New Hanover County Assistant District Attorney Alex Nicely is looking JUST THAT (as he always does). According to a recent article in the Wilmington Star News,
Alex lives on the island adjacent to the one where Tommy and four other
of my Kenan relatives live somewhat more gatedly -- and part-time.
Perhaps it's the "island living" that keeps Alex so cool and calm -- no
matter WHO flirts with him!!!
1. Probably due to the fact that my counsel doesn't let anyone push her around (especially me) -- which is something I've come to love, and USUALLY, later, respect. But it DIES drive me cRAzY (crazier), and there are TWO SURE-FIRE CURES when I get the crazies: nicotine-smoking and writing/posting/emailing.
Jen is WELL AWARE of this, so I take her lack of calling me after her meeting with Mr. Nicely today as a sign to go ahead and post the emails I sent nearly ENTIRELY behind the scene today.
The ONE press organ I included locally is the WILMINGTON JOURNAL -- the only one I feel can mostly be trusted. The only caveat to that is that serving, primarily, the black community -- and fearing THEIR prejudices (yes, we ALL have them) -- they aren't sure what to make of my homosexuality.
That said, when I first arrived in town, I stopped in their offices and announced my intentions to the Thatches, the Publisher and the CEO. I later stopped in the offices of WHQR but found it in the throws of what I can only call a post-menopausal "art-cozy" -- that is the public space was temporarily possessed by a group of cloying white women of a certain age honoring one of their own -- a published writer -- and the whole canape-ed event was about TEA-PARTY STYLE (substance being entirely AWOL).
THANK GOD WHQR pipes in NPR and other programming of interest -- and are not COMPLETELY driven by local, self-impressed white wimmin. There was not a single Lady present that evening -- and I spoke with each and every one of them!!!
2. On the scene at the Travelodge tonight are Michael Keogh ("Jersey", "Resurrection Bird") -- allegedly. That is, his new "running dog" Scott-the-former-Marine with the diagnosis of schizophrenia with extreme alcoholic features is now in the room (sans his wallet containing $800.00, $180.00, or $120.00 -- and his daughter's picture) which he somehow misplaced (not unlike the third of the cans in his recently-purchased 24-pack of beer, I expect), and then somehow tried to blame ME.
Between that and the fact that he'd also lost Jersey by then, but was pretty sure Jersey was lying face-down in a ditch somewhere (alive), I took my leave, and then saw James (Dickey Bird) enter the property after walking from town or a bus stop, while I ate a small supper at Bojangles across the street. And then when I RETURNED, I heard a Muslim prayer call from the upper balcony of the motel, but as I got closer, saw it was only the same Meth-teethed crack-whore who had been kicked out of the McDonald's just up the street over a year ago for giving a guy a JB on camera in the parking lot, she then being banned for about 12 hours, although after they discovered I knew too much about how they sold Meth out of McDonald's all day and night, banned me (on a trumped-up accusation -- sans police -- of pan-handling) for a year.
A year is passed and I DO go back (occasionally), but the same manager looks like he could blow a gasket every time he notices me there. And I STILL watch them sell Meth (I'm assuming since I've never viewed the actual substance -- just the behavior of the few employees involved).
The most recent Mercy House Resident or Alum to arrive tonight was the homophobe who got me kicked out of the place. Still butt-ugly as ever, and STILL I wonder why it's usually the ugliest ones who think a gay guy would ever covet their sorry ass (or dick). For a scientific explanation see: .
3. Tonight, even though yesterday Jersey (in a time of sobriety) claimed he's working with Ben David to get evidence against me -- which he claimed is WHY the cops got most of his "Open Container" charges dropped (also interesting is that he had tried REPEATEDLY to speak to Asst. D.A. Alex Nicely about making a "deal" and Alex REFUSED to speak with him each time).
4. So enjoy the email chain below which begins with my reply to former Los Angeles Police Commission cum lawyer Dean Hansell, whom I'd known well at Denison University where he and I did social work together and even founded the FIRST Gay Student Group on campus!!!
* * *
Re: Alex: There is NOTHING inappropriate in this email, given your and my current legal positions
12:08 PM (10 hours ago)
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It's been a LONG and sometimes torturous journey, but I have my health, sanity, and sense of humor INTACT. AND I do NOT look or feel my almost 61 years of age.
Best of all, I have THE STORY, and will eventually make a fortune off it. I have not yet heard the results of the meeting today between my counsel (head Public Defender who is wonderful) and the asst. D.A. now given full authority over my cases. My sincere wish is that this is solved locally TODAY, and if NOT TO MY SATISFACTION -- with the emphasis on TODAY -- I will reluctantly press forward exposing all of these criminals at whatever speed "God" allows my Civil Rights cases to move forward.
I'd really prefer to not be in that position and let things slow down a tad and provide much deep background to others in THEIR pursuits along similar lines. I only want my life back.
That said, if called to ACTION, I will proceed fearlessly, aggressively, and with Integrity -- at the greatest possible speed!!!
All best to you in your own cases and life (not that I'm signing off totally here -- LOL!!!), but especially in the pursuit and expression of Love.
On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 11:08 AM, Hansell, Dean wrote:
Scott,This is not my area of expertise but is for Gloria Allred. She can be reached at 323 XXX-XXXX.DeanFrom: Scott Kenan
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2012 5:55 AM
To: Hansell, Dean
Cc: alumni@denison; mrjonathanreiner; cantor; alexander.g.nicely; Jennifer.Harjo; JenHarjo; emily.j.zvejnieks; fay gold (art dealer -- astute readers know who this is)
Subject: Fwd: Alex: There is NOTHING inappropriate in this email, given your and my current legal positionsHi Dean,
I felt I should probably forward this on to you and a few others, and trust you got the message that I left with your admin last Thursday that I would like some quick advice from you whether or not your or someone else in your firm would like to represent me -- should I be forced to go forward suing various government entities for GROSS VIOLATIONS OF MY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS.
I DO believe this could be a VERY high-profile case, and turn the corrupted "Ship of State" on a virtual dime, although as I explain in the below email, it would be better NOT to flirt with the possible violence that the hateful might feel compelled to commit when forced to face the Truth.
As I also mentioned to your admin, certain "Friends of Tennessee Williams" have urged me to contact Gloria Allred's firm, but since you and I once shared a bed chastely for a month in rural Tennessee while doing DCA social work, I believe we share Godly Dreams -- and that coupled with the fact that Jonathan Reiner of the iconic Hollywood Family really DID make me an "HONORARY JEW" right after I first blogged that my parents were first confirmed to the this country's TOP NAZIs two years ago, I would prefer YOU (or someone you recommend) head my Legal Team.
What say you???
All best,
Scott---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Scott Kenan
Date: Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 8:28 AM
Subject: Alex: There is NOTHING inappropriate in this email, given your and my current legal positions
To: "alexander.g.nicely"
Cc: Jennifer.Harjo, JenHarjo, "emily.j.zvejnieks"
Hi Alex,
I am addressing you simply as a person -- and copying Jen as well. I'm sure she'd have a fit if she knew I was doing it, but this email will NOT get into any specifics about my cases (which I've actually put into the public record in my blog in GREAT detail). I am copying Emily because Jen claims she's blocked my emails and perhaps Emily can forward this onto (or better, on to) Jen as my own lawyer ought to know about it. I am also blind-copying my financial backer in NYC.
Later, while writing, I decided to also blind-copy ONE local press organ, several nationally know press and philantropic organizations DIRECTLY connected to my Greater Kenan Family, some near-relatives, and My Beloved.
The only thing I will say about my legal dilemma is that I have never committed a crime in North Carolina and I have the wherewithal to prove this in court, should you or others decide to further waste taxpayers' money -- but WORSE, my, your, and Jennifer's valuable time. I completely salute the good efforts of the Prosecutors who bring actual criminals to Justice, and have every reason to believe you are an honest and honorable man. I will try to resist commenting on the beauty of your physical body, which is an expression of what I would call your spirit. I've actually found the man who is my Soul Mate, so my flirtations are purely complimentary, now, and NOT meant to be ACTUAL flirtations.
Let me correct the first sentence of the previous paragraph. There is the possibility that during the few times I "walked innocently through a cloud of herbal smoke" that I -- in the legal sense -- "possessed an illegal substance." That said, ashes are not acceptable evidence in court that I am aware of, and locating them now would be beyond possible. I doubt residue could be found in my bloodstream at this time. I DO hope I'm amusing you (and any others who read this) and PROMISE I am not going to blog-post this email any time soon.
As I have made clear to my counsel, I would gladly leave Wilmington and North Carolina permanently in exchange for the dropping of all charges against me -- or its equivalent in back-door or unconventional actions that had the same effect. I would NOT consider guilty pleas to Stalking or Cyber-stalking charges, but would entertain a guilty plea on one or both the alleged violations of restraining order -- IF I had no further sentence beyond the two months in aggregate I have been held in jail on the various false charges. That said, BOTH the Restraining Orders were placed against me in ways that would put the judges, Criner and Noecker, OFF the bench, dis-barred, and probably in prison, should any other option be offered.
And this gets to the gist of my appraisal of the overall situation here in Wilmington as relates to what I know and am prepared and ABSOLUTELY determined to do if I am further persecuted (and/or prosecuted): I cannot imagine a more corrupted place on earth -- and seriously doubt there is one. As was reported in the press just yesterday, there are more firearms owned by private citizens in the United States than there are US Citizens -- and I would guess they are mostly held by white-whites who are also alleged heterosexuals determined to defend their hate-based "religions", fake straight pretensions, and position of dominance over not only non-white peoples, but the "dirty" whites (mix-race, Southern Europeans, etc.), "faggots", etc.
I do NOT mean to imply there are not some men who are actually completely "straight" in their orientation -- or that there is anything wrong with that. There just are fewer of them in Wilmington than anywhere else I've lived in my life -- and these liars (who are happy to solicit each other in the parking lot and changing rooms at the huge gym near where I stay -- or if fed a couple of beers and the word "gay" is never mentioned), they will do everything in their power -- including defame, punch, cut, or other-how silence anyone who dares speak the truth about it -- and there-in lies the SECOND source of my difficulties here.
In Wilmington, add to that the pervasive problems with not only alcohol, but legal and illegal drugs, and the corruption or politics, law enforcement, and the courts, and then -- enter me -- we are quite close to a very violent situation that could DWARF the violence of the 1898 Wilmington Insurrection which led DIRECTLY to the Jim Crow Laws which were INSPIRED BY and A RESULT OF that action, the responsibility for which rests SQUARELY on the shoulders of my distant relative Williams R. Kenan SENIOR and the then-Pastor of First Presbyterian Church.
If I am doing ANYTHING in my political fight, it is amends for this most grievous injustice EVER in the United States -- by the blackest sheep of the Kenan Family. That said, Kenans -- particularly my wealthy distant relatives -- have done MORE good for this country and even the world in general, than ANY OTHER INDIVIDUAL OR GROUP, see: as one example, an attempt at amends for what the US Government did in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War. I could ALSO easily prove that the Kenan Family is the GREATEST force behind the so called Arab Spring (and now the American Spring!!!).
If I am forced to go forward proving my innocence, there is MORE than a high likelihood of serious violence in Wilmington by my adversaries -- generally FAKE Republicans, FAKE Christians, and FAKE heterosexuals -- particularly those with very light-colored skin. Therefore, I believe it would be a Patriotic Action for you (I understand you now have full authority over my cases in your role as an Assistant District Attorney), to openly or through "back-door" actions, remove this legal HELL from my shoulders.
If you do NOT, I WILL continue, with the aid of a TOP TIER Civil Rights/Constitutional law firm, to PROVE all my points including my absolute innocence and get a VERY HIGH financial judgement which I will use to reward the native people of Mexico for their loving care of me when I was homeless in Puerto Vallarta. This would be ENTIRELY acceptable to ME -- in fact in some ways PREFERRED -- but I dare say that friends and loved ones of you and other good people would end up harmed in the ensuing violence by those who are not yet prepared to know the TRUTH, and FORCED to face it too quickly will in their drug-addled, racial bigotry, and greed-addicted conditions run the streets openly shooting people who do not look like them or are suspected of not sexually-loving people like they prefer to think they are.
Better to set me free and in return I will leave the area and NOT press cases against the City, City Police, and NC Court System. That said, if others eventually take up the same cause(s), I WILL cooperate with them from a distance, and I will NOT remove anything from my blog (except anything that under the US Constitution is actually illegal -- or to correct my occasional error).
I look forward to hearing the result of your meeting today with my counsel -- and ASSURE YOU that I do NOT take ANYTHING AT ALL personally. I even happen to like and admire Ben David as the good thing about telling the truth is that when I publish everything in my blog in book form, I WILL NOT CHANGE A SINGLE NAME (except some more minor characters who really are not responsible for the IMPORTANT action).
NO ONE can charge me successfully with Libel.
You see, I have compiled one of the most compelling true stories ever told, and I LOVE ALL MY CHARACTERS -- UNCONDITIONALLY!!!
Scott D. Kenan============================================================ ================== Pursuant to U.S. Treasury Department Circular 230, unless we expressly state otherwise, any tax advice contained in this communication (including any attachments) was not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding tax-related penalties or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any matter(s) addressed herein. Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP in London and Paris is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales under number OC355432 with its registered office at 1 Minster Court, Mincing Lane, London EC3R 7YL and is a law firm authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. We use the word "partner" to refer to a member of the LLP, or an employee or consultant who is a lawyer with equivalent standing and qualifications. A list of the members of Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP and of the non-members who are designated as partners is available for inspection at the above address. Further important information about Dewey & LeBoeuf can be found on Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP in Doha is licensed by the Qatar Financial Centre Authority, QFC License Number 00102. Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP in Dubai is licensed by the Dubai Financial Services Authority, DFSA Reference No. F000755. This e-mail message, including attachments, is confidential, is intended only for the named recipient(s) above and may contain information that is privileged, attorney work product, proprietary or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. The unauthorized use, dissemination, distribution or reproduction of this e-mail message, including attachments, is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, or are not an intended recipient, please immediately notify the sender and delete this e-mail message, including attachments, from your computer. Thank you. ============================== ============================== ==================
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