Tuesday, April 24, 2012

EVERYONE Lives the HIGH LIFE in Wilmington, NC!!!

World's Largest Christmas Tree, Wilmington, NC. In Wilmington, Tree Care Professionals tend to be ALL LIT UP!!!

>>> BUT FIRST: My answer to Sharon Malpass, "Managing Member" of the mysterious "Shelton Malpass Tree Care."

I found no info on Sharon's company online EXCEPT: http://www.bizapedia.com/nc/SHELTON-MALPASS-TREE-CARE-LLC.html .

Hi Sharon,

As I have made clear time and time again, NO ONE will be deleted from my list until North Carolina DROPS all false charges against me (which is ALL of them). You can adjust your email program to block my emails.

You idiots elected Ben and Jon David as District Attorneys, Sandra Ray Criner and Jeffrey Noecker as judges, and Thom Goolsby as State Senator -- and MANY of you KNEW all along they direct or protect the heroin and cocaine traffic in this region -- profits going mostly to the Republican Party, and operation hiding behind Rev. Ernie Thompson of First Presbyterian's making Ben David a Deacon -- even after my trying for EIGHT MONTHS to get Ernie to face the TRUTH of the situation, BEFOREHAND!!!

Your corrupted press and cowardly citizens prefer the DRUG ENSLAVEMENT of even their own children to facing the truth, so I am continuing in my efforts to file lawsuits against the City of Wilmington and State of North Carolina. I expect to live elsewhere and travel back here as necessary to meet court obligations and hopefully reap HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS!!!

As to you personally, I don't know a thing -- except that when I worked five weeks for Rusty Hook, Jr. of Arbor Authority Tree Care in Castle Hayne, NC, HE pointed out that nearly ALL landscape companies in the Wilmington area are drug fronts. I see you are listed as "Managing Member at Shelton Malpass Tree Care LLC, although I have no evidence against your firm -- it IS a little SUSPICIOUS!!!

Best regards,

On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 8:17 AM, Sharon Malpass wrote:

Again, I have to email you.  I have pulled up your blog and have search for
an unsubscribe area and can not locate it.  Please if you are going to make
me do the work to take me off your email list, give me the instructions for
an elementary computer user since I am not techno-savvy.  I won't to be
removed ASAP.  Thanks so much!  And I look forward to being able to remove
my email and this be our last correspondence.  I apologize for this
inconvenience but I have never ask or requested to be on your email list.

Thanks again!

(Unsigned -- why do some people not sign their correspondence??? Responsible people who are proud of their endeavors and writing ALWAYS DO!!!)

* * *


Yes, buildings in Puerto Vallarta are often based on designs by M.C. Escher. Traditional ones have narrow and steep flights of stairs that have no railings whatsoever -- even when they rise several floors from the ground. Although PV is not as bad as most places, outdoor electrical connection boxes and such are often unprotected and there are many more risks like a stubborn resistance to repair sidewalks that have been violently uprooted by jungle-tree roots.

The whole country is a mine-field of danger to those from countries that have regulations more protective, yet Mexicans, who must learn at a very early age to respect electricity and to mind where they are going, never seem to have difficulties -- either that or those who survive to grade-school age are "the fittest."

Although drug trash inhabit much of this hotel in Wilmington, my car remains unmolested, and it was NOT attacked in PV before except the one time I found a be-suited man and his bejeweled wife sitting in their brand new Lincoln or Cadillac SUV outside an internet cafe HACKING MY COMPUTER!!!

Naturally, I flew out in a "plussed" condition and confronted them, which caused the BOTH of them (whose appearance was of NU-TRASH Nobility), to get out of their car SCREAMING AT ME, THREATENING VIOLENCE. I managed to lock myself in my car (which drives like a sports car -- my new one being the update of the one I had then), and slipping through several changing lights on the main drag in PV -- as well as weaving skillfully through intense traffic on the eight-lane road that is separated into four channels of two -- all separated by significant medians, I was SHOCKED (in a rather astounded, admiring way) to see that that man drove his tank (almost as tall as me) with the same dexterity I had exhibited and I had NO CHANCE of shaking him from my tail.

A mile or so later, I pulled into the underground parking and stopped right next to the main entrance to a Mexican-owned Wall-Mart clone of a store where I assumed they could not accost me in public. He squealed to a halt blocking my forward movement and he and his wife in their fine regalia got out and, screaming curses, attempted to break through my windshield and side windows by smashing them with full bottles (plastic) and cans -- but to no avail -- this in front of a crowd of about 30 shoppers.

Unable to break through or in any way damage the windows, he then kicked in the side panels of my front doors in his anger and frustration, but for 200 pesos (about $18.50 then), I got a Mexican in that crowd to repair the doors almost perfectly -- he conveniently having basic tools in his car in that lot.

I really wish I had had a camera with me to record the event -- it was a REAL ADRENALINE RAISER!!!

But worry not, I have learned how to communicate now more diplomatically -- and I have laid the groundwork to avoid politics in Mexico entirely. Also, you might recall that Albert Guzman (aka "Baby Azteca"), who had been a top CIA killer to protect the Drug Mafia first in Los Angeles, and then was mysteriously deported with all THREE homicide charges as well as Illegal Entry and Living charges dropped when the CIA sprang him from California Prison and dropped in Puerto Vallarta to do the same work for them there, had been the one who finally told me I was to be murdered one night in the crack house at 1690 Calle Costa Rico run by the man called "Toro".

That night, the residents all served me a ceremonial pre-death dinner of one chicken neck (skin attached to show the HUGE artery they slash to drain a chicken's blood) floating in a bowl of broth. I (by the Grace of God -- or the Devil, who knows???) managed to sneak out before the razor I had been shown already was applied to my own neck.

And then TWO MONTHS later, Albert was arrested after he committed another Drug Gang murder and, according to his brother Martin (with whom I am still in contact, although he lives hundreds of miles away under an assumed name now -- and who is NOT a criminal but fears repercussions for testifying to Police against his brother), Albert was quickly convicted and then lost three appeals and is about to lose his fourth and final appeal.

THIS is the hand of Mexican President Felipe Calderone, who has shown GREAT COURAGE against the drug corruption in Mexico -- really caused by the ENORMOUS DEMAND of American Citizens like those here in Wilmington, NC, not that any of THEM give a rat's ass how their drug appetites fuel Mexican violence!!!

In any case, there are no parking garages in PV to speak of and I wouldn't use one in any case. The apartment building (which is in a section where things are safe), begins with apartments in the basement. Mexican floor numbering starts on the ground with "ground" then our second floor is called the first -- hence the peculiarity. Also, when I called to tell the owner of that first place that I was definitely doing something else, he actually lives a block from where I'm renting and knows the building -- saying MY apartment is the best in that building and it is a VERY GOOD building.

Also, buildings being SOLID masonry, sound does not bleed -- but THAT said, I am not loud except for some movies and then I can wear ear-phones.

So there I will be, but I think I will stay here for a while longer to see what happens in Administrative Court sessions that should be the second week of May -- I need to see if they are yet scheduled. After that are June and July sessions. I've got plenty of Delta Miles to fly back for court -- and STILL must get to finding a Constitutional Lawyer to file my OWN charges against the City and State.

I received the Phaedra DVD yesterday -- thank you!!! -- but events have kept me from viewing it yet. LOL!!!


On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 10:38 PM, my backer wrote:

Seems to me the floors consist of
apts 1 and 2
3 and 4
5 and 6
roof with 9
A five-floor bldg? Consider, a loud audio system may be problematical.

LOUD AUDIO -- the ONLY way to Travel!!!


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