.).
Did I tell you that Wilmington cops (the downtown ones, especially, who are the MOST corrupted), have stopped their FAUX-CHEERFUL greetings, and now avert their faces when we chance to cross paths. They KNOW they will each spend a few years in PRISON once I'm done with them.
Republican State Senator Goolsby, who is a YOYO of FACEBOOK FRIENDSHIP (having now friended and unfriended me TWICE, with another attempt at friendship on my part pending). You see, only RACIST AND HOMOPHOBIC WHITE ASSHOLES post on his page:
And also to remember that Jesus (I didn't even point out he was unmarried and told his closest followers they must leave their wives and girlfriends to follow him -- WHAT'S UP WITH THAT???), promoted the idea of loving others as you love yourself FIRST, and then to . . . OH WAIT!!! I just checked and although he's un-friended me, he left my comment up THIS TIME -- a FIRST!!!: nc-baptist-preacher-speaks-on-r easons-to-vote-to-protect-marr iage-video/
Scott Kenan The best way to protect marriage is to love and honor your own spouse -- and also respect the vows of others. God's people never act in meanness toward others, so make your OWN MARRIAGE a shining example of God's Grace and Love -- and love your neighbor (in appropriate ways, please) -- like you first love and respect yourself and your spouse!!!
Time to go, and I suppose I'll post this on my blog since I've already written it and everything . . .

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